#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Converting MOF-files to .mo-files, Step 3
# Author: Christian Schiller
# Date: 08/15/98
%objtype = (
"boolean" => "Boolean",
"char" => "Character",
"byte" => "Byte",
"short" => "Short",
"int" => "Integer",
"long" => "Long",
"float" => "Float",
"double" => "Double"
# output filename
$_ = $ARGV[0];
$filename = $1 . ".mo";
print STDERR "output will be written to $filename\n";
open (OUTPUT, ">$filename");
while(<>) {
# copy everything to the output
print OUTPUT;
# add get/set funcions for the attributes
# extract the class name and add appropriate constructor
/class\s+(\w+)Impl/ && do { $classname = $1; &addConstructor(); };
# add get/set functions for reference types
/String\s+(\w+);/ && do { &getSetRef("String", $1); last SWITCH };
/BigInteger\s+(\w+);/ && do {&getSetRef("BigInteger", $1); last SWITCH };
# add get/set functions for primitive types
/boolean\s+(\w+);/ && do { &getSetPrim("boolean", $1); last SWITCH };
/char\s+(\w+);/ && do { &getSetPrim("char", $1); last SWITCH };
/byte\s+(\w+);/ && do { &getSetPrim("byte", $1); last SWITCH };
/short\s+(\w+);/ && do { &getSetPrim("short", $1); last SWITCH };
/int\s+(\w+);/ && do { &getSetPrim("int", $1); last SWITCH };
/long\s+(\w+);/ && do { &getSetPrim("long", $1); last SWITCH };
/float\s+(\w+);/ && do { &getSetPrim("float", $1); last SWITCH };
/double\s+(\w+);/ && do { &getSetPrim("double", $1); last SWITCH };
sub addConstructor {
# read until opening '{', then add constructor
while (<>) {
/\{/ || do { print OUTPUT; next; };
print OUTPUT; # '{'
print OUTPUT <<HERE;
public ${classname}Impl() throws RemoteException {
print OUTPUT "\n";
# for reference types
sub getSetRef {
my ($type, $attrib) = @_;
print OUTPUT <<HERE;
public $type getAttr$attrib(Session session)
throws AuthorizationException, RemoteException
return ($type) getPropertyByName(session, \"$attrib\");
public void setAttr$attrib(Session session, $type $attrib)
throws NotInUpdateException, AuthorizationException, RemoteException
setPropertyByName(session, \"$attrib\", $attrib);
# for primitive types
sub getSetPrim {
my ($type, $attrib) = @_;
print OUTPUT <<HERE;
public $type getAttr$attrib(Session session)
throws AuthorizationException, RemoteException
return (($objtype{$type}) getPropertyByName(session, \"$attrib\")).${type}Value();
public void setAttr$attrib(Session session, $type $attrib)
throws NotInUpdateException, AuthorizationException, RemoteException
setPropertyByName(session, \"$attrib\", new $objtype{$type}($attrib));