Design and implementation
of a generic quality of
service measurement and
monitoring architecture
Cécile Neu
¯Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerd Hegering Betreuer: Markus Garschhammer Bernhard Kempter Abgabetermin: 01.11.2002 |
Design and implementation
of a generic quality of
service measurement and
monitoring architecture
Cécile Neu
¯Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerd Hegering Betreuer: Markus Garschhammer Bernhard Kempter Abgabetermin: 01.11.2002 |
Hiermit versichere ich, dass ich die vorliegende Diplomarbeit
selbständig verfasst und keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen
und Hilfsmittel verwendet habe.
München, den 31.10.2002
Durch die Dienstorientiertheit heutiger IT-Infrastrukturen ist ein Bedarf nach
vorhersehbarer und berechenbarer Dienstgüte entstanden. Während
jedoch die heutigen praktische Ansätze zur Überwachung und Messung von
Dienstgüte sehr technologiespezifisch sind, fordert die Heterogenität
moderner Netzwerke einen generischen Ansatz. Moderne Dienstgütearchitekturen
wie das ISO Quality of Service Framework behandeln die Frage
der Dienstgütemessung jedoch nur sehr abstrakt und überlassen
die Entscheidung über detaillierte Spezifikation und Implementierung
den Benutzergemeinden.
Diese Arbeit stellt eine generische Architektur zur Messung und Überwachung
von Dienstgüte vor. Das generische Konzept von Event Streams wird eingeführt,
um die Interaktion am Dienstzugangspunkt zu modellieren. Ableitungen einer
abstrakten Event-Oberklasse werden dazu verwendet, protokollspezifische
Event Streams zu beschreiben.
Auf Grundlage des ISO Quality of Service Framework wird eine vereinigte
Sicht auf Dienstgüte erarbeitet. Dabei wird Dienstgüte mit Hilfe
von vier generischen Basisdimensionen modelliert. Durch eine geeignete
Abbildung dieser Basisdimensionen auf protokollspezifische Messwerte
kann diese Architektur an jede Art von Protokoll adaptiert werden.
Die Basisdimensionen werden durch Event-Korrelation bestimmt.
Event-Korrelation definiert eine Abbildung zwischen zwei oder mehreren
Event Streams auf Grundlage einer wohldefinierten Beziehung zwischen
Events - zum Beispiel einer Identitätsbeziehung, wenn zwei
Mitschnitte des selben Datenstroms korreliert werden.
Das Framework besteht aus drei konzeptuellen Blöcken: dem
Datenkollektor, der einen Datenstrom mitschneidet und daraus einen
entsprechenden Event Stream generiert, dem Datenkorrelator, der
eine beliebige Anzahl von Event Streams korreliert und
dem Datenanalysator, der eine statistische Analyse auf den korrelierten
Event Streams durchführt und die QoS Basisdimensionen ausgibt.
Zudem wird das Konzept des Messkontextes eingeführt, um die Umstände
zu modellieren und zu erhalten unter denen die Messung und Analyse
durchgeführt werden. Kontext kann an jedem Punkt des Mess- und
Analysevorganges gemessen werden und wird bis zum Datenanalysator
propagiert, um dem Endbenutzer die Kontextinformation zur Verfügung
zu stellen. Mittels eines Mechanismus namens Kontext-Backpropagation
kann der Endbenutzer wiederum die Datenkollektion oder Korrelation
Um zu veranschaulichen wie die Konzepte der Architektur in Software
umgesetzt werden können, wird eine prototypische Implementierung
vorgestellt. Diese Implementierung
unterstützt eine repräsentative Auswahl an Event Typen für TCP/IP-Netze und
hat ein benutzerfreundliches graphisches Interface.
In today's connected world, the concept of service quality has gained
an importance never seen before. With the emergence of multimedia
applications with high demands to network performance and the widespread
use of networks and networked applications in business context, a demand
for predictable and accountable service quality has arisen.
To this end, service level agreements between service providers and
customers specify the service quality level expected by the
customer and should be reliably provided. With the shift from network
management to service management (see [33]), the handling of
quality of service has become one of the foremost topics an integrated
management has to face. To ensure the enforcement of SLAs, a detailed
specification and later, a constant monitoring of quality of service is needed.
Today, the monitoring of service quality is often done implicitly using heterogeneous methods and gathering the relevant data from a multitude of different sources: traffic statistics can be gathered via SNMP, tools like Netsaint ([1]) give information about service availability etc. Analyzing the collected data and estimating the level of compliancy with the SLAs remains a human activity. The heterogeneity of both the underlying network technologies and the tools used for network management further complicate this process.
Considering the importance of QoS management, it is surprising that no unified QoS measurement architecture has emerged. The approaches so far have been either very abstract, mentioning the problem but leaving the details of the implementation to the end user, or too specific to be of use outside a very narrow range of application. The International Standards Organization QoS standard X.641 ([35]) identifies QoS monitoring as a mechanism of QoS management, but fails to specify a framework for QoS monitoring. On the other hand, the IP performance metric RFCs (RFC2330, [47]) give a very detailed discussion of the implementation of a performance metric for IP networks, but lack the background of a QoS architecture.
This thesis proposes a generic framework for the measurement of quality of service, providing a unified view on QoS and ensuring the comparability of service quality regardless of the technical details of the underlying network. The framework proposal will be concluded by an implementation of this framework for packet-switched networks as a proof-of-concept and in order to verify some of the assumptions made during this work.
Using a unified view on QoS lays the
groundwork to developing a generic QoS measurement architecture, as the concepts used
are not inherently limited to one networking technology, and thus the heterogeneity of
today's networks can be adequately reflected. Furthermore, this raises the point
of comparability: can a representation of service quality found such that the results
permit not only a qualitative comparison but also a quantitative assessment of the
relative performance of different network technologies. Finally, a generic measurement
architecture is very adaptive and can easily accommodate emerging new technologies
without needing a fundamental revision.
First, an overview of the most common definitions of QoS will be given in chapter 2. The QoS definition used in this thesis will be heavily based on the definition given in the ISO QoS standard, but it is important to see the heterogeneity present in this field to better contextualise this work. A representative choice of works on the subject of QoS measurement and monitoring, both from the academic and the industry world, is then presented and discussed. After this summary of the current state of the art, a list of requirements for the QoS measurement framework is formulated.
Chapter 3 presents the QoS measurement architecture. To achieve a high level of generality but keep the implementation easy, the concept of events is introduced to model network activity. While the processing of events is inherently protocol- and network-specific, the methods used remain generic, hiding the underlying heterogeneity from the architectural framework. The partitioning of the framework into three main aspects - event collection, event correlation and event analysis - further sustains this modular approach. Finally, the rules used in those steps are not hard-coded in the framework, but implementation-specific, preserving the generality of the approach.
After the presentation of the UML implementation model in chapter 4,
chapter 5 discusses the technical details of the implementation: what
kind of experimental setups can be used with this measurement architecture, what
technical and methodical problems are likely to be encountered and how should they be
Chapter 6 presents the final proof-of-concept implementation which can be used
to measure the QoS of ICMP and TCP traffic in IP networks and discusses the code in
more detail. Finally, chapter shows some experimental results gained with this
In the last years, numerous quality of service frameworks targeting
different application fields - from generic QoS architecture proposals
to very technical frameworks - have evolved. In this chapter,
a broad overview of the state of the art regarding quality of service
framework will be given and the respective definitions of QoS, focusing on their
relevance for this work given. In the second section, a few
representative approaches to the problem of quantifying and measuring
quality of service will be presented, and their advantages and drawbacks discussed. Finally, I will
attempt to show why a more generic and unified approach to QoS measurement
is needed, and list the requirements such an approach has to fulfill.
A discussion of QoS frameworks can also be found in [15].
One of the fundamental works in this area is the QoS framework
that was proposed by the International Standards Organization
([35]). This framework, built on the concepts of the Open System
Interconnection management framework, defines the architectural
principles, concepts and structures underlying the provision of quality
of service in OSI networks. It provides a conceptual and functional framework
only and is not 1 as an implementation specification.
In this framework, the concept of service is to be understood in a very broad
sense as the interaction between entities and the provision of functions by entities,
objects and applications. The model considers two classes of entities responsible
for the management of QoS: the system QoS entities, which monitor and control
the performance of the global system by interacting with specific layer QoS
entities; and the layer QoS entities, which implement direct control of
protocol entities and are responsible for negotiating service quality with
inferior layer and exchanging information between layers.
Quality of service is characterized by a few key concepts. The QoS characteristics
designate any aspect of system QoS which can be identified and quantified. This
models the actual behavior of a system, not the result of a measurement. QoS
categories are a policy leading to the choice of a particular set of QoS characteristics
for the implementation of different QoS requirements targeting different user groups.
Examples of QoS categories would be: security, ease of use, flexibility / extensibility etc.
The user requirements are expressed as a set of QoS requirements, which can consist
of QoS parameters ( the requirements between entities) or QoS context
(modeling the requirements within one entity). Those requirements are then realized
by QoS mechanisms or management functions: for instance, establishing QoS for a
set of QoS characteristics or maintaining actual QoS as close as possible to target QoS.
While the standard presents a set of QoS characteristics of general importance, it
leaves the selection of a suitable subset of characteristics for actual measurement
and monitoring of QoS to the user communities. Also, the set of characteristics
presented is not exhaustive, and leaves open a wide range of further
specialization for many characteristics. From the ISO QoS standard ([35]):
The concept of quality of service used in ATM networks corresponds to the ITU-T
(International Telecommunication Union)
Recommendation I.350 [34] 1 QoS and network performance
in digital networks.
Starting from the definition of QoS as the degree of satisfaction experienced by
the service user, quality of service is then characterized as service support,
service operability and service integrity performance. A clear distinction is
made between quality of service and network performance: while the first is
a user-oriented service attribute, focusing on user-observable effects, the
latter is defined as a provider oriented, connection element attribute, focusing
on planing, development, operation and maintenance of a network. More importantly,
network performance is defined as an end-to-end characteristic of the network, while
quality of service is to be observed between service access points.
Based on this recommendation, the ATM Forum has defined a set of cell transfer
performance parameters which serve as a basis for measuring the QoS provided
by the network. User quality expectations are matched to four service classes,
which have been defined on the basis of three type of requirements: the need
for ß between the sender and the receiver, constant or
variable bit rate and connection-oriented or connectionless transfer.
The AAL (ATM adaption layer) then matches the service class requirements onto
the ATM layer, where service quality is measured using parameters such as
cell error ratio, cell loss ratio, cell transfer delay etc. (see [10]).
This QoS framework is quite interesting because it begins with a user-centric
concept of service quality and provides a mapping onto network-centric
performance parameters. The obvious drawback is that this approach is only
valid for ATM networks and was not conceived with a more abstract and generic
framework in mind. While the parameter mapping might provide some interesting
insights for the implementation part of this thesis, the QoS framework is of
no direct concern.
Traditionally, traffic in IP networks only had one type of service quality
class available: that of point-to-point, best effort delivery. Traffic is
processed as quickly as
possible, but there are no guarantees as to actual delivery, available
bandwidth or timeliness. Even though the IPv4 standard envisioned
different IP precedence classes using the TOS (type of service) header
field (see [9]),
this never found widespread acceptance. In the last years, two new
developments in the field of IP QoS - Integrated Services and Differentiated
Services - have succeeded into bringing differentiated service classes to
IP networks. Both the intserv and the diffserv
approach, as well as the IETF QoS manager will now be presented and evaluated.
The integrated services model, as specified by the IETF intserv working
group in [13], provides mechanisms for resource reservation
and admission control. By reserving bandwidth and router resources
along the communication path using the RSVP protocol ([12]),
applications can request a specific QoS which is then provided to the packet stream.
So far, two service quality classes have been defined: controlled load,
targeted towards application requiring reliable and enhanced best effort
delivery, and guaranteed service for application requiring fixed delay
bounds. No framework for the implementation of those service quality
classes is provided.
The differentiated services model, as specified in [45] and [11],
uses the TOS header field as DS field and a set of per-hop-behaviors to realize
different traffic classes. In IPv6, the corresponding header field used is the
traffic class field. Diffserv is significantly different from the intserv model.
As the classification, marking and policing of packets is only necessary at the
boundary of networks, the ISP core routers need not implement as much functionality
as RSVP-enabled routers. Thus, the implementation and deployment of differentiated
services is easier. Furthermore, while intserv works on network layer 4, diffserv
acts on network layer 3.
In [20], an early work on an IETF QoS manager for the integrated
services protocol suite is presented. The QoS manager is an abstract management
layer separating the core QoS semantics from the details of the implementation,
thus enabling applications to negotiate QoS requirements without knowing the
details of any specific network service. This interesting approach seems
not to have been developed any further and thus will not be discussed here.
The quality of services concepts used by the integrated services model
are very simple and network-centric. From [13]:
The emphasis lies on real-time QoS, characterized by end-to-end packet
delay and controlled link sharing.
The differentiated services model uses a flexible
definition of quality of service (see [11]):
The network traffic is then classified according to rules defined
in the TCA (traffic conditioning agreement,
which ßpecifies the forwarding service a customer should receive",
[30]). Still, both approaches
lack the back-up of a larger QoS framework. Both QoS definitions
apply only to packet switched networks, and while the diffserv
approach is more flexible it still leaves the definition of what
can actually be conceived as the QoS of traffic to the TCA.
The TINA (Telecommunication Information Networking Architecture) consortium, formed
by network operators, telecommunication equipment suppliers and computer suppliers
was working on the definition of a software architecture to support flexible
introduction and integrated management of new services in the telecommunication
area. As of 31.12.2000, work on TINA-C has ceased.
It is still discussed here as the software architecture proposed features
an interesting approach to the description of service quality. A
more in-depth description of the TINA-C architecture can be found
in [27] and on the TINA-C web site ([2]).
The service concept used here is very broad and covers both the traditional
concept of telecommunication services (services provided by
network operators etc. to customers) and management services (needed
for the operation and administration of telecommunication services or
The TINA-C software architecture aims to be independent of
underlying technical aspects of the network as well as interoperable across
different network domains. It is divided in four technical areas:
Computing Architecture, Management Architecture, Service Architecture
and Network Architecture. Quality of service is defined 2 the
context of the Computing Architecture, which provides a set of modeling
concepts as a basis for the interoperability of telecommunication
Using the Object Definition Language, an extension of
the Object Management Group Interface Definition Language, quality
of service is defined as an object attribute of operations and stream flows
to specify non-functional aspects.
