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- BaBa 98
Rosy Barruffi and Claudio Bartolini.
Information Models for Management: An object-oriented logic-based
In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop of the
OpenView University Assosiation: OVUA'98, Rennes, France, April 1998.
- BaMi 98
Rosy Barruffi and Michela Milano.
Interactive Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Information
Gathering in Planning.
In Henri Prade, editor, 13th European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-98), pages 514-515, Brighton,
UK, August 23-28 1998. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Young Researcher Paper.
- BFA 97
Elisa Bertino, Elena Ferrari, and Vijayalakshmi Atluri.
A Flexible Model Supporting the Specification and Enforcement of
Role-based Authorizations in Workflow Management Systems.
In Proceedings of the Second ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access
Control, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, November 6-7, 1997.
- BLMM 97
Rosy Barruffi, E. Lamma, Michela Milano, and P. Mello.
Application of Planning Techniques for System Configuration Tasks.
In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of the
OpenView University Association, OVUA'97, Madrid, Spain, April 2-4 1997.
- BLMM 98
Rosy Barruffi, E. Lamma, Michela Milano, and P. Mello.
Planning with incomplete and dynamic knowledge via Interactive
Constraint Satisfaction.
In Workshop on Integrated Planning, Scheduling and Execution in
Dynamic and Uncertain Environments, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
PE, USA, June 7-10 1998.
- FeKu 92
David Ferraiolo and Richard Kuhn.
Role-Based Access Control.
In Proceedings of the 15th National Computer
Security Conference, volume 2, pages 554-563, 1992.
- FrKo 98
Svend Frølund and Jari Koistinen.
QML: A Language for Quality of Service Specifiation.
Technical Report HPL-98-10, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto,
- GHW 99
Boris Gruschke, Stephen Heilbronner, and Norbert Wienold.
Managing Groups in Dynamic Networks.
subimitted to IFIP/IEEE Integrated Management (IM'99).
- Goh 97
Cheh Goh.
A Generic Approach to Policy Description in System Management.
In Aruna Seneviratne, Vijay Varadarajan, and Pradeep Ray, editors,
Proceedings of the Eighth IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on
Distributed Systems, Operations & Management (DSOM), pages 1-12, Sydney,
Australia, October 21-23 1997.
- Goh 98
Cheh Goh.
Policy Management Requirements.
In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop of the
OpenView University Assosiation: OVUA'98, Rennes, France, April 1998.
- GuBa 97
Barbara Guttman and Robert Bagwill.
Internet Security Policy: A Technical Guide.
National Institute of Standards and Technologie, U.S. Department of
Commerce, July 1997.
NIST Special Publication 800-XX. Draft. Available from
- Heil 98
Stephen Heilbronner.
Policies in the Management of Nomadic Computing Systems.
In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop of the
OpenView University Assosiation: OVUA'98, Rennes, France, April 1998.
- HoRe 91
P. Holbrook and J. Reynolds.
Site Security Handbook.
RFC 1244, Network Working Group, July 1991.
- Hosm 91
Hilary H. Hosmer.
Metapolicies I.
In ACM SIGSAC Data Management Workshop, San Antonio, TX,
December 1991.
- Hosm 92
Hilary H. Hosmer.
Metapolicies II.
In Proceeding of the 15th National Computer
Security Conference, Baltimore, MD, pages 369-378. United States Government
Printing Office: 1992-625-512:60546, October 1992.
- KKK 96
Thomas Koch, Christoph Krell, and Bernd Krämer.
Policy Definition Language for Automated Management of Distributed
In The Second International Workshop on Systems Management,
Toronto, Canada, June 19-21, 1996. IEEE Computer Society.
- Koch 97
Thomas Koch.
Automated Management of Distributed Systems.
Berichte aus der Informatik. Shaker Verlag, 1997.
Doctoral thesis, FernUniversität Hagen, 1996.
- Krel 95
Christoph Krell.
Policy-basiertes Management von verteilten Systemen.
Diploma thesis, FernUniversität Hagen, 1995.
- Kühn 95a
Winfried E. Kühnhauser.
On Paradigms for Security Policies in Multipolicy Environments.
In Prceedings of the 11th International
Information Security Conference (IFIP/SEC'95), Cape Town, South Africa,
1995. Chapman & Hall.
- Kühn 95b
Winfried E. Kühnhauser.
A Paradigm for User-Defined Security Policies.
In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Symposium on
Reliable Distributed Systems, Bad Neuenahr, Germany, September 1995. IEEE
Computer Society Press.
- KüvKO 95
Winfried E. Kühnhauser and Michael von Kopp Ostrowski.
A Framework to Support Multiple Security Policies.
In Proceedings of the 7th Annual Canadian
Computer Security Symposium, Canadian System Security Centre, Ottawa,
Canada, May 1995. Communications Security Establishment.
- LeMa 97
Ulf Leonhardt and Jeff Magee.
Security Considerations for a Distributed Location Service.
HP Open View university association workshop, Department of
Computing, Imperial College, London, March 21, 1997.
- LMSY 95
Emil C. Lupu, Damian A. Marriott, Morris S. Sloman, and Nicholas Yialelis.
A Policy Based Role Framework for Access Control.
In First ACM/NIST Role Based Access Control Workshop,
Gaithersburg, USA, December 1995.
- LSY 97
Emil C. Lupu, Morris Sloman, and Nicholas Yialelis.
Policy Based Roles for Distributed Systems Security.
In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of the
OpenView University Association, OVUA'97, Madrid, Spain, April 2-4 1997.
- LuSl 97a
Emil C. Lupu and Morris S. Sloman.
