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Repository Info

The information about the address of the available repositories must be managed by the mobile code. The adaptation framework provides a class Info, which saves the information about available repositories. An object of Info is initialized by the central repository and is moved along with the mobile code. After the arrival on a host the Info objects check whether the repository which was used on the last host, or any other known repository is in the neighborhood of the current host. If no repository can be found in the current neighborhood the Info objects starts a separate repository proxy thread. The address of the current usable repository is published by the Info object as Java properties. The Java properties can be read by the adaptation mechanism of the mobile code.

For the prototype the neighborhood (s. section [*]) is defined in a configuration file. A list of hosts separated by line-feed forms a neighborhood. A new list is separated from the former by an empty line. This configurable definition of neighborhoods simplifies the implementation of the prototype but also offers a flexible way to configure different scenarios independently of the actual network configuration.

The repository is the one edge of the adaptation framework in opposite to the adaptors which are strongly integrated into the mobile code.

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