The goal here is to provide QoS transparency: applications do not
have to deal with complex resource management mechanisms, as these
are not handled by the application layer.
From [50]:
The TINA-C architecture only provides the concepts necessary to associate
quality of service statements with operations and flows. What it does
not provide are the semantics of those specifications. I.e., if the
service attribute "bandwidth" is assigned the value "2 Mbits", this
does state whether the value should be interpreted as a mandatory
capability, a mean value to be expected, or the maximum bandwidth
capability of the interface.
The relevance of these QoS
architectures for this thesis will now be evaluated and discussed. A generic and technology-unspecific QoS definition
is essential, as the aim of this thesis is to present a generic measurement
architecture for QoS. Still, the QoS definition needs to be flexible enough
to allow an easy mapping onto low-level, network-specific characteristics
without posing a restriction as to the type of network where it is
None of the QoS definitions presented so far has provided a unified,
high-level QoS concept. Both the ATM QoS and the intserv / diffserv
approaches for packet switched networks are highly technology-specific,
although the definition of QoS as the degree of user satisfaction
presented in the ATM QoS standard maybe comes closest to a unified
high-level QoS definition. The TINA-C approach, while quite interesting,
will not be considered in this work as development has ceased.
Furthermore, while the modeling of service quality as object attributes
is a very interesting approach, it is much too specific to be
of relevance here. Finally, the ISO QoS standard prepares
the groundwork for a unified definition of QoS but leaves the details
to the implementation.
Instead of trying to find a unified, high-level QoS definition,
the concept of service quality used in this work
will be heavily based on the ISO QoS standard and consider only
technology-based QoS characteristics as presented in [17].
As will be shown in section 3.3.2, the exact definition
of high-level, end-user QoS is irrelevant for this work. By using
a suitable subset of technology-based QoS characteristics, a mapping
from those QoS parameters onto high-level QoS is always possible. This
will be discussed in more detail in chapter 3 and
especially section 3.3.2.
With service orientation gaining more and more importance today, monitoring
and thus precise measuring of quality of service has become one of the foremost
topics network management has to face. Comparability of network services becomes
possible only if a quantitative assessment of the services is
offered. Service level agreements between service providers and customers
rely on mechanisms for specifying levels of QoS which are to be expected and,
later, monitored during operation. Network management needs tools to keep
the quality of service provided by a network under surveillance.
Still, no unified approach to the monitoring and especially quantification of
quality of service has emerged. With QoS and QoS monitoring being an inherent part
of ATM networks, the topic of monitoring quality of service in multimedia
networks has not lead to new developments in the field, but provides
interesting approaches to the problem of defining a QoS metric, and overcoming
the gap between user-centric and network-centric QoS. In the IP world, notable
developments have been made by the IETF's Internet Protocol Provider Metrics
working group. Finally, a research project on measuring and modeling service
quality in packet switched networks is presented.
After a short presentation, these approaches will be rated according to the
following criteria:
As a quality of service metric is already present in ATM networks through the
definition of cell transfer performance parameters by the ATM Forum (see [26]),
the difficulties posed by measuring network performance in multimedia networks are
not those of finding a suitable set of performance parameters, but rather of
mapping user expectations to the already present set of measurement parameters.
The existing mechanisms for measuring QoS being network-centric, a technique
for quantifying user-centric QoS - which is often expressed in very vague terms -
and mapping it onto network-centric QoS is needed.
[28] presents a method of QoS mapping between the user's video quality
preference and the bandwidth required. User preference, in this case, can be a
fast but coarse video transmission, or a slow but clear transmission. These are
mapped onto three QoS parameters: spatial resolution, SNR1
resolution and time resolution using mean opinion score evaluation to
quantify the user's perceived video quality. Finally, the bandwidth required to
support a given set of QoS parameters is determined by analyzing MPEG2 streams.
[48] holds that service quality should
be measured according to its impact on final entities - that is, the applications,
their users or the service provider themselves. To this end, the value of a given
QoS characteristic is classified in one of 5 zones, denoting gradual degradation
or improvement of perceived service quality. The authors also present a prototypical
implementation of a QoS monitor.
[37] evaluates the performance of multiplexer service disciplines,
which control traffic flows through ATM switches and are important in provisioning
QoS. A quantitative comparison of the performance of common service discipline
algorithms shows that a performance evaluation based on QoS parameters such as
cell loss ratio, end-to-end delay and delay jitter do not adequately reflect
user satisfaction. A new performance metric - the unified QoS metric - is
presented. It uses a more user-centric approach by comparing delivered QoS
to expected QoS.
All of these works are very specific and none presents a generic approach to the
problem of measuring quality of service independently of the underlying network.
While the question of mapping user-centric QoS onto network-centric QoS is an
interesting one, it is never considered outside a given, network-specific
QoS framework - that is, the ITU-TS framework in [28] and [37],
or the ISO-QOS framework applied to packet switched networks in [48].
No effort is made to provide a generic interface to map high-level QoS concepts
onto network-centric QoS, regardless of the type of network involved.
While the 3 as a whole has been standardized since its beginning, efforts
in standardizing 3 measurements were late in coming. The necessity for an
3 performance measurement framework led to the creation of the IP
provider metrics working group by the IETF (see also [31]). The
goals of this working group can be quickly summarized as follows:
The broader goal, as stated in [46], is to aid capacity planning and
trouble-shooting in large networks and enable customers to compare the performance
of different providers, or to rate the service quality they are experiencing. In a series
of RFCs (see RFC2678 [41] through RFC2681 [8]), the concept of metrics is defined
more clearly, resulting in a distinction between
analytical metrics (defined in terms of abstract, theoretical properties of components) and
experimental metrics (directly defined by measurements). Furthermore, propositions are
made regarding measurement strategies, measurement infrastructure, error evaluation etc.
While these RFCs provide a solid groundwork for experimental methodology, their relevance
is strictly limited to IP networks. As the goal of the IPPM working group is to standardize
3 measurements and not to provide yet another QoS framework, no attempt is made
to tie this work into a more generic, less network-specific QoS architecture.
In [24], the author presents an analytical characterization
of the service quality of packet switched networks, geared towards the
collection of sufficient data for a realistic simulation of a packet
switched network. By assessing the network performance on an end-to-end basis,
it is possible to gain a description of the characteristics of packet switched
networks without considering the inner workings of such a network, or the
detailed interactions of application software and transport protocols.
Using a slightly modified version of the ping tool for active measurements
(that is, probe packets are injected into the network using a random-additive-sampling
distribution), round trip times and one way trip time of IP packets are collected
and evaluated. The tool is used to survey quality of service of
network connections between the RWTH Aachen and a representative choice
of network hosts. Thus, network characteristics are described from an
end user's point of view.
Although the experimental methodology presented in this work is quite
interesting, its focus does not lie primarly on QoS monitoring.
The use of an active measurement technique skews the observed results,
but the impact on system and network performance is not
estimated. The QoS concept used in this work is very vague. Basically, QoS
is considered to be sufficiently described by round trip times, one way
trip times and packet loss rates. The approach is centered on packet
switched networks and there is no effort to tie this view on QoS into a
more abstract, high-level QoS architecture. Finally, the emphasis of the
work lies more on providing a mathematically accurate description of the
observed traffic characteristics than on measuring service quality in the
sense of the ISO QoS framework.
This section gave a broad overview of different 1 to the
question of QoS measurement and monitoring, ranging from more theoretical
works concerning the mapping of user-centric QoS onto network-centric
parameters in ATM networks to the practical work of the IPPM, and
Fasbender. The lack of a generic framework to back up the measurement
methodology is common to all those 1.
The multimedia-related works discussed all use very specific definitions
of QoS which are not applicable outside the narrow field of multimedia
applications in ATM networks. The IPPM framework and the experimental
work presented by Fasbender focus both on technical aspects of the
question without attempting to tie the approaches into a bigger background
of a generic measurement architecture. While inspiration for the practical
aspects of implementing such a generic measurement architecture can
be gained from those approaches, they clearly do not provide a satisfying
outlook on the field of QoS measurement frameworks.
Why try to design a generic QoS measurement architecture? Section 1
gave a quick overview of the problem. With the increasing complexity and
heterogeneity of today's networks, integrated management concepts are sought
out to ease network management - but no work has been attempted into
the direction of a generic, integrated approach to QoS management and
By using a common QoS concept and well-defined interfaces, a generic
QoS measurement architecture hides the heterogeneity of the
underlying networks and provides the user with a unified interface,
thus reducing the complexity of QoS management, and ensuring the
comparability of QoS measurements.
As a conclusion, the requirements that have emerged for the
QoS measurement framework and its implementation will be listed.
The measurement framework should use a generic, high-level QoS definition like
the one presented in the ISO QoS standard X.641 ([35]). A suitable
mapping onto protocol-specific measurands will have to be specified. The use
of a generic QoS definition ensures the generality of the approach and makes
it possible to define unified interfaces.
The underlying network heterogeneity should be hidden by using a generic
description of traffic. As with the QoS definition, a mapping of this generic
model onto more technology-specific elements of network traffic will be needed,
but this description allows the definition of generic methods.
Accordingly, the layer of the OSI stack at which traffic was captured, should
be hidden by the measurement methods. Using unified methods allows unified
views and unified interfaces. Technical details like the layer of a capture or
the protocol used in network traffic are relegated to the implementation.
The implementation should follow the paradigm of unification proposed by
the measurement framework. This means the implementation should be as modular
as possible, enabling users to add new functionality (i.e. the support
of new types of protocols or the evaluation of other types of service quality)
easily and quickly, without reimplementing the bulk of the software. The
computation should be done generically with reusable methods, keeping the
logic of the analysis in exchangeable rule sets. Finally, the impact of the
measurement process on the system should be kept as low as possible to avoid
falsifying the results. A quantification of the error level introduced is also
As seen in chapter 2, the field of QoS frameworks and QoS measurement
methodology is very heterogenous. There is no unified
definition of what high-level, user-centric QoS is, and while the subject
of QoS measurement has received much attention in the industry as well as
in academia, the work presented remains very technology-specific. There does
not seem to be any active effort to develop a unified architecture for
the measurement of quality of service.
The goal of this thesis is to present a framework for the measurement of
quality of service that provides a unified view on QoS: by using an abstract
and generic definition of quality of service and providing a non-ambiguous
mapping onto network-technology and layer-specific QoS parameters, the
underlying heterogeneity can be hidden. Section 2.3.1 listed the
requirements that have been identified for this QoS measurement architecture.
After an outline of the basic idea, the architectural
framework will be presented in section 3.1. The elements of the architectural
framework are discussed in sections 3.5.1 through 3.5.3.
High-level QoS parameters like ävailable
bandwidth" or "reliability" can be broken down into several different
QoS parameters depending on the layer at which the service quality is considered,
and depending on the type of network and application that is considered.
While "reliability" might be the complete transfer of a HTML page when considering
HTTP over a TCP/IP network at layer seven, it could be the lossless transmission
of a live video stream over an ATM network, or the frame loss that occurs
over a wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11b) connection. The same high-level QoS parameter
comes to describe very different situations when broken down at network
level. Still, there remains a certain comparability: a lossy video transmission,
a bad WLAN-connection, an interrupted web page transfer all appear as
insufficient service quality to the end user and can indeed be traced back
to similar causes, a loss of data at a certain point and layer in the network.
But how can those different service qualities be measured without having to
implement a totally new measurement framework each time? The differences
outlined might seem huge, but a more careful look onto measurement techniques
shows similarities between all approaches. Basically, traffic is intercepted
or captured at one or many points in the network, and 1 in order to
obtain the service quality information needed. The mechanisms of the analysis
will often be very similar: bandwidth usage measurements involve some kind
of counting, be it cells, packets or frames; reliability can be defined in term
of loss factors etc. If a suitable and generic representation of network
traffic can be found, and unified interfaces to the data gathering and analysis
processes defined, then a generic QoS measurement architecture can be built,
keeping the framework abstract and generic, with an implementation than is
easy to customize to new protocols.
(Unterschrift des Kandidaten)
1 Introduction
2 Quality of service
2.1 Definitions
2.1.1 ISO QoS Framework
2.1.2 ITU-TS and ATM QoS
2.1.3 Quality of service in IP networks
2.1.4 TINA
2.1.5 Discussion
2.2 Measuring and monitoring quality of service
2.2.1 QoS in multimedia networks
2.2.2 IPPM (IP Performance Metrics) RFC2330
2.2.3 Fasbender
2.2.4 Discussion
2.3 A new approach?
2.3.1 Requirements
3 Architectural view
3.1 Overview
3.2 Events - a unified description of network activity
3.2.1 The data stream approach
3.2.2 Events
3.3 Modeling quality of service
3.3.1 Requirements
3.3.2 QoS base dimensions
3.3.3 Discussion
3.4 Context of the measurement process
3.4.1 The measurement context
3.4.2 Backpropagation of the data context
3.4.3 Conclusion
3.5 Architectural details
3.5.1 Data collector
3.5.2 Data correlator
3.5.3 Data analysator
3.5.4 Further analysis?
3.6 Discussion
4 Software model
4.1 Interaction
4.2 Software deployment
4.3 Events and context
4.4 Collector, correlator and analysator
5 Implementation aspects
5.1 General considerations
5.2 Experimental setup
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Comparing the different approaches
5.3 Technical constraints
5.3.1 Sampling methodology
5.3.2 Computer clocks
5.3.3 Libpcap interface
5.3.4 Calibration
5.3.5 Other technical limitations
5.4 Prototype implementation
5.4.1 Prototype software
5.4.2 Conclusion
5.5 Conclusion
6 Proof of concept implementation
6.1 Collector
6.1.1 Event trace format
6.1.2 Code
6.2 Correlator - Analysator
6.2.1 Measurands
6.2.2 Code
6.2.3 Context
6.3 Application screenshots
6.4 Conclusion
7 Summary and conclusion
List of Figures
3.1 The measurement architecture
3.2 The measurement framework as pipeline
3.3 The OSI protocol stack
3.4 Event classes
3.5 Overview of the data collector
3.6 Detailed view of the data collector
3.7 Collector interface definition
3.8 Vertical and horizontal correlation
3.9 Correlation across the service boundary with an event counter
3.10 Correlator interface definition
3.11 Analysis of a video transmission between two hosts
4.1 Sequence diagram
4.2 Deployment diagram
4.3 Event streams
4.4 Event classes
4.5 Context
4.6 Class diagramm
4.7 Object diagramm
5.1 Different measurement points
5.2 The BSD packet filter
5.3 Experimental setup for the prototype
5.4 Screenshot of the prototype collector
5.5 Screenshot of the prototype correlator - 1 packet / second ping
5.6 Screenshot of the prototype correlator - 2 packets / second ping
6.1 Analysator screenshot
6.2 Analysator screenshot during measurement
6.3 Analysator output during measurement
6.4 Collector screenshot
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Quality of service
2.1 Definitions
2.1.1 ISO QoS Framework
This QOS framework specifically excludes the detailed specification of QOS mechanisms.
