The main focus of the DORII project is on groups of scientific users with experimental equipment and instrumentation that are currently not or only partially integrated in the European e-Infrastructures in which virtual communities share, federate and exploit the collective power of European scientific facilities. At present, following selected scientific areas are represented in the project: The DORII project is supported by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme.
The MNM-Team supports DORII in all Grid and standardization activities. The MNM-Team is the task leader of the dissemination work package.

More information

The official project website is available at


In this project, the MNM-Team cooperates with the following partners:



For further information please contact

Last Change: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 07:32:51 +0100 - Viewed on: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 19:19:59 +0100
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