Conflict Analysis for Management Policies.
In Aurel A. Lazar, Roberto Saracco, and Rolf Stadler, editors,
Proceedings of the Fifth IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated
Network Management (IM'97), San-Diego, Carlifornia, U.S.A., May 12-16 1997.
Chapman & Hall.
- LuSl 97b
Emil C. Lupu and Morris S. Sloman.
A Policy Based Role Object Model.
In Proceedings of the First International Enterprise Distributed
Object Computering Workshop (EDOC'97), Queensland, Australia, October 24-26
1997. IEEE.
- LuSl 97c
Emil C. Lupu and Morris S. Sloman.
Reconciling Role Based Management and Role Based Access Control.
In Proceedings of the Second ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access
Control, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, November 6-7, 1997.
- LuSl 97d
Emil C. Lupu and Morris S. Sloman.
Towards a Role Based Framework for Distributed Systems Management.
Journal of Network and Systems Management, volume 5(1), 1997.
Plenum Press.
- Marr 97
Damian A. Marriott.
Policy Service for Distributed Systems.
PhD thesis, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine,
London, June 1997.
- MaSl 96
Damian A. Marriott and Morris S. Sloman.
Implementation of a Management Agent for Interpreting Obligation
In Proceedings of the Seventh IFIP/IEEE International Workshop
on Distributed Systems: Operations & Management (DSOM), Scuola Superiore G.
Reiss Romoli (SSGRR), L'Aquila, Italy, October 28-30 1996.
- MoSl 88
Jonathan D. Moffett and Morris S. Sloman.
The Source of Authority for Commercial Acces Control.
IEEE Computer, volume 21(2):59-69, February 1988.
- MoSl 91
Jonathan D. Moffett and Morris S. Sloman.
The Representation of Polices as System Objects.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Organizational Computer
Systems (COCS´91), pages 171-184, Atlanta, Georgia, November 5-8 1991.
- MoSl 93a
Jonathan D. Moffett and Morris S. Sloman.
Policy Conflict Analysis in Distributed System Management.
Journal of Organizational Computing, April 1993.
- MoSl 93b
Jonathan D. Moffett and Morris S. Sloman.
Policy Hierarchies for Distributed Systems Management.
IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Network Management, 11(9), December
- MoSl 93c
Jonathan D. Moffett and Morris S. Sloman.
User and Mechanism Views of Distributed Systems Management.
Distributed Systems Engineering Journal, 1(1):37-47, August
- MSY 95
Damian A. Marriott, Morris S. Sloman, and Nicholas Yialelis.
Management Policy Service for Distributed Systems.
research report DoC 95/10, Department of Computing, Imperial College,
London, United Kingdom, October 1995.
National Institute of Standards and Technology.
An Introdution to Computer Security: The NIST Handbook.
U.S. Department of Commerce.
Special Publication 800-12.
- PCF 91
R. Pethia, S. Crocker, and B. Fraser.
Guidelines for the Secure Operation of the Internet.
RFC 1281, Network Working Group, November 1991.
- Radi 98
Igor Radisic.
Konzeption eines Policy-basierten Konfigurationsmanagements
für nomadische Systeme in Intranet.
Diploma thesis, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, August
- RBP$^$ 91
James Rumbaugh, Michael Blaha, William Premerlani, Frederick Eddy, and William
Object-Oriented Modelling and Design.
Prentice Hall, 1991.
- SCFY 96
Ravi S. Sandhu, Edward J. Coyne, Hal L. Feinstein, and Charles E. Youman.
Role-Based Access Control Models.
IEEE Computer, volume 29(2):38-47, February 1996.
- Schi 98
Christian Schiller.
Eignung von JMAPI für das integrierte Management.
Dipolma thesis, Technische Universität München, August 1998.
- SlLu 98
Morris Sloman and Emil Lupu.
Policy Work at Imperial College.
Department of Computing, Imperial College London, 1998.
- Slom 94a
Morris Sloman, editor.
Network and Distributed Systems Management.
Addison-Wesly Publishing Company, 1994.
- Slom 94b
Morris Sloman.
Policy Driven Management for Distributed Systems.
Journal of Network and Systems Management, 2(4), 1994.
Plenum Press.
- Stan 95
British Standard.
BS 7799: Information security management.
Part 1. Code of practice for information security management systems,
- Stan 98
British Standard.
BS 7799: Information security management.
Part 2. Specification for information security management systems,
- Vis 97a
VisiBroker for Java: Programmer's Guide, September 1997.
Version 3.0, Part number: 211-357-00000-1.
- Vis 97b
VisiBroker: Naming and Event Services Programmer's Guide,
September 1997.
Version 3.0, Part number: 211-315-00000-1.
- Wies 95
René Wies.
Policies in Integrated Network and Systems Management:
Methodologies for the Definition, Transformation, and Application of
Management Policies.
Doctoral thesis, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, 1995.
- WMS 97
René Wies, Maria-Athina Mountzia, and Philip Steenekamp.
A Practical Approach Towards a Distributed and Flexible Realization
of Policies Using Intelligent Agents.
In Aruna Seneviratne, Vijay Varadarajan, and Pradeep Ray, editors,
Proceedings of the Eighth IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on
Distributed Systems, Operations & Management, pages 292-308, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA, October 21-23 1997.
- Wood 97
Charles Cresson Wood.
Information Security Policies Made Easy.
Baseline Software, Inc, Post Office Box 1219, Sausalito, Carlifornia
94966-1219 USA, 1997.
Version 6.
Copyright Munich Network Management Team