It is not the intent ... to serve as an implementation specification, to be a
basis for appraising the conformance of implementations, or to define particular
services and protocols. Rather, it provides a conceptual and functional framework
for QOS.
2.1.2 ITU-TS and ATM QoS
2.1.3 Quality of service in IP networks
Integrated services and RSVP
Differentiated services
IETF QoS Manager
The core service model is concerned almost exclusively with the
time-of-delivery of packets. Thus, per-packet delay is the central
quantity about which the network makes quality of service commitments.
A ßervice" defines some
significant characteristics of packet transmission in one direction
across a set of one or more paths within a network. These
characteristics may be specified in quantitative or statistical terms
of throughput, delay, jitter, and/or loss, or may otherwise be
specified in terms of some relative priority of access to network
2.1.4 TINA
The quality of service attributes associated with an operation or a
flow address the timing constraints, degree of parallelism, availability
guarantees and so forth, to be provided by that component.
2.1.5 Discussion
2.2 Measuring and monitoring quality of service
2.2.1 QoS in multimedia networks
2.2.2 IPPM (IP Performance Metrics) RFC2330
2.2.3 Fasbender
2.2.4 Discussion
2.3 A new approach?
2.3.1 Requirements
Chapter 3
Architectural view
3.1 Overview
The QoS measurement architecture proposed consists of three conceptual
blocks: the data collector, which captures a data stream at the service access point
or between the layers of the protocol stack, performs some data preprocessing and
presents the collected data in a suitable representation as event stream; the data
correlator, which correlates the event streams provided by the collector, and finally
the data analysator, which performs a statistical analysis on the correlated event
streams, and presents the QoS parameters (which will be called QoS base dimensions)
computed at a common interface.
This QoS information could then for example be used to provide an end user with a
suitable high-level QoS representation.
To further refine the process of extracting QoS
information from the data stream captured, contextual information gained from the data
stream and, later, the correlation, is propagated to the data analysator. In reverse,
contextual requirements given by the user are propagated back to the data collector
and correlator. This gives the end-user the option to influence the accuracy, freshness,
reliability etc. of the QoS information he receives.
Since the architecture is generic, detailed information about the inner workings
of network protocols is not part of the architectural framework itself, but part
of the implementation. Figure 3.1 shows how protocol information can
be made available to the three blocks by the use of suitable description rules.
In the implementation, this
could mean using a suitable symbolic language to express data capture or correlation
rules, or simply having the protocol-specific parts of the software encapsulated
in modules, so that the support of a new protocol can easily be added without
touching the core software.
Why the subdivision in these three conceptual blocks? This architectural decisions reflect the logical flow of information through the measurement process:
The data collector corresponds to point 1 and 2, the data correlator to point 3 and finally, the
data analysator corresponds to point 4. As will be seen in 3.5.1,
the data collector itself is further subdivided into a recorder (corresponding to point 1) and
an event generator (point 2). Since capturing network traffic and generating event streams
are very closely related operations, and since the data capture offers little
complexity by itself, they are modeled as one conceptual block.
This modular approach also opens up the possibility to implement the architecture in
a distributed fashion: i.e., having n collector processes on m networked machines and
one central correlator / analysator. This reduces the system load on the collector
machines - which is a benefit since minimizing impact on system performance has been
phrased as a requirement in section 2.3.1 - while giving the user the benefit of a centralized data evaluation.
The measurement process can also be visualized as a pipeline, as shown in figure
3.2, with arbitrary timing delays between the steps. While one user might
request the QoS data to be provided in real-time (or as close as possible), another
one might prefer to gather data at one time and perform the correlation and analysis
process a few hours or days later. With a suitable approach to serializing the event
stream produced by the collector, such a delayed data evaluation is possible.
The three interfaces, namely between the collector and the correlator, between the
correlator and the analysator, and between the analysator and the end user, will
now be discussed.
The collector provides the correlator with a stream of events.
Although these events are derived from an abstract event class, they are inherently
protocol-specific. The interface is generic, but the specific event classes
and the event stream format are protocol-specific.
The correlator provides the analysator with a correlated event stream: the event
streams generated by the collector are 1 in order to identify matching
events. The correlation process is discussed in section 3.5.2.
The correlated event stream provided by the correlator is simply the set of
event streams that was generated by the collector plus the event mapping determined
by the correlator.
Finally, the analysator has
a unified interface, using a form of QoS representation based on the
ISO QoS standard ([35]). Service quality is characterized through the usage of a small set
of QoS base dimensions, which are protocol-independent but can be conveniently
mapped onto protocol-specific measurands. Thus, the representation of QoS used at
the interface between analysator and end user is always the same, regardless of the
underlying network technology. The architecture could be extended to incorporate
yet another level of correlation and analysis between the analysator and the
end user in order to give the end user a more user friendly representation of
service quality. This will be discussed briefly in 3.5.4, but since there is no
common and generic definition of what exactly end user QoS is, there will be
no in-depth consideration of the question in this thesis.
After a presentation of the data stream approach in section
3.2.1, the concept of events will be discussed in section 3.2.
Events are used to model the captured network traffic. Section 3.3 explains
the representation of quality of service through QoS base dimensions used to
provide unified QoS information at a common interface, and the concept
of data context, which is used to weight the fidelity of the collected data.
Finally, the collector, correlator and analysator will be presented in a more
in-depths discussion of their functionality in sections 3.5.1
through 3.5.3.
The input interface of the correlator needs a unified data structure usable for
the common representation of SAP interaction captures as diverse as streams of
IP datagrams, a HTTP transaction or multimedia traffic over ATM. The data captured
by the collector is very protocol-specific and contains a lot of superfluous
information which is of no use to the analysator. The collector is not only
responsible for capturing the data stream of network communication, but also
for providing the correlator with a refined view on that data stream.
The concept of data stream used here is presented in [29]. The
type of communication considered here is a stream of data between two edge
systems in a communication network - that is, a system connected to the edge
of a network - or a stream of data inside a system, at different levels
of the protocol stack. What happens between the communication endpoints
is of no interest: the network, or the stack layers through which the data
stream flows, are considered as a black box. The properties of the data
stream are dependent both of the layer and the protocol. At the lowest
layer, a data stream is a stream of electromagnetic impulses, at layer
two it is a stream of, for example, Ethernet frames; at layer 3 we see IP packets
or, when considering ATM traffic, cells, byte streams or frames, depending
on the AAL chosen.
Before the concept of events in the context of the QoS measurement architecture
is discussed, a quick overview of the OSI reference model is used to clarify
the terminology used.
The OSI reference model is used to model a layered network architecture. Each of
the seven layers defines a different level of abstraction, performing a well-defined
function with clear layer boundaries so that information flow across the interfaces
is minimized, and functionality is clearly encapsulated inside the layer.
According to [33], three
interfaces can be identified in the OSI model: the system interface, which defines
the boundaries between transit systems and end systems; the service interface,
which describes the communication between layers in functional terms and identifies
the service primitives used; and finally the protocol interface, which defines
the instances which 2 a service defined by the service interface across
the systems given by the system interface. Figure 3.3 details
the three interfaces.
The data collectors operate either across the service interface or across the
protocol interface, as seen in 3.1. In the first case, this means
the data collector is used to observe the interaction of different layers of
the protocol stack on one machine, thus needing a specially instrumented protocol stack.
In the second case, the measurement is performed directly at the service access point,
and only a specific layer is considered. A typical example of that type of measurement
is the use of the tcpdump ([3]) utility for capturing network
traffic. The latter measurement is not performed
across the system interface, as the focus lays on the interaction of specific
protocols across a network.
It is quite straightforward to associate an event type with every
set of service primitives used to describe a specific protocol
when measuring across the service interface or the protocol interface.
Thus, measuring across the service interface means identifying and capturing
the SDUs2 encountered, while measuring across
the protocol interface means identifying and capturing the PDUs3.
All those events can be derived from a common abstract event class, as outlined in figure 3.4. They all share the following attributes:
The ID is necessary because the timestamp can not serve for IDing.
There are two reasons for that:
in a distributed environment, where clocks are not necessarly synchronized,
simultaneous events could have different timestamps; on the other hand,
simultaneous events with similar timestamp would become indistinguishable
without ID.
The ID can be computed, it can be a simple count, or it can be extracted
from the PDU itself. In a TCP event, the TCP sequence number could serve
as an ID.
A special type of event, the timer event, is also introduced. This event
consists only of a timestamp and a unique ID, and is used to have a reference
time line for the collector. By having the collector generate a timer event
at fixed intervals, it is possible for the correlator to detect how old the
events of a non-timer event stream are without needing synchronized clocks.
Furthermore, non-timer events have also the following attributes:
So, what can intuitively be conceived as an event? It could be anything from the
arrival of an IP datagram (C.DATA.indication) over the sending of an HTTP get request
(A.ASSOCIATE.request) to the arrival of a video frame in the player software. If
the event is generated at a layer where present procotol mechanisms already provide
a unique ID, the matter of identifying the event is easily solved be 4 the ID.
For example, if the event stream is generated only on layer 4, and the data stream
intercepted is a TCP stream, then a unique ID for each event can be easily generated
using TCP sequence numbers.
The layer at which events are generated depends heavily on the viewpoint one
wants to take to assess the quality of a service. Consider for example a user
surfing the world wide web. If the focus of the analysis is to be on the quality of
service of the network, the data stream would best be captured at layer 3 and 4 of
the OSI stack, using a TCP/IP event type. On the other hand, if the quality of the HTTP
service is the main point of interest, one would chose a HTTP event type, analyzing
the data at level 7.
This event approach provides a unified view on data streams and thus, activities at the SAP.
It is easily extensible: adding an event type for a new protocol simply means
another implementation of the abstract event class. Having such a unified view on
data streams means that further processing of the events can be done using unified
methods, thus fulfilling the requirement of having a generic framework.
Quality of service is, as discussed in chapter 2, a very
vague and high-level concept. While user satisfaction might be a desirable
definition of service quality, this is not a concept which can be fed
äs is" into a measurement architecture. User-oriented quality of service
is often defined with very vague terms, and the subjective perception of
a service's quality can greatly differ from person to person.
Translating this high-level representation
onto a more technical view of QoS serves two goals: having a more technical
view of QoS makes it easier to find a suitable mapping onto measurable
network parameters; and this mapping establishes the QoS parameters as
a unified interface hiding underlying network heterogeneity. This set of
QoS parameters will be called QoS base dimensions.
While the mapping of QoS parameters into network parameters is often left to the implementation, here a careful modeling of QoS parameters is required in order to keep the architecture generic. The following requirements have been identified as 2 necessary to obtain a suitable QoS model, and will be discussed in more detail:
The mapping of high-level QoS characteristics onto lower-level QoS characteristics is discussed in [21] and [14]. [21] proposes a QoS architecture providing a unified framework in which user level QoS (e.g. picture quality, sound fidelity) is mapped down onto lower level QoS. [14] states:
QoS mapping performs the function of automatic translation between representations of QoS at different system levels (i.e., operating system, transport layer, network) and thus relieves the user from the necessity of thinking in terms of lower level specifications. For example, the transport level QoS specification may express flow requirements in terms of QoS commitment, average and peak bandwidth, jitter, loss and delay constraints - all related to transport packets.
Why is the non-ambiguity of the mapping important? One of the goals of this
measurement architecture is
to ensure a certain comparability between the service qualities measured, without
having to consider the (hidden) details of the network. If a mapping between QoS
parameters and measurands is done at random, the QoS representation might possibly
not be generic anymore, as the same QoS parameters are mapped onto measurands
which are too different to be comparable, or which are even totally unrelated.
For example, consider ërror rate" as a possible QoS parameter.
This could be mapped onto the packet fragmentation rate in TCP/IP networks and the
cell loss rates in ATM networks. While each mapping seems valid for itself, they
introduce a big semantic difference in the interpretation of ërror rate", depending
on the underlying network. The data loss in an ATM network and the conservation
of the data stream structure in a TCP/IP network are two 1 different things,
while cell loss and packet loss are somewhat comparable. Had packet loss rate
been chosen as the gauge for the QoS parameter ërror rate" in IP networks, both
measurands would have stayed comparable.
This problem is inherent to the concept of mapping QoS parameters onto measurands
and thus not easily avoidable. A careful mapping will eliminate most problems,
but non-ambiguousness cannot be guaranteed.
Finally, a careful mapping is central
to having a generic QoS measurement architecture, as it is used to hide the
protocol-specific details of the measurands behind the unified interface of
the set of QoS base dimensions. Also, it is this mapping which ensures
the comparability of the QoS information gained, regardless of the underlying
network technology.
The next requirement was the network-centricity of the QoS representation chosen.
The emphasis lies on network-centric aspects of QoS because user-centric aspects are
difficult to grasp and quantify. Consumer satisfaction is subjective and not
easily measured. On the other hand, bandwidth, throughput, network congestion etc.
can be measured and monitored and give a good indication of the current QoS.
This aspect is also found in the requirement of quantifiable measurands. While
ëquipment manufacturer" might be a very important aspect of service quality for
a specific user having had a bad experience with the reliability of certain
manufacturer's equipment, and while this is certainly a technical and low-level
QoS parameter, it is not quantifiable and thus unsuitable for further statistical
analysis. This QoS measurement architecture focuses on statistical analysis, so
that quantifiable measurands are needed.
Finally, completeness means the QoS base dimensions should cover enough
aspects of high-level QoS (in the sense of üser satisfaction") to be considered an
adequate modeling. It is not within the scope of this work to present a proof of
the completeness. Instead, I will argument that the representation chosen is a
suitable approximation and can be used in this context.
After a suitable set of QoS base dimensions has been chosen, a non-ambiguous mapping of those
base dimensions onto protocol-specific measurands will be presented, and the validity
and completeness of this approach discussed.
As stated in [14]:
In characterizing the QoS of activities, it is necessary to identify dimensions along which QoS can be measured and quantified.
The QoS base dimensions with their mapping onto protocol-specific measurands are characteristics describing service quality; that is, they are the dimensions along which service quality can be quantified. The ISO QoS standard X.641 ([35]) lists QoS characteristics ''of general importance to communications and processing'' and classifies them in eight characteristic groups:
Security- and safety-related QoS characteristics will not be considered here. It is difficult
to find quantifiable measurands for those characteristics, so their monitoring is not a task
this QoS measurement architecture is suited for. For example, the QoS characteristic
ßecurity" might be an agreement between a service provider and a customer to make use
of certain technologies in order to assure a secure data transfer; for example to use only
virtual private networks with IPSec encryption and to avoid any traffic passing unencrypted
over the public 3. There is no level of compliance to be measured here - either the
service provider honors the customer's request, or he does not, and is in breach of contract.
Coherence denotes the completition
of certain tasks (data production, data transmission, data consumption) within a given time
interval and can thus be considered as a special case of timeliness.
A further discussion of this topic can be found in [25].
The category ''other'' only covers precedence, ''the relative importance
of an object, or the urgency assigned to an event'', and will thus not be considered further,
as this type of QoS is seldom encountered and can adequately be described using time-
and capacity-related characteristics.
[17] lists three categories in the overview of technology-based QoS characteristics:
This fits quite well with the remaining four categories from [35]: time-related, capacity-related, integrity-related and reliability-related characteristics. I thus identify the following four QoS base dimensions:
In order to ease the mapping onto protocol-specific measurands, table 3.1
details the specific meaning of those QoS base dimension at different layers of the
OSI stack. The session and presentation layers are not considered, as they are of
little importance outside the OSI model.
Reliability | Capacity | Integrity | Timeliness | |
Level 7 | Service availability | Application level data rate | Data is untampered | Response time |
Level 4 | Residual error rate or resilience | Throughput | Sequencing errors | Msg transmission delay |
Level 3 | Residual error rate | Throughput (pps) | Fragmentation | Msg transmission delay |
Level 2 | Resilience | Throughput (kbps) | Transmission error | Frame transmission delay |
Tables 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 detail three
exemplary mappings of the QoS base dimensions onto
protocol-specific measurands, for a HTTP connection over a TCP/IP network, video / audio
streaming with RTP over a UDP/IP network, and ATM network. The detailed choice of the
measurands is left to the implementation, but should stay consistent with the approach
proposed here. The measurands listed in 3.2 will be used for the
prototypical implementation in this thesis.
It should be noted that the ATM example is not very satisfactory, but, to quote [49]:
The layers of the ATM model do not map onto the OSI layers especially well, which leads to ambiguities.
Reliability | Capacity | Integrity | Timeliness | |
HTTP | Availability of WWW-Server | Application level data rate | Web page is complete | Server response time |
TCP | Packet loss | Throughput | Sequencing errors | - |
IP | Packet loss | Throughput | Packet fragmentation | One-way delay |
Reliability | Capacity | Integrity | Timeliness | |
Video conference (7) | Frame loss | Frames per second | Frame errors | Coherence |
ATM adaption layer (4) | Cell loss | Service bit rate | Misinserted cells | - |
ATM layer (2-3) | VC resilience | VC bit rate | n.a. | Delay |
Reliability | Capacity | Integrity | Timeliness | |
Video application | Video outage | fps | Frame loss? | Smooth video image etc. |
RTP | Packet loss | session bandwidth | Sequencing (with timestamps, seq. nr) | - |
UDP | - | Throughput | - | One-way delay |
IP | Packet loss | Throughput | Packet fragmentation | One-way delay |
The set of QoS base dimensions chosen
2 heavily based on the QoS categories discussed in the ISO QoS standard X.641, it should
be fairly complete and cover most relevant aspects of service quality. Notable exceptions here
are safety- and security-related QoS characteristics, which need other monitoring mechanisms
than those discussed within the scope of this QoS measurement architecture. The
QoS base dimensions chosen provide a fairly complete coverage of service quality, and can safely
be used as a base to derivate user-level QoS.
Finally, the QoS representation chosen here fulfills the requirements that were outlined in
3.3.1. The QoS base dimensions are obviously network-centric rather than user-centric,
in the sense that they relate directly to network-centric measurands.
A non-ambiguous mapping onto network-level measurands is possible, and an exemplary mapping has
been proposed. The base dimensions are easily mappable onto quantifiable measurands; there are
no abstract dimensions like üser satisfaction" which would have to be discussed and
further refined.
The QoS representation using a set of four QoS base dimensions based on the QoS categories
of the ISO QoS standard X.641 provides a unified representation of service quality, and
thus ensures the comparability of measurement results. This approach was chosen to
meet the requirement of having a generic measurement architecture with unified methods
and unified views, as using QoS base dimensions makes it easy to define generic interfaces.
To ensure the usability of the collected data, the measurement process should be accurate and lossless. As this goal is not reachable due to inherent limitations of the technology, it becomes necessary to provide mechanisms to control and quantify the error level introduced by the measurement process itself, and to record the conditions under which the event capture was realized. Furthermore, the analysis of the event stream in the correlator and analysator might also introduce an error factor and thus falsify the data. This information shall be call context:
The interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs. ([43])
This is a problem commonly encountered with any kind of measurement. For example, [7], which details a one-way delay metric for IPPM, states:
The calibration and context in which the metric is measured MUST be carefully considered, and SHOULD always be reported along with metric results. [...] Any additional information that could be useful in interpreting applications of the metrics should also be reported.
Many different factors can contribute to errors during the measurement process and have to be identified accordingly. Also, information implicitly present in the data stream can get lost during measurement, for example:
The goal is to preserve this implicit information and to make it available to the data analysator and, accordingly, to the end user. It should also be possible for the data analysator to specify error level requirements, boundary conditions for the data collection process etc. to the collector and correlator, so that both can adapt the measurement and analysis process.
To obtain a representation of context sufficient for the implementation, a bottom-up
approach was chosen to identify the most important aspects of the measurement process
which count as context. A more thorough discussion of context should, of course, feature
a top-down analysis of the subject.
The contextual information can be roughly classified into two categories: context of
the measurement itself, and error context. Error context gives information about
the reliability of the measurement process, while measurement context designates
contextual information about the event stream and the conditions under which the
data was captured.
Furthermore, it is important to carefully discriminate between the distinct contextes
at different stages of the measurement process. Most of the measurement context
has to be captured in the collector, as this is where the measurement process happens.
Once generated, the event streams remain rather static, as the correlator and analysator
operate on the event streams without changing them. The error context, on the
other hand, is strongly present in the correlator and analysator, as this is where
the analytical part of the measurement process happen and interpolation, rounding
etc. might introduce a certain error. Furthermore, the error context is cumulative
and can only be fully evaluated in the analysator. An error factor previously introduced by
the correlator will still be present in the analysator and thus has to be considered
there too.
After identifying measurands that constitute measurement and error context, their occurrence in the measurement process will be discussed. The following context information can be denoted as measurement context:
Error context comprises the following:
This list is, of course, not exhaustive, but it covers the main aspects of
measurement context. Context as it is considered here is in part
and in part event-specific. Event-stream-specific means that some context
information is valid for the whole stream, i.e. the sampling scheme used.
Discussing the sampling scheme for one single event makes little sense,
as the sampling scheme becomes important only when considering a set of
events. Also, a sampling scheme switch affects the whole event stream,
and it cannot be changed for each event, as this would not make much sense.
Freshness, on the other hand, is a typical example of event-specific context.
Each event has a certain freshness. If the collector process happened to be
swapped out when interaction at the SAP called for event generation, then
the freshness value of the next event will be high. Freshness can be individually changed.
For example, the correlator process might request a lower freshness for each
event generated by the collector until the lowest possible freshness has
been reached.
Clearly there is a strong interdependency of the different contextes at different levels of the
measurement process. For example, a high error rate during the data collection process
will be difficult to compensate later in the correlator or analysator. The time
taken by the collector and correlator to process raw data into an event stream will
influence the freshness of the QoS data provided by the analysator.
This dependency also exists in the other direction: to ensure a higher freshness of
the QoS data, it is necessary to lower the time taken by the data collection and
correlation process - possibly by choosing a slightly bigger sampling interval, thus
reducing the system load and enabling higher throughput. By giving the user appropriate
control of the context, the behavior of the measurement software can be adapted
to the user's need: quicker response or more accurate data, a broad overview of
network behavior for the last hours or very fine-grained measurement etc. This
property of the measurement architecture is named "context backpropagation".
With the concept of contextual information, it is possible to capture the conditions
under which a measurement occurred, and use it during the event stream processing.
Two types of context where identified: measurement context, which covers details
of the measurement process itself, such as event freshness and sampling scheme;
and error context, which covers the errors introduced by the correlation and
analysis process. Finally, the concept of context backpropagation forms a feed-back
control loop to balance the user's requirement with the measurement's efficiency.
In this section, the details of the three main points of the architectural framework,
the collector, correlator and analysator, will be discussed.
The data collector, which was already presented in a broad overview in section
3.1, is responsible for the recording of network traffic and the
extraction of events. The collector records n data streams simultaneously and produces
as many event streams as there are data streams. Generating less event streams than
there are data streams would mean that some arbitrary correlation of the data streams
has already taken place, and that information was lost. This is different from a
sampling of the incoming data stream, as the information loss through sampling is due
to a consistent choosing operation on one data stream, since the sampling is a
well-defined operation which can later be considered in the correlation and analysis
For each system, the collector can be thought of as consisting of as many recorder / event generator boxes as there are layer instances at which the data stream is to be captured. In figure 3.5, the protocol stack of the system consists of four layers, with only two recorder / event generator boxes. The upper one records the service primitives generated and received by layer M, the lower one is responsible for layer P. Both generate an event stream. The term "data collector" is used to designate the set of recorder / event generator boxes associated with one system. When considering more than one system, each system has its own data collector, which may consist of one or more recorder / event generator boxes.
Let's consider a real-world example. To 2 the service quality of a HTTP connection between two hosts, each system will be outfitted with a data collector. Each data collector will in turn consist of two recorder / event generator boxes, one operating on layer 7 to collect data pertaining to the HTTP traffic itself, one operating on layer 4 to collect data which will later be used to generate information about the quality of service of the network connection.
Figure 3.6 gives a detailed view of the recorder / event generator boxes. The recorder simply gathers all the service primitives sent or received by the layer, and timestamps each of these. It filters out unwanted traffic which is not to be considered further (i.e., one might want to 2 only one TCP connection) and passes the captured primitives on to the event generator. The event generator is then responsible for stripping the service primitives of whatever superfluous information they contain (this could be, for example, the payload or header fields that are not used in the correlation or analysis process), and generates an event with a unique ID for each service primitives. The event streams thus generated are then passed on to the data correlator. By timestamping the events, the arrival distribution of the service primitives is well documented and can be used as a base for the computation of data context.
To keep the data collector generic, it is necessary to separate the knowledge about
protocol mechanisms needed for the event capture and generation from the collector itself.
By using a suitable formal language for the specification of protocol mechanisms, as
proposed in 3.1, the data collector could be kept generic with unified interfaces,
but easily adaptable to any kind of underlying network.
Of course, the number of data streams which can be simultaneously captured is not limited by the measurement architecture presented here. Still, a careful choice of the number of data streams and the layer at which they will be captured has to be made when using this architectural principle in an actual implementation, as the event stream presented at the collector / correlator interface affects the quality of service information which can later be computed from it. For example, the capture of only one data stream at only one point in the network will yield information about jitter, but not about packet loss. When planing to correlate event streams across a system interface, it is also advisable to generate the event stream on the same layer in each system.
Figure 3.7 shows the interface definition for the collector
in UML notation. get_context and set_context are used by
the correlator to obtain information about the collector context and update
the collector's context to the desired value. start and stop
start or stop a given capture, and get_next_event returns the next
event produced.
The data correlator takes a number of streams as input and tries to establish
a mapping on those streams; that is, the correlator identifies corresponding
events in the streams. These could be, for example, the ICMP echo reply corresponding
to an ICMP echo request which was sent.
The correlation process itself is one of the more complex and interesting aspects
in this measurement architecture. The goal of the correlation is to find matching
n-tuples of events in a set of n event streams. A matching n-tuple of events can be
determinated by a well-defined relationship between events. When the correlation
is done across the system interface, two or more events are matched if they were
all raised by the same PDU across the network. This is called a horizontal
correlation. The events represent snapshots of one PDU at different moments in time.
When the correlation is done across the service interface, two or more events are
matched if they represent the same SDU at different layers of the OSI stack. This is
called a vertical correlation. The n-tuple of events can here be thought of as a chain
reaction spreading through the stack and caused by the arrival of a SDU at layer 1.
One can also consider the semantic relationship between events. Consider for example
the three-way-handshake which is used to establish a TCP connection. System A sends a
SYN packet to system B, which responds with an ACK, causing system A to send an ACK to
system B too. These three events (SYN, ACK, ACK), though not temporally or causally
related, form an event triple which is "meaningful" to the transport layer, although
the three events do not bear any obvious relationship to the network layer. Thus,
this form of correlation is called ßemantic correlation".
How is the correlation performed? This is no trivially answered question. There are different possibilities to perform the correlation, but as we will see, this is not always easy to do - especially across the service interface. The easiest way to find matching event n-tuples would be to compare payloads. As the application data unit travels through the OSI stack, each layer adds its PCI. If the original payload is still present in the event stream, it should be possible to compare those. This approach is immediately defeated if the payload is changed in the stack, for example by encryption or fragmentation. Since this approach is so easily defeated, it will not be considered further.
The next idea would be to fit each event with a unique ID, which should of course be the same for matching events, and through this ID recombine the matching n-tuples. If the protocols considered already contain some sort of sequence number, this approach is easily implemented when performing the correlation across the protocol interface. For example, if the traffic of a TCP/IP connection is captured, one might take the TCP sequence number to uniquely identify the events.
When correlation is attempted across the service interface, such protocol-specific IDs can not be used as they are not propagated through the entire protocol stack. Any protocol-specific information will be lost as soon as the processing for this stack layer has been done. This is an obvious drawback of the layer encapsulation of the OSI protocol stack. Instead, when attempting to correlate events across the service interface, it is necessary to "tag" every PDU through the stack without disrupting the processing operations. This approach also has its complications.
Since an untampered operation of the protocol stack is necessary to obtain meaningful measurements, any extention of the stack to include some kind of tagging layer is out of the question. Another drawback is that only a protocol stack instrumented to understand the extra tagging layer could serve as a communication endpoint. This 1 limits the range of experiments which could be performed using such a setup.
Another idea would be to implement a mechanism to keep track of the service primitives exchanged and help the collector boxes synchronize their event streams by counting events. Why isn't it sufficient to simply count service primitives? There are occurrences where a layer might receive an input and ignore it - for example, if the ATM layer receives malformed cells, those will not be relayed to a higher layer. A layer might also send two or more service primitives for one it received - this happens, for example, when the IP layer decides that a fragmentation of the received TCP packet is needed. In the reverse, when packet reassembly is performed, the network layer (here the IP layer) receives more service primitives as input as it sends to the transport layer (here the TCP layer). In all those cases, any simple counting scheme would soon become heavily desynchronized.
Figure 3.9 presents a mechanism for keeping a synchronized track of events over a multilayered protocol stack. The top part of the figure shows the timelines for three layers of the protocol stack and for two collectors. Collector n-1 monitors the activity between layer n-1 and layer n; collector n monitors the activity between layer n and layer n+1. Every time a collector sees the exchange of a service primitive, it sends a tick to the collector next above it. When a layer sends out more service primitives than it received, a backpropagation of the ticks is necessary. The lower part of this figure shows the event streams generated by the two collectors. If the collector monitored as many service primitives as it received ticks, then each tick corresponds to an event. When extra ticks have to be propagated, the collector generates an synchronization event - a placeholder which keeps the count even.
Four possible situations are presented in figure 3.9. Situation 1 is the most trivial. One service primitive is sent from layer n-1 to layer n, and one from layer n to layer n+1. Each collector generates one event. In situation 2, layer n receives only one service primitive, but sends two. Collector n has to backpropagate a tick. Collector n generates two events, collector n-1 generates one event and one placeholder. Situation 3 shows what happens when a malformed packet is dropped by a layer. Collector n-1 generates an event, collector n only has a placeholder. Finally, in situation 4, layer n receives two service primitives but only sends one. This can be seen as a special case of situation 2 - packet loss - as there is no possibility to determine whether a PDU was rejected, or packet reassembly was performed, without help of some semantic analysis. Here, collector n-1 generates two events while collector n has one event and a placeholder. As can be easily seen, both event streams are still perfectly synchronized - the total number of events and placeholders is the same for both collectors. If the events are timestamped with enough precision, it would even be possible to determine the influence of the protocol stack on temporal characteristics of the data stream: the delay and jitter induced, for example.
While this concept might, in theory, seem feasible, its implementation is rather problematic:
As a consequence, the prototype implementation presented in chapter 4 will focus on event correlation across the protocol interface and leave aside correlation across the service boundary.
Event correlation is used to find a mapping between a number of event streams. Three
types of correlation have been identified: vertical correlation, when considering an
event stream captured across the service interface; horizontal correlation, when
considering an event stream captured across the protocol interface; and finally semantic
correlation to detect protocol mechanisms like a TCP handshake.
The problem of tagging events - that is, of giving them a unique ID - was discussed.
When related events from different event streams share IDs, the correlation is
very easy. For example, the TCP sequence numbers can be used to correlate two
captures of the same TCP connection.
When the protocol considered features unique IDs for its datagramms, those can be used
for tagging the events. Otherwise, IDs have to be generated, which leads to severe
synchronization problems when capturing multiple event streams in a protocol stack.
An alternative to IDing is payload comparison.
Once a suitable event correlation has been found, an analysis of the correlated event streams has to be performed to determine the value of the QoS base dimensions:
Reliability denotes the reliability of the service offered at the specific
network layer. At the application layer, this is the service availability:
how probable is it the end user will be able to use the offered service
at a given timepoint? At the transport layer, the meaning depends on the type
of service offered. When a connection-oriented service is offered, the
reliability denotes the resilience of the connection, that is, the probability
that the connection will be dropped prematurely. For a connection-less service,
it is the residual error rate: the ratio of incorrectly received and undetected
cells, frames or packets to the total number received.
The non-availability of a service or the premature closing of the connection
can be detected using semantic correlation on the event streams. Here, the
correlation should be successfull only when the interaction between the client
and the service provider is successful itself; that is, as long as the attempt
to use the service did not fail, the correlation itself should also be
successful. A detailed knowledge of the inner workings of the concerned
protocols is, of course, necessary to distinguish between a premature connection
closing and a normal one, or between a successful service usage and an unsuccessful
For a connection-less service, horizontal correlation is sufficient to detect
incorrectly received cells, frames or packets when measuring the protocol
interface. If the events do not possess a unique ID determinated by protocol
mechanisms (for example, a sequence number), it might be necessary to compare
payloads in order to obtain a meaningful correlation.
Capacity is the throughput or bandwidth between two end systems. The capacity measured
here is not the total capacity, but rather the capacity used by the protocol
at the considered layer. The available bandwidth of a connection depends on two
things: the underlying capacity of the network path, and the amount of other
traffic competing on this path (see [16]).
The easiest way to determine capacity is simply
by counting the number of events per second on a single event stream. By correlating
the event stream vertically with a timer event stream, it becomes possible to
evaluate the event streams on a continuous timeline without synchronized clocks.
Using the timeline, it is possible to detect gaps in the transmission that would
otherwise go unnoticed: without synchronized clocks, the correlator can not know
how old the last event in a given event stream is and whether a big time difference
between the event timestamp and the correlator time is due to very bad clock
synchronization or to a gap in the transmission.
Integrity denotes how much the data stream was affected by the transmission. At
layer 7, this means the payload was untampered. Here, a horizontal correlation
between event streams using payload comparison is necessary to detect changes
in the payload. At layer 4, the definition of integrity depends strongly on the
definition and feature-set of the protocol considered. If UDP is the protocol
considered at layer 4, the QoS base dimension integrity becomes meaningless,
as UDP provides an unreliable ("best-effort"), unordered delivery service. Using
TCP, on the other hand, integrity designs the correctly sequenced arrival of
all packets. When considering a protocol that uses sequence numbers, sequencing
errors can easily be determined by comparing the event succession with the
sequence number succession. No correlation is necessary.
Finally, timeliness denotes the delay encountered for frame / message transmission
or the service response time when considering the application layer. When measuring
across the protocol interface, a horizontal correlation of event streams is needed;
but since the clocks of the different collectors are not necessarly synchronized
(see 5.3.2), it might not be possible to compute the absolute transmission delay.
In this case, the average deviation or the variance of the transmission delay
can be computed. When measuring across the service interface, a vertical correlation
of the event streams is sufficient, and since there are no problems with clock
synchronization, the transmission delay can be directly computed.
The data analysator provides a rather technical and very detailed view on service quality. The information is broken down according to the four QoS base dimensions and to the protocol stack layer at which the data stream was captured. Here, a second level of correlation can be used to perform an additional analysis on the data. Also, a more concise representation of QoS might be needed for end-users. Only a broad overview of these ideas will be presented, as they are outside the scope of this QoS measurement framework.
The QoS data provided by the data analysator is, as stated previously,
layer-specific. Consider a video transmission with RTP over a UDP/IP network
(fig. 3.11).
Four event streams are generated: the RTP event stream before and after
transport over the network (labeled 1.7 and 2.7) and the UDP
event stream before and after transport (labeled 1.4 and 2.4). Since the
measurement took place across the protocol interface, the correlation
will consider event streams 1.4 and 2.4, and event streams 1.7 and 2.7
A second correlation process could now take place to find relations between
the QoS information of layer four and layer seven and 2 the repercussions
of lower layer QoS changes on higher layers.
Why is it important to differentiate between this correlation process and the one that was considered earlier? The correlation process taking place during the measurement is a correlation of event streams: it basically matches events against each other. This correlation process, on the other hand, takes place on statistical data. It is important to note this distinction: despite the similar names, the correlation process proposed here is entirely different of the one taking place on the event streams.
The QoS base dimensions considered so far are rather technical. User-centric
QoS, on the other hand, typically deals with very vague and human concepts.
A further analysis step might be used to further refine the QoS representation.
End users typically seek a simple representation of quality of service: the
relevant question is whether the service provider keeps his contractual obligations
regarding service quality. The end user wants to know if the product delivered
(be it connectivity, application serving etc.) corresponds to the one he
paid for - and has probably little need for all the detailed technical information
that was gathered during the QoS measurement process.
The lack of a common, standard definition of high-level QoS makes it difficult
to treat this question in depth, so only a broad overview of possible
approaches to the problem of providing QoS information to an end-user will be given.
There needs to be an appropriate representation of user satisfaction which can
be mapped onto the QoS base dimensions in order to assess whether the QoS encountered
satisfies the user's expectations. The QoS base dimensions alone are not sufficient
to judge whether a given service quality should be considered "good" or "bad".
What satisfies one user's expectations (for example, a low latency, high throughput
connection-oriented service) might be entirely unsatisfying to another user. The
AAL service classes are a good example different service types with
potentially conflicting goals regarding QoS.
If a service level agreement specifying the service quality in technical terms (that
is, offering guarantees such as keeping the packet loss under a certain limit etc.),
and when a mapping from those guarantees onto the QoS base dimensions specified here
can be found, it is sufficient to monitor the base dimensions and notify the user
when the service quality does not satisfy the SLA anymore.
It is also possible to define a metric for user satisfaction (see, for example,
[48], which was already discussed in section 2.2.1) and map
it onto the QoS base dimensions. An additional problem that has to be considered here
is the interdependency of the QoS base dimensions: for example, if the packet loss
increases, but the one-way-delay decreases, the effects might cancel each other out,
thus giving no impression of subjective degradation of the service quality to the
end user.
It should also be noted that the QoS measurement framework presented here does not
consider all aspects of service quality that are important to
many end users: for example, the security and safety of a connection. This limitation
was discussed in 3.3.2.
After this in-depth discussion of the proposed QoS measurement framework, I will now evaluate this proposal in reference to the requirements that were listed in section 2.3.1. Those were:
The four QoS base dimensions identified provide a high-level, generic QoS definition.
Since those are based on the ISO QoS standard X.641, the QoS representation is
fairly complete and can be regarded as generic. An exemplary mapping onto
network-specific measurands for TCP/IP networks, multimedia applications over
RTP and video conferencing over ATM networks was proposed, showing that the
architecture is not limited to packet-switched networks. Mappings onto other
network technologies should be fairly straightforward and, as long as care is
given to a non-ambiguous mapping, the measurement results stay comparable, thus
keeping the architecture generic.
The event paradigm gives an abstract description of data streams. By defining
suitable event classes inheriting the event class proposed, this generic concept
can be used to describe any kind of data streams. Having one common model hides
the heterogeneity of underlying networks and enables the use of unified methods.
The concept of event correlation is also very generic.
The three blocks of the architecture, the collector, correlator and analysator,
permit a modular implementation. Using externally defined rules for event generation,
correlation and analysis keeps the interfaces and methods generic, as
protocol-specific information is not part of the measurement framework, but
easily exchangeable and modular.
This proposal of a QoS measurement architecture clearly meets all the requirements
stated in section 2.3.1. It is generic, not limited to a
particular type of network, and provides unified views, hiding the underlying
The limitations of this approach should also be noted. The definition of service
quality much of this framework is based on is very network-centric and
technical. The reasons for this limitation have been discussed in 3.3.2;
basically, the QoS base dimensions have to be restricted to quantifiable measurands
in order to be of any use in such a measurement framework. Still, it is a
drawback that this measurement architecture offers no provision for the handling
of, for example, security-related QoS characteristics. Also, the concept
of QoS proposed ignores functional QoS: that is, it cannot evaluate whether the service
provided the functionality desired by the user. For example, there is no way to
distinguish between a meaningful video transmission and white noise using
the four QoS base dimensions discussed previously.
Certain ideas that have been proposed and discussed will be very difficult to
implement. Correlating across the service interface is problematic, as has
been discussed in section 3.5.2; even the measurement process itself is non-trivial
in this case, as a live protocol stack has to be instrumented in such a fashion
that accurate results can be obtained without disrupting normal operation. Such
a setup also carries very extensive timing problems, but a very precise and
timely measurement is needed to get usable results.
Chapter 4 will present the UML modeling for the QoS measurement and
monitoring architecture, and prepare the ground for the discussion of the implementation
aspects in chapter 5 and the proof-of-concept implementation in
chapter 6.
Figure 4.1 shows the typical interaction of a user with the
system. When the user starts a measurement, the correlator starts all
necessary captures at the data collectors, which in turn send the event
streams corresponding to those captures. After a pre-buffering phase,
the correlator begins sending a correlated event stream to the analysator,
which outputs the QoS base dimensions to the user. The data collection,
correlation and analysis process are concurrent.
Figure 4.2 shows the deployment of the software on different
nodes: the measurement point, which does the packet capture, and the analysis
computer, responsible for correlation and analysis of the event stream.
The number of data collector nodes is not limited, but there is only
one correlator / analysator node which handles all the event streams generated.
Figure 4.3 details the concept of event streams. An event stream is
a composition of events. Context is modeled as an association class.
Figure 4.4 shows the event classes that were discussed in section
3.2. The interface defines all the externally accessible operations:
creating a new event, and getting / setting its timestamp and ID attribute. The
IPEvent and TCPEvent class, which implement the operations defined by the interface
class, have a number of additional protocol-specific attributes which are needed
by the correlation process.
Figure 4.5 shows the context class. The CPU load, the current error estimation,
the freshness (total processing time) and buffer sizes of the analysator and correlator
(sampling_buf_size) are attributes of the context. Two methods, get_context
and set_context can be used to interact with the context object.
Figure 4.6 shows the class diagramm and the interaction of
the collector, correlator and analysator. The correlator is an active class;
as detailed in figure 4.1, it starts and stops the captures
of the collector and provides a correlated event stream to the analysator.
Figure 4.7 shows an instantiated object diagramm of the class
diagramm previously shown. Two collectors, Coll01 and Coll02, produce
each an event stream. which are correlated. There are only one instance
of a correlator and an analysator.
After presenting the architectural framework in chapter 3 and its realization
as a UML software model in chapter 4, this chapter will discuss the
details of the implementation. Section 5.2 discusses the different
possibilities of the experimental setup. Section 5.3 discusses the technical
constraints likely to be encountered during the implementation: timing considerations,
limitations of the implementation, the problem of calibration etc. Finally, section
5.4 presents a prototypical implementation with reduced feature set that
was written to assess the feasibility of certain architectural ideas and find problematic
issues that had been overlooked.
In section 2.3.1, a number of requirements for the QoS measurement and monitoring architecture and its implementation were identified. The following requirements are relevant to the implementation:
Before the software implementation can be started, the experimental setup to be used
during measurement has to be clarified. This covers questions such as: how many
measurement points shall be used, how many streams shall be captured, will an active
or a passive measurement be used etc. The measurement framework does not specify
those points: an arbitrary number of streams can be captured and, as long as a
correlation rule set exists, the event streams generated from those data streams
can be correlated and analyzed. Also, the measurement method is not specified: any
kind of interaction between network entities can serve as a starting point for further
analysis - whether this interaction is passively observed or actively
injected traffic is irrelevant from the viewpoint of the measurement framework.
While the flexibility of the measurement framework might make such questions look
trivial and irrelevant, they are indeed quite fundamental and should be examined
in depth before the measurement framework is implemented.
After clarifying some of the terms and concepts used here, I will discuss
the details of the experimental setup.
As discussed in chapter 3, the measurement can take place across the protocol
interface or across the service interface. The first case refers to a situation
where a (possibly dedicated) machine is placed on the network between the endpoints
of a communication and records the traffic; the latter implies the use of a specially
instrumented protocol stack in the operating system's kernel on the target machine,
enabling the user to generate an event stream based on the actual data exchanged
between layers of the protocol stack. Figure 5.1 details those
For reasons of practicability, only the former case will be considered here. A
measurement point designates a machine which intercepts the traffic at a designated
point in the network. Of course, more than one event stream can be generated
at the measurement point. Possible placements of measurement points in the
networks and the implications will be discussed next. Since the proof-of-concept
implementation will operate on IP networks, the following considerations will
be limited to unicast traffic in IP networks.
- | + | |
One measurement point | Capture of one stream for each traffic direction adds server response latency times | Easy to set up, collector and correlator on one computer |
Two measurement points | Correlator does not run on same computer as collector. Latency between event stream generation and analysis. | Two data streams, more information available through data analysis |
- | + | |
Passive measurement | Very small choice of analyzable traffic when using with one meas. point | No falsifying of observations by traffic injection |
Active measurement | Packet injection falsifies observation | Very customizable. Widely used. |
The first decision to take is the numbers of measurement points to arrange in
the network. Using one measurement point has the clear advantage of an easy set-up:
there is no need to place another measurement point in a possibly geographically
remote location to arrange for another capture. Also, the correlator and analysator
can run on the same machine, thus reducing networking overhead and providing the
user with possibly fresher data.
The drawback is a certain limitation concerning the type of traffic that can
be captured and, later, analyzed. A two-point-setup enables the user
to capture the same traffic before and after its trip through the network and
thus make a ßnapshot" of the same data at different moments in time. A one-point-setup
capturing two streams (the incoming and outgoing data streams, for example) will
never catch the same packet twice. Here, vertical correlation (as discussed in
chapter 3.5.2) will probably be used, in contrast to the much simpler horizonal
correlation which can be used with two-point-setups when capturing packets that
are uniquely IDed. Also, the latency of the server's (or client's)
reaction time might falsify the results and has to be taken into account.
In the literature, one-point-setups are often used with active measurement techniques:
that is, a special packet stream is injected into the network to serve as
an active probe. One example can be found in [24], where specially
prepared ICMP packets are used as probe stream. Finding correlation rules for that
type of event streams is straightforward, as obviously every ICMP echo request
should be paired to it's corresponding ICMP echo reply.
Active measurement can be problematic because it has the potential to falsify
the measurement results by putting undue load on the network. Thus, when using
active measurement, special care has to be taken to ensure the injected packet stream
does not disrupt normal network operation. [23] proposes a mechanism
for the calibration of active delay measurement systems by a passive measurement
system. Also, a specially crafted traffic stream has to be designed in order
to be able to use active measurement. Simple probe packets like ICMP echo requests
and replies do not always provide a complex enough probe stream to gather
the required data for analysis. Using a badly designed probe stream can be very
limiting, and by doing passive measurement, one can easily circumvent this difficulty.
[39] proposes a very interesting implementation of a passive
measurement technique which shows how implicit attributes of a network stream
can be used for measurement. By examining the behavior of loss pairs - that
is, a pair of packets which travel the same path and close together in time
such that exactly one of the packets is loss - the authors show that they
can discover network properties such as packet dropping behaviors of routers
on the network path. This shows that passive measurement techniques should
not be underestimated, and can offer valuable insights.
The proof-of-concept implementation will use a passive measurement technique
and one or two measurement points, as well as the capture of an arbitrary
number of streams, thus combining the advantages of a non-invasive, no-impact
passive measurement with the powerful correlation possibilities of a larger
choice of streams. Tables 5.1 and 5.2 provide a
summary of the advantages and drawbacks of one- and two-point-setups and of
active versus passive measurement techniques.
Using a full trace for traffic analysis can be very time- and resource-consuming,
especially when considering real-world networks where users and applications cause
a lot of traffic. The solution to this problem is to use only a fraction of the
network traffic, that is, use a suitable sampling methodology to record only
chosen parts of the network traffic. Of course, using the full packet population
for analysis yields better and more exact results, but each instance of
sampling uses resources such as CPU time, buffer space etc. It is necessary here
to weigh the sampling frequency against the accuracy requirements.
In [19], different sampling methodologies were evaluated in the
context of network traffic analysis. Both timer- and packet-driven sampling
methodologies were considered. The former make use of a timer to trigger the selection
of a packet: when the timer expires, the next packet to arrive is selected. Packet-driven
sampling methodologies, on the other hand, use a packet counter to trigger
the selection of a packet. Furthermore, three sampling algorithms were considered:
systematic (take the first member out of n buckets), stratified random (take a random
member out of n buckets) or simple random (take n random members out of the whole
Time-triggered techniques were found to perform not as well as packet-triggered
ones. The performance differences within each class (time- or packet-based techniques)
were found to be small, contrary to what one might have expected. Random sampling
is less efficient than stratified random or systematic sampling only when considering
populations with a linear trend. Also, the exactitude of the results quickly declines
with bucket sizes over 1024 packets.
As stated in [47],
Measurements of time lie at the heart of many Internet metrics.
It is important to consider the technical constraints imposed upon any computer-based measurement setup by the errors and uncertainties of imperfect clocks. The following issues regarding computer clock precision have to be considered:
The Network Time Protocol cannot be used for clock synchronization in this context, as
its goal is to provide accurate timekeeping over long time scales, i.e. minutes to days,
while precise measurements call for short-term accuracy. NTP clients use
fairly complicated algorithms to slowly adjust the local computer's time to NTP time,
in order not to hurt the assumption that timestamps always increase monotonously over
Using a radio controlled precision clock (which, themselves, are not without problems -
see [44]) for timekeeping is not a practical option for the
experimental setup discussed here, as it is both expensive and, as will be shown,
superfluous. Instead of relying on absolute time and time synchronization across
all measurement points, it is possible to either measure time only at one point
(which is trivial to do in a one-point-setup as discussed in section 5.2.2) or
measure only relative time differences.
In [18], it is discussed how measurements targeting not absolute time
values but fluctuations of values (here, the variation in, rather than the absolute
value of, one-way-delays) can ignore the problem of tight clock synchronization.
Furthermore, even using radio-controlled precision clocks does not solve some of the
other timing problems that are likely to come up when doing computer-based
measurements: the system load, system tuning parameters (for example, the use
of optimization switch in the compilation of the operating system kernel) etc. will
influence the accuracy of any measurement.
For the implementation purposes of this thesis, the measurement setup focuses
on relative time differences, not absolute time values; and the skew and drift
of computer clocks are ignored, as the implementation proposed serves only as
a proof of concept to demonstrate the practicability of the architectural framework.
Any real-world implementation should, of course, pay attention to this problem.
The BSD packet filter provides a facility for user-level packet capture. Network
monitors normally run as user-level processes, thus making a copy of network packets
from kernel to user space necessary. This copying is time- as well as resource-consuming.
In order to minimize this overhead, a kernel agent called "packet filter" can be
used to discard unwanted packets early on, as long as they are still in kernel
space. This way, the application or network monitor is furnished only with the
part of the traffic capture it considers relevant. Figure 5.2 gives
a schematic view of the BSD packet filter. [42] discusses the
architecture of the BSD packet filter in more detail.
Today, implementations of the BSD packet filter have been ported to almost every
flavor of *NIX. A more user-friendly interface to the BPF can be found in the
pcap library ([4]). The pcap library provides functionality to capture
packets at network interface level, and to execute a predefined function call
for every packet captured. Using the filter syntax known from the tcpdump
utility ([3]), packet filters can be compiled and set, so that the
BPF can discard unwanted traffic.
To capture packets using the pcap library, first a packet capture descriptor
has to be obtained using, for example, the pcap_open_live function.
This function takes a network device (i.e., eth0), the maximum
number of bytes to capture from each packet, a read timeout and a flag
indicating whether the network device should be put into promiscuous mode
as arguments and returns a packet capture descriptor.
After initializing the capture device, capture filters using the tcpdump
syntax can be compiled, and information about the configuration of the
network interface can be gained using pcap_lookupnet. The function
pcap_loop keeps reading packets from the interface until an
error occurs. This function takes a callback function as an argument.
The callback function is executed every time a packet is read. This
function takes a pointer to a user-specified structure (so that the
user can pass arguments), a pointer to the pcap_pkthdr structure
(which contains information such as the capture time) and a pointer
to the packet data.
The BSD packet filter and the pcap library are used as part of the data collector
implementation, as their functionality is more than sufficient here, and a
reimplementation would be not only unnecessary, but also need a massive programming
Assessing the error level introduced by the measurement process is not an easy
task. Measuring the application's resource usage or the degradation of the
measurement computer's activity do not give information about the level of precision
which can be guaranteed by the measurement point. In order to get detailed
information about the error level, a calibration process can be used.
The idea behind this is to use a generated packet stream with well-defined
characteristics as a calibration device. Ideally, the calibration stream would
be injected into the network at such a point that it suffers as little modification
as possible before it is captured by the measurement station. By comparing
the original characteristics of the stream to those of the captured streams,
the error level introduced by the measurement process can be more accurately
estimated. A very simple calibration stream could be, for example, a ping.
Characteristics that can be compared and give an indication of the error level
introduced by the measurement process include, for example, the arrival distribution
of the packets compared to the distribution of the generated events. A large
discrepancy here might indicate efficiency problems.
Further technical limitations to the implementation have to be considered. Not
all ideas presented in chapter 3 are practical and easy to implement. Any
measurement to be done across the service interface of the OSI stack requires
an operating system's protocol stack to be modified in a way that measurements
can easily be obtained. Consider for example the TCP/IP protocol stack of
a typical Unix system like FreeBSD. The kernel source tree (including the
networking source) can be found in [5]. While not monolithical
in design, the sheer complexity of the source code makes it clear that modifying
the kernel in order to accommodate a measurement mechanism is no small task.
Even considering a specially instrumented protocol stack, the problem of
clock skew remains. When considering timing aspects of such minute events as
the passing of a service primitive between different layers of the protocol
stack, a clock skew of a few milliseconds - which, as was discussed in section 5.3.2, is
to be expected with modern computer hardware - is totally unacceptable and
falsifies the results. Considering those practical problems, the proof-of-concept
implementation presented with this thesis concerns itself only with measurement
across the protocol interface.
The problem of instrumentation techniques is currently being actively researched.
[32] presents an architecture for the automated management instrumentation
of component-based applications, underlying the importance of such techniques
especially in the field of QoS monitoring. The Open H323 project ([6]),
which aims to create a full featured, interoperable, Open Source implementation of
the ITU H.323 teleconferencing protocol ([36]), also takes this problems into consideration
and offers detailed resources for monitoring.
Measuring across the protocol interface is also only an approximation, as the
measurement happens at the service access point, i.e., just after the network
card. The captured network trace has to be decoded in parallel in the measurement
software, but no information is available about the inner workings of the operating
system's protocol stack. Thus, the generated event streams can not be used as
a base for correlation across the service interface, especially when the correlation
is done in order to analyze timing-related phenomena.
A further question of interest is whether the use of a real-time operating system
and a measurement software obeying to hard real-time constraints carries any
advantages. Some of the correlation problems discussed in 3.5.2 might
be averted. If the event generation is subjected to timing limits, and an event
has to be generated within a certain timeframe of its corresponding packet or
primitive capture, then two or more event streams could be kept tightly synchronized,
thus easing the correlation process. A complete discussion of this problem is
outside the scope of this thesis, but the approach might be promising.
To evaluate the feasibility of an implementation of the measurement framework presented
and prepare the ground for the proof-of-concept implementation (see 6),
a prototype with a minimal feature set was implemented. Perl was chosen as programming
language because of its suitability as a rapid prototyping language and because Perl's
data manipulation features make it an ideal choice for event stream correlation and
The prototype was to have the following feature set:
Figure 5.3 details the experimental setup that was chosen for the
To produce test traffic, the measurement station meas was used to ping knoppix with
variable packet intervals. Using the ping utility had the added benefit that the generated
packet stream had a well-defined bandwidth usage, as the number of packets to send per
second can be specified on the command line interface. The computer projekt7 serves as
a bridge between both networks. It runs a software written by Boris Lohner which disturbs
the flow of traffic as a WAN would do: it offers the capability to simulate
packet loss, delays, delay jitter and packet duplicates with a configurable interface.
More details about the WAN emulator can be found in [40]. Both the collector and the correlator / analysator
were run on meas.
Two Perl programs were written to implement the prototype: collector.pl and correlator.pl.
To enable a distributed use and test this concept, they were both given the capability
to communicate using network sockets. In this scenario, collector.pl acts as the server,
correlator.pl as the client. The functionality and realization of
both programs will now be discussed in more detail.
In this scenario, the program collector.pl acts as a server. It accepts one control connection
and as many data connections as the client opens - each data connection being equivalent
to one event stream. The context is global to the collector instance, which means that
all event streams from one collector will have one common context. This is due to
the nature of the implementation. Since the data collector runs on one machine, the context
has to be global to avoid conflict. If, for example, the user requires freshness from
one stream and completeness from the other, the collector process would have to satisfy
two conflicting goals: that of minimizing the packet processing time, for example by
using suitable sampling methods, and that of delivering a complete trace. Furthermore,
since all event streams are generated from one network trace, i.e. one instance of
the pcap driver, every context switch means that all captures have to be restarted.
After some initialization at startup, the program opens a socket and waits for
connections. Once a control connection has been accepted, the pcap interface is
initialized, and the client can open a data connection. For every event stream
requested by the client, a child process is forked, starts a recording loop on
the pcap interface, and instantiates a callback function of the correct type. For every
packet that comes across the interface, the callback function is triggered.
After performing some context checks (i.e., do some sampling and test whether the
maximum processing time is likely to be exceeded), the packet is decoded and an
appropriate event is generated. Whenever a change in context is requested by the client,
all current event streams are re-initialized.
The correlator.pl program contains both the correlator and the analysator functionality.
As the functionality of correlating event streams and later analyzing the correlated
stream come together quite naturally, no effort was made to separate the functionality
into two distinct programs.
The QoS to be measured here was capacity, in the form of packets per second. The measurement
was done using a timer- and a packet-based sampling. In the first form, the bandwidth
usage was measured by counting the number of packets in sampling bins of five seconds
length, marking the beginning and end of a bin by timer events; in the second form, a
buffer of 5 packets was used to determine the time elapsed between the first and the
fifth packet. Both results where then converted to packets per seconds. Due to a
methodical error, the results of the timer-based approach were wrong and, thus, not
comparable to the results of the packet-based approach.
The details of the correlator / analysator implementation will now be detailed. After some
initialization at startup, the program connects to the collector server and requests
a timer event stream and an IP event stream. A buffer size of 10 events is used for
correlation. The program starts with filling the IP event buffer with 5 events before
any correlation and analysis is done. After the prebuffering phase, the time- and
the packet-based bandwidth computation is performed and printed on the standard output.
Figure 5.4 shows a screenshot of the prototype collector program.
Figure 5.5 and 5.6 show the collector
program. "pps1" is the bandwidth computed with a packet-based sampling, "pps2" the
bandwidth computer with a timer-based sampling. In both screenshots, the traffic
measured consisted of a simple ping.
The prototype software clearly showed that an implementation of the QoS measurement architecture
proposed in this thesis is feasible. It also helped to clear up the concept of context
when viewed from the implementation side and prepare the ground for the proof-of-concept implementation. The proof-of-concept implementation will have
a very system- and implementation-oriented concept of context, which covers things such
as CPU load, event processing time, buffer size etc. That context here is collector-specific
and cannot be broken down to be event-stream-specific is due to the specifics of the
implementation. This was discussed in section 5.4.1. The prototype
implementation also helped to gain a better definition of event streams. A question
which has yet to be answered and will be considered more carefully for the proof-of-concept
implementation is whether the correlator process can correlate smoothly over context
switches, or whether the correlation has to be restarted whenever the collector process
restarts the event streams.
In this chapter, varied aspects of the implementation and the experimental setup were
discussed. Different kinds of measurement setups were presented: one-point-setups,
which are very easy to realise but quite limiting for the traffic analysis and two-point-setups,
which are more difficult to realize as both endpoints of a connection have to be instrumented
with a data collector, but offer a wider range of subsequent traffic analysis possibilities
through the capture of two trace files. The advantages and drawbacks of active and passive
measurement techniques were discussed. Active measurement techniques involve the injection
of a probe packet stream into the network and can thus possibly influence network performance
and falsify measurement results.
Technical constraints of the implementation were discussed. Since computer clocks are
very inaccurate and difficult to synchronize, it is necessary to take that into consideration
and use analysis techniques that do not rely on absolute time. The possible influence
of the correlator / analysator and the collector program on system performance also have
to be taken into account. A special calibration process can be used to estimate the error
After having discussion the fundamentals of the implementation work in this chapter,
chapter 6 will present the proof-of-concept implementation and discuss the
code and algorithms used.
After the prototype model presented in chapter 5, this chapter will
discuss the proof-of-concept implementation. This implementation covers
a larger feature set and shows that the QoS measurement framework
proposed can be implemented and that the implementation fulfills
the requirements outlined in section 2.3.1. The proof-of-concept
implementation supports IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, FTP and timer event types.
Horizontal and semantic correlation illustrate the concept of
event correlation discussed in section 3.5.2. The analysator can
process IP, TCP and ICMP event types, and features an exemplary
mapping of protocol-specific measurands onto QoS base dimensions.
Both the collector and the correlator / analysator programs show
how the core program can be kept generic by a modular approach,
cleanly encapsulating the protocol-specific code.
The client-server model, which had proved itself useful in the prototype
model, was reused for the proof-of-concept implementation. Also, the
proof-of-concept implementation was realized in Perl and PerlTk, as
the Perl language is very powerful for rapid software prototyping and
for string evaluation and supports complex data structures. This features
were very helpful for the correlation and analysis processes.
The collector and correlator / analysator implementation will now be discussed
with special attention to the event trace format used by the collector
and the details of the correlation and analysis process.
coll-poc.pl is the data collector. It acts as an event stream server
and waits for the client (the data correlator) to open a TCP/IP connection
to the server and start the measurement.
The event generation functions are cleanly separated from the core code.
The file events.pl contains event generation functions for IP,
TCP, ICMP, UDP and FTP event streams. The pcap library is used for packet
capture, as detailed in section 5.3.3. The choice of event
types was motivated by the availability of the Perl NetPacket package
which provides a very easy-to-use interface for parsing the libpcap output
into Perl objects, and supports IP, TCP, UDP, ARP, and ICMP. Other
protocols have to be parsed by hand or using other libraries to produce
The core code is mainly protocol-independent and generic. Setting the
appropriate pcap filters for the capture has not been encapsulated into
a separate function, but this would be rather straightforward. Adding support
for new event types to the core code is very easy: a new event generation
function and an appropriate pcap filter have to be added.
To simplify the usage of the collector and the implementation, a simple
ASCII format was used for the event streams. All event streams have
a few common characteristics: a single character indicating the event
type, a stream number to differentiate simultaneous streams of the same
event type, a sequential counter providing a unique ID,
and a timestamp indicating when the capture occurred. This
timestamp is taken from the pcap_pkthdr structure, not from
the packet header itself and denotes the time of capture at the service access point. All event types except the timer event also
feature the packet checksum, which is not used during further processing
but included as an example.
The TCP event stream format is the following: stream type, stream number,
sequential counter, processing time in the collector, capture timestamp,
source IP:source port, destination IP:destination port, sequence number,
acknowledgment number, checksum. Here a trace file example:
The IP event stream format is the following: stream type, stream number, sequential
counter, processing time in the collector, capture timestamp, source IP,
destination IP, header flags, checksum. Here an example:
The ICMP event stream format is the following: stream type, stream number,
sequential counter, processing time in the collector, capture timestamp,
source IP, destination IP, ICMP type, ICMP code, ICMP sequence number,
checksum. The example features two different traces. The first capture
(sequence numbers 6 to 11) was a capture of ICMP echo request, which can
clearly be seen from the ICMP type which is 0. The second capture (sequence
numbers 1 to 6) was a capture of ICMP echo replies, where the ICMP type
is 8:
Finally, the timer event stream, which is the simplest so far, features
a stream type, stream number, sequential count and a timestamp. Timer events are
used to indicate the time flow on a remote server, and have a reference time for
the analysis of packets produced by this server. For example, to count the number
of packet arrivals in the last 10 minutes, one has to know what "the last 10 minutes"
meant in absolute time for the remote server.
Of course, a real event stream will be a mix of all those event types. When the
event streams are then parsed by the correlator, the stream type and stream number
are used to distinguish the individual event streams. While the ASCII format
has the advantage of being easily readable to a human operator, a binary format
would certainly be called for when dealing with large traces, to reduce trace file
size. Furthermore, using a remote procedure call architecture might also be an
interesting approach, as this would eliminate the need for event parsing in
the correlator, and support the distributed implementation of this framework.
The core program itself is rather simple, as the functionality lies mostly
in the event generation functions. The main routine is a while loop
which waits for user input on the control channel. The following commands
are understood by the collector:
When the start command is received, the spawn function is
called, taking as arguments the callback function data_capture,
the event type and the source and destination IP addresses. Event type
source and destination are parsed from user input, as can be seen in
the regular expression from line 6. The spawn function takes
care of internal statistics (how many captures are running, what arguments
were they called with etc.) and then executes data_capture,
or changes the coderef to the timer event generation function when
a timer event stream has been requested. In this case the data_capture,
which initializes a pcap capture, does not have to be called.
The data_capture function opens a pcap capture device and prepares
a capture filter which makes sure that the internal traffic between the
collector and its client is not captured, and that only the traffic between
the source and destination IP address is captured. Furthermore, the
protocol to be captured can be specified. This is clearly protocol-specific
code in the core program, but it is easy to encapsulate it so that
the core program remains generic.
Filtering the traffic between two IP-addresses is done for several reasons:
the measurement framework proposed concerns itself with end-to-end QoS, so
only the interaction between two communication endpoints is considered.
Furthermore, the less specific the event streams are, the more complicated
the correlation process is as it becomes necessary to differentiate between
all the endpoints involved in this communication. Since the implementation
presented here serves as a proof-of-concept, it is preferable to keep the
code simple and self-explanatory.
In line 24, the pcap capture loop is started with the callback function event
as an argument. It serves as a wrapper function for the actual event function
to be called. The $usr structure is used to pass the event type.
The event generation functions are in a separate file. Here, the ip_evt
function will be discussed as an example. This function takes the $usr
structure, the pcap header $hdr and the packet structure $pkt
as arguments. The packet is parsed using the NetPacket::Ethernet and NetPacket::IP
modules. Then, the event is output to the data channel using the output format
that was discussed in section 6.1.1. The NetPacket::ICMP module had
to be patched, since it did not parse the complete ICMP header. A patched version
of the NetPacket::ICMP module is included in the source file directory under
cecile/ICMP.pm .
In this implementation, the correlator and analysator were realized in one program.
There is no reason to separate the functionality, as no advantage is to be gained
by having the correlator and analysator run on separate machines. The correlator-analysator
features a user-friendly GUI and a text output to the console. It can be
used interactively to see the analysis in real-time or the console output
can be captured to a file.
Again, the core program is generic. The protocol-specific functions, that is
the event stream correlation and analysis, are separate from the core code.
The event parsing has not been modularized, but this would be easy to do.
t 0 1 0000000000.009308 1034956430.222131 1161751207 582185694 24441
t 0 2 0000000000.005549 1034956430.242704 1161751208 582185694 40744
t 0 3 0000000000.005278 1034956430.251550 1161751262 582185716 20061
t 0 4 0000000000.011882 1034956430.344180 1161751814 582186180 34537
t 0 5 0000000000.011915 1034956430.444118 1161751814 582186196 34501
t 0 6 0000000000.010918 1034956432.695591 1161751814 582186196 50250
t 0 7 0000000000.012380 1034956432.973722 1161752094 582186468 33443
t 0 8 0000000000.009834 1034956436.126960 1161752094 582186468 31577
i 0 1 0000000000.011267 1034956304.595531 2 46494
i 0 2 0000000000.007164 1034956304.615260 2 46445
i 0 3 0000000000.008387 1034956304.624136 2 45946
i 0 4 0000000000.011444 1034956304.720855 2 46497
i 0 5 0000000000.001633 1034956304.820808 2 46496
i 0 6 0000000000.010155 1034956307.112412 2 46215
i 0 7 0000000000.001671 1034956307.380706 2 46494
i 0 8 0000000000.007013 1034956310.575713 2 45725
i 0 9 0000000000.010326 1034956310.672157 2 46476
i 0 10 0000000000.001796 1034956310.900692 2 46491
i 0 11 0000000000.004970 1034956310.947449 2 46442
p 0 6 0000000000.009004 1034956358.805915 0 0 0000 65345
p 0 7 0000000000.012140 1034956359.812671 0 0 0100 9256
p 0 8 0000000000.012110 1034956360.822718 0 0 0200 59904
p 0 9 0000000000.012097 1034956361.832751 0 0 0300 54233
p 0 10 0000000000.012060 1034956362.842789 0 0 0400 50098
p 0 11 0000000000.012064 1034956363.852830 0 0 0500 41867
p 0 1 0000000000.014830 1034956386.795612 8 0 0000 5991
p 0 2 0000000000.008062 1034956387.802177 8 0 0100 23117
p 0 3 0000000000.052036 1034956388.812179 8 0 0200 17702
p 0 4 0000000000.024002 1034956389.832215 8 0 0300 1496
p 0 5 0000000000.004688 1034956390.842225 8 0 0400 60848
p 0 6 0000000000.012623 1034956391.852232 8 0 0500 54409
h 1 0 1034956462.356046
h 1 1 1034956463.363309
h 1 2 1034956464.373256
h 1 3 1034956465.383262
h 1 4 1034956466.403276
h 1 5 1034956467.423348
h 1 6 1034956468.433316
h 1 7 1034956469.453321
6.1.2 Code
1 while(!$exitflag){
2 if(/^quit/i){
3 ...
4 } elsif(/^context (...) (\d*)/i){
5 ...
6 } elsif(/^start (.*_evt) (\d*?\.\d*?\.\d*?\.\d*?) (\d*?\.\d*?\.\d*?\.\d*?);/i){
7 spawn(\&data_capture, $1, $2, $3);
8 } elsif(/^stop (\d*)/i){
9 ...
10 } elsif(/^stats/i){
11 ...
12 }
13 }
1 sub data_capture {
2 my ($nr, $event, $src, $dst) = @_;
3 [...]
4 # Initialise capture device
5 my $dev = $user_dev || Net::Pcap::lookupdev(\$errbuf);
7 # snaplen 1024 byte, promisc = 1, timeout 10ms
8 my $p = Net::Pcap::open_live($dev, 1024, 1, 10, \$errbuf);
9 [...]
10 my $myf = "dst $dst and src $src and not port $port";
11 if($event =~ /tcp/){
12 $myf .= " and tcp";
13 } elsif($event =~ /icmp/){
14 $myf .= " and icmp";
15 }
16 [...]
17 if(Net::Pcap::compile($p, \$ft, $myf, 0, $net) != 0){
18 print STDERR "error compiling filter\n";
19 }
20 if(Net::Pcap::setfilter($p, $ft) != 0){
21 print STDERR "error setting filter\n";
22 }
23 [...]
24 Net::Pcap::loop($p, -1, \&event, $usr);
26 while(1){
27 # do nothing
28 }
30 return 1;
31 }
1 sub ip_evt {
2 my ($usr, $hdr, $pkt) = @_;
4 my $ip_obj = NetPacket::IP->decode(NetPacket::Ethernet::strip($pkt));
6 my ($t1, $mt1) = gettimeofday;
7 print DATA_OUT "i $usr->{'nr'} $cnt " .
8 sprintf("%010d.%06d", ($t1 - $hdr->{tv_sec}), ($mt1 - $hdr->{tv_usec})) .
9 " $hdr->{tv_sec}." . sprintf("%06d",$hdr->{tv_usec}) .
10 " $ip_obj->{src_ip} $ip_obj->{dest_ip} $ip_obj->{flags} $ip_obj->{cksum}\n";
12 }
6.2 Correlator - Analysator
6.2.1 Measurands
Reliability Capacity Integrity Timeliness ICMP Every echo req has echo reply PPS - RTT TCP Packet loss PPS Sequencing errors - IP - PPS - -
Table 6.1 illustrates the mapping from QoS base dimensions onto
protocol-specific measurands that was chosen for the proof-of-concept implementation.
The table is not exhaustive. The calculation of certain base dimensions was omitted
to keep the implementation simple and the code mostly self-explanatory. A comparison
with table 3.2 shows that the mapping discussed in chapter 3.3.2
is usable for implementation purposes.
The code for the GUI setup will not be discussed in this section, as it is
straightforward and does not contain any aspects relevant to the correlation or
analysis of event streams. The following code shows how the event stream capture
and processing are scheduled. fileevent is a Tk function which calls
the callback function it gets as third argument every time there is new data
waiting to be read on the socket. repeat is a Tk function which executes
a callback function some milliseconds later. The time interval to wait between
execution is given as first argument. Using the repeat and fileevent
functions at the same time introduces a certain level of concurrency.
When the read function is called, it reads the next line from the data socket
and parses the event stream into a Perl data structure. The data structure used
is a buffer of fixed length. When the collector process starts delivering data, the
correlator fills up the buffer until the maximum length is reached. After that, the
buffer length is kept constant by pushing out the eldest event every time a new
event arrives. Furthermore, every event stream has its own data structure: there
is no mix between streams from different collectors, or between different streams
from the same collector.
The correlate function, which is called at fixed time intervals, first calls
the event-type specific correlation functions and then, accordingly, the analysis
functions. I will now discuss one correlation function and one analysis function
in detail to show how correlation and analysis are realized here.
icmp_correl_semantic tries to find a semantic correlation between two
ICMP event streams; that is, given two ICMP event streams recorded by the same
collector machine, it tries to find the corresponding ICMP echo reply to each
ICMP echo request. Since the collector uses a libpcap filter for each event
stream, one stream contains only the ICMP echo requests and the other only
the ICMP echo replies. The icmp_correl_semantic function iterates
through both event streams and, if a correlation is found - that is, if the
ICMP echo request sequence number of one event corresponds to the ICMP
echo reply sequence number of an event in the other stream, a pointer from
one event to each other is set. The event stream with the pointers forms the
correlated event stream.
icmp_rel is the function to measure the reliability of ICMP.
The analysis is very simple: an iteration cycles through the correlated
event stream, beginning with the oldest event. If the event has a pointer
set to an event in another stream, clearly the echo request was followed
by an echo reply. Of course, should the correlation fail, a false
negative is be displayed.
The only type of context available in the proof-of-concept implementation
is freshness. Here, freshness is not used to represent the total processing
time, but rather the time interval to wait before each successive call of
the correlator function. The more frequent the correlation is, the "fresher"
the results are.
The context switch is executed by canceling the last repeat call and
executing a new one, with a different interval. The correlation does not happen
over context switches, as the correlation is not a time-continuous process.
This section presents some screenshots from the proof-of-concept implementation.
The measurements were executed using collector servers on two computers,
and one correlator / analysator. A ping and an ssh-session
were used to produce test traffic.
Figure 6.1 shows a screenshot of the correlator / analysator
at startup. In the lower left-hand-side, the collector server IP addresses
and the IP addresses of the two clients between which the traffic is captured
are displayed.
1 foreach(1..$C){
2 $M->fileevent("DATA".$C, 'readable', \&${"read".$_});
3 }
5 $co_id = $M->repeat(($freshness || 500), \&correlate);
1 sub icmp_correl_semantic {
3 if($pi1 < 1){ return; }
5 for(my $h = 0; $h <= $pi1; $h++){
6 if($p_1->[3]->[$h]->{'c_c'} ne ""){
7 next;
8 }
9 for(my $k = 0; $k <= $pi1; $k++){
10 if( ( $p_1->[3]->[$h]->{'seq'} eq $p_1->[4]->[$k]->{'seq'} )
11 && ( $p_1->[3]->[$h]->{'seq'} ne "" ) ){
12 $p_1->[3]->[$h]->{'c_c'} = $p_1->[4]->[$k]->{'cnt'};
13 $p_1->[4]->[$k]->{'c_c'} = $p_1->[3]->[$h]->{'cnt'};
14 }
15 }
16 }
18 return;
19 }
1 sub icmp_rel {
3 $icmp_rel_c++;
4 my $b = $icmp_rel_c % $MC;
6 for(my $h = $pi1; $h > 0; $h--){
7 if($p_1->[3]->[$h]->{'c_c'} ne ""){
8 for(my $k = $pi1; $k > 0; $k--){
9 if($p_1->[3]->[$h]->{'c_c'} eq $p_1->[4]->[$k]->{'cnt'}){
10 dot("rel", $b, 20, "P");
11 return;
12 }
13 }
14 } else {
15 next;
16 }
17 }
19 return;
20 }
6.2.3 Context
6.3 Application screenshots
Figure 6.2 shows a screenshot of the correlator / analysator
during a measurement. The display of the QoS base dimensions is color-coded:
blue for IP events, yellow for ICMP events and green for TCP events. The
"reliability" display shows many false negatives for the TCP packet loss;
this is due to errors in the correlation. The "capacity" display shows
first the capture of a ping (yellow line) and then some additional
TCP traffic. It is quite visible how the total IP traffic is the sum of the
ICMP and the TCP traffic. The ïntegrity" display shows TCP sequencing
errors (none happened during that capture). The "timeliness" display shows
the round-trip-delay of the ICMP packets.
Figure 6.3 shows a screenshot of the analysator output to
the standard output during a measurement. The leftmost column is a
timestamp. The measurement was executed with a freshness value of 500ms.
Accordingly, the trace file shows how each base dimension is computed
twice per second.
Figure 6.4 shows a screenshot of one of the collector servers
and shows how the different captures are started. The collector output
to the standard output serves only diagnostic purposes.
The proof-of-concept implementation presented in this chapter has shown that
the QoS measurement framework can be implemented in a very generic way. By
using modular programming techniques, the core code is kept generic and
can be reused with any type of protocol. The protocol-specific code is
cleanly encapsulated in separate functions and easy to reimplement and
replace. Furthermore, by separating the collector from the correlator / analysator
functionality, it is easy to reuse the collector for other tasks.
An interesting option for the implementation would be to use
the IPPM framework to compute the QoS base dimensions, as this
framework provides a comprehensive overview of metrics for IP
networks. The IPPM framework defines a number of metrics that are
relevant in the context of IP networks: for measuring connectivity
(RFC2678 [41]), one-way-delay (RFC2679 [7]) etc.
and was discussed in 2.2.2. Due to the modular composition of
the implementation, adding new metrics is only a matter of changing the
relevant correlation and analysis rules.
The collector and correlator exchange event streams in ASCII format and
communicate using network sockets. This design decision was made to ease
the implementation and make the debugging easier. Using remote procedure
calls would make the event stream parsing that is done in the correlator
unnecessary. Furthermore, the architecture could be implemented on a distributed
platform like the Mobile Agent System Architecture (MASA) ([38]).
With today's networks becoming more and more service-oriented,
a need for predictable and accountable service quality has
arisen. Quantifying service quality is important not only
to satisfy customer expectations, but also as a mean to describe
traffic characteristics. The heterogeneity of today's networks
and the lack of a unified QoS framework complicate the task
of measuring and monitoring service quality. Existing approaches
are too protocol-specific and lacking a generic framework.
This thesis proposes a generic QoS measurement and monitoring
architecture, and presents a proof-of-concept implementation.
The following requirements have been identified for the architecture: use a high-level
and generic QoS definition instead of relying on technology-specific
QoS concepts, hide the underlying network heterogeneity with
unified views, and use unified methods and interfaces.
Using a unified view on QoS is necessary to develop a generic
QoS measurement architecture, as then the QoS concepts used are
not limited to a specific networking technology and the
architecture can adequately reflect the heterogeneity of today's networks.
The implementation requirements are: keep the core code as generic
as possible and use modular programming to make adding support
for additional protocols as easy as possible. Furthermore,
the implementation should also use unified views and unified
methods to hide the underlying network heterogeneity from the
The QoS measurement and monitoring framework proposed consists of
three conceptual blocks, the data collector, the data correlator and
the data analysator. To model the interaction across the service
or protocol interface, the concept of events is introduced using
an abstract event class. Every protocol can then be modeled by
constructing a suitable event class inherited from the abstract
event class. The event stream, which is modeled as a composition
of events, describes the interactions at the service access point.
Quality of service is modeled using four QoS base dimensions -
reliability, capacity, timeliness and integrity - which were derived
from the OSI QoS standard ([35]). Those base dimensions
can be mapped onto protocol-specific measurands, but are very
generic themselves.
The first of the three blocks, the data collector, captures the
interaction at the service or protocol interface and generates
a number of event streams, one for each protocol stack layer involved.
Multiple instances of the data collector can be used
concurrently to generate event streams. The data correlator takes
those event streams and performs an event correlation to associate
events from one stream with events from another stream. The
correlation can be vertical (between protocol stack layers),
horizontal (when correlating event streams which model the
same data stream at different moments in time) or semantic
(when correlating events according to protocol mechanisms,
for example a TCP handshake).
Finally, the data analysator uses the correlated event streams
to compute the QoS base dimensions, using, of course, the mapping
onto network-specific measurands. Furthermore, the concept
of context is introduced to model the interrelated conditions
under which the measurement and analysis happen. Context can be
captured during any step of the measurement, and is propagated
to the data analysator, to provide the end user with context
information. Furthermore, the end user can specify the
measurement context (for example maximum error rates, sampling
scheme to use etc.) which is then propagated back to the
analysator, correlator and collector.
To determine how well and how easily the QoS measurement and monitoring
architecture could be implemented, a prototypical implementation
with basic feature set has been realized. This laid the
groundwork for the
proof-of-concept implementation which demonstrates the
full possibilities of the QoS measurement architecture. The
proof-of-concept implementation can be used in IP networks to
generate event streams for IP, TCP and ICMP event types.
Examples of horizontal and semantical correlation are included,
and a mapping of the QoS base dimensions onto protocol-specific
measurands is used to compute service quality. The
proof-of-concept implementation is realized as a client-server
application to be used as a distributed application, and
features a graphical user interface for the analysator.
Both the measurement architecture and the implementation meet
the requirements. The measurement architecture is generic, as
its design is very abstract and hides network heterogeneity.
The concept of QoS base dimensions provides a unified
view on service quality by modeling service quality with
abstract dimensions which are mapped onto protocol-specific
measurands as needed. Events are derived from an abstract
event class which defines a minimal set of attributes an
event should have. Suitable event classes can then be defined
for any protocol. Finally, the concept of event stream
correlation is not protocol-specific. As long as a suitable mapping
can be defined, event stream correlation is possible.
The core code of the
proof-of-concept implementation is kept generic through
modular programming. All the protocol-specific code - the
event generation rules, the event correlation rules and
the event stream analysis rules - are cleanly separated from the
core program and can easily be replaced to support a different
protocol set.
An interesting option for the implementation would be to use
the IPPM framework to compute the QoS base dimensions, as this
framework provides a comprehensive overview of metrics for IP
networks. The IPPM metrics can be easily integrated into the
implementation as only the relevant correlation and analysis
rules have to be changed to accommodate another
metric. Furthermore, since the three conceptual blocks of the
measurement architecture can be implemented in a distributed
fashion, it would be possible to use the MASA platform
([38]) as a foundation for the implementation.
Even though the proof-of-concept implementation consists of a very
generic core code, any functional extension to support new
protocols needs programming effort. Using a symbolic language
to describe the protocol parameters to be captured, the
correlation rules and the analysis rules would enable the
end user to customize the QoS measuring tool very easily.
The set of four QoS base dimensions chosen is largely based on the
OSI QoS standard, and has shown itself to be quite proficient through
the theoretical as well as the more practical aspects of this thesis.
It has yet to be seen whether the QoS model presented can be
mapped onto a generic user-level QoS definition;
but since the existing QoS frameworks lack a suitable definition
of user-level QoS, this could not be assessed.
The concept of context is discussed using a practical bottom-up
approach to identify a number of aspects relevant to the measurement
architecture. Here, a more theoretical approach is needed.
The concept of "context" has to be discussed in its relevance to
measuring and monitoring. By identifying all parameters that
contribute to measurement and error context and classifying
them adequately, a suitable representation of measurement context
can be gained. Furthermore, the interdependency of context
parameters and the impact of that interdependency on context
backpropagation have to be considered.
Finally, the discussion of event stream correlation has also raised
a number of questions. Event stream correlation across the service
interface is problematic, due to timing and synchronization considerations
as well as technical details of the instrumentation of a protocol
stack. It has yet to be determined how feasible an implementation
of the proposed QoS measurement architecture is in this case. Finally,
the types of correlation discussed were chosen with regard to their
applicability and relevance. Other types of correlation might offer
interesting insights and simplify the analysis.
1Signal to noise ratio
2Service Data Unit
3Protocol Data Unit
4As will be shown in chapter 5, context as considered in the prototypical implementation is, due to technical limitations, collector-specific
5Universal Time Coordinated; uniform atomic time system kept very closely to UT2, that is, the universal time deduced directly from observations of stars, and corrected for polar motion and seasonal variation in the earth's rotation rate