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C.4 Datei

 * Autor: Christian Schiller
 * Datum: 15. August 1998

package schiller.jmapi;

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import sunw.admin.avm.base.*;
import sunw.admin.arm.rmi.*;
import sunw.admin.arm.common.*;
import sunw.admin.arm.manager.*;
import schiller.jmapi.*;

 * Applet used for testing the NomadicSystemContentManager
public class NomadicSystemContentManagerApplet extends Applet {

    TopLevelContentManager mgr;
    ContentManager nomadicSystems;
    Image userImg;

    public void init() {
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        Context.setProperty("headerBackground", new Color(70,70,170));
        Context.setProperty("headerForeground", Color.white);
        try {
             * This is just a dummy image. We're not using it, 
             * but an image is required for setting up the 
             * SimpleContentManager
            userImg = Context.getImage("images/user.gif", this);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        add("Center", mgr = new TopLevelContentManager());
        mgr.add("Center", nomadicSystems = 
                new NomadicSystemContentManager("Nomadic Systems", userImg));

 * This command is used when "Delete .." is selected from the "Selected" menu
class DeleteCmd implements Command, ActionListener {

    SecurityContext sc = new SecurityContext("nobody", null);
    RemoteEnumeration moEnum = null;
    Session session = null;
    QuestionDialog questionDialog;
    NomadicSystemMO mo = null;

    static final String className = "schiller.jmapi.NomadicSystemMO";
    public DeleteCmd() {
        try {
            session = MOFactory.newSession(sc);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public String getName() {
        return "Delete ...";
    public String getLabel() {
        return "Delete ...";

     * This method gets the first MO from the database which
     * matches the given ethernet address and domain name.
     * It then pops up a question dialog asking whether the object
     * should be deleted. When deletion is confirmed, the object is
     * removed from the database.
    public void execute(Object executor) {
        SimpleContentManager scm = (SimpleContentManager) executor;
        Table t = scm.getTable();
        int i = t.getSelectedIndex();
        String domainName = (String) t.getItem(i, 1);
        String ethernetAddress = (String) t.getItem(i, 0);
        System.err.println("Domain Name: " + domainName);
        System.err.println("Ethernet Address: " + ethernetAddress);
        if (session == null) {
            sc = new SecurityContext("nobody", null);
            try {        
                Session session = MOFactory.newSession(sc);
            } catch (Exception e) {
        QueryExp queryExp = Query.and(
        try {
            moEnum = MOFactory.enumerateMOClass(className, queryExp);
            if (moEnum == null || ! moEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                System.err.println("No matching MO found in database.");
                System.err.println("Domain Name: " + domainName);
                System.err.println("Ethernet Address: " + ethernetAddress);
            mo = (NomadicSystemMO) moEnum.nextElement();
            System.err.println("MO found in database");
            // pop up question dialog and ask for confirmation
            System.err.println("Popping up question dialog ...");
            Frame f = new Frame(); // dummy frame for constructor
            questionDialog =
                new QuestionDialog(f, "Really Delete this NomadicSystemMO?");
            questionDialog.setSize(400, 200);
        } catch (Exception e) {
    // action listener for question dialog 
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
        String cmd = ae.getActionCommand();
        if (cmd.equals("yes")) {
            System.err.println("Deleting MO ...");
            try {
                System.err.println("Deletion successful.");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Couldn't delete MO");
        } else {
            System.err.println("Nothing deleted.");

 * This command is used when "Properties ..." is selected from the
 * "Selected" menu
class PropCmd implements Command {

    SecurityContext sc = new SecurityContext("nobody", null);
    RemoteEnumeration moEnum = null;
    Session session = null;
    static final String className = "schiller.jmapi.NomadicSystemMO";

    public PropCmd() {
        try {
            session = MOFactory.newSession(sc);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public String getName() {
        return "Properties ...";
    public String getLabel() {
        return "Properties ...";
     * This method displays the property book corresponding to the 
     * first MO found in the database matching the selected ethernet
     * address and domain name.
    public void execute(Object executor) {
        SimpleContentManager scm = (SimpleContentManager) executor;
        Table t = scm.getTable();
        int i = t.getSelectedIndex();
        String domainName = (String) t.getItem(i, 1);
        String ethernetAddress = (String) t.getItem(i, 0);
        System.err.println("Domain Name: " + domainName);
        System.err.println("Ethernet Address: " + ethernetAddress);
        if (session == null) {
            sc = new SecurityContext("nobody", null);
            try {        
                Session session = MOFactory.newSession(sc);
            } catch (Exception e) {
        QueryExp queryExp = Query.and(
        try {
            moEnum = MOFactory.enumerateMOClass(className, queryExp);
            if (moEnum == null || ! moEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                System.err.println("No matching MO found in database.");
                System.err.println("Domain Name: " + domainName);
                System.err.println("Ethernet Address: " + ethernetAddress);
            NomadicSystemMO mo = (NomadicSystemMO) moEnum.nextElement();
            PropertyBook pb = new NomadicSystemPropertyBook(mo);
            pb.display("Existing Nomadic System", (Container) executor);
        } catch (Exception e) {

 * Used when "Create ..." is selected from the "Create" menu.
class CreateCmd implements Command {
    public String getName() {
        return "Create ...";
    public String getLabel() {
        return "Create ...";
    public void execute(Object executor) {
        PropertyBook pb = new NomadicSystemPropertyBook();
        pb.display("New Nomadic System", (Container) executor);

 * The content manager user for displaying all nomadic systems
 * in the database. 
class NomadicSystemContentManager extends SimpleContentManager 
    implements JMAPIObserver {

    static private Command[] viewCmds = new Command[3];
    static private Command[] selCmds = new Command[2];
    static private Command[] createCmds = new Command[1];

    static final String className = "schiller.jmapi.NomadicSystemMO";
    static final String moServerHost = 
    static final int moServerPort = 7401;

    private Vector tableRows = new Vector();
    private SecurityContext sc = null;
    private Session session = null;
    private ObserverProxy observerProxy = null;

    public NomadicSystemContentManager(String title, Image userImg) {
        super(title, userImg);

        Table table = getTable();
        table.setColumnWidthInChars(0, 14);

        table.setColumnWidthInChars(1, 20);

        setTableData(new TableData(tableRows));
        System.out.println("data: " + getTableData());
        // the commands for the view menu
        viewCmds[0] = new FilterCommand();
        viewCmds[1] = new SortCommand();
        viewCmds[2] = new DisplayCommand();
        // the commands for the selected menu
        selCmds[0] = new DeleteCmd();
        selCmds[1] = new PropCmd();
        // the command for the create menu
        createCmds[0] = new CreateCmd();

        setCommands(Selectable.VIEW_COMMANDS, viewCmds);
        setCommands(Selectable.CREATE_COMMANDS, createCmds);
        String cols[] = new String[2];
        cols[0] = "Ethernet Address";
        cols[1] = "Domain Name";
        int widths[] = new int[2];
        widths[0] = 12;
        widths[1] = 18;

         * The table data are first piped through a filter pipe,
         * then through a sort pipe and finally through a view pipe.
        setFilterPipe(new TableFilterPipe(getTableData(), cols));
        setSortPipe(new TableSortPipe(getFilterPipe(), cols));
        setViewPipe(new TableViewPropertiesPipe(getSortPipe(), cols, widths));

         * The following code should set up an observer proxy which
         * notifies the content manager of any changes made to the
         * NomadicSystemMO class or any of its instances.
         * In case of a change, a notification should be sent to the
         * observer proxy which in turn should call the update() method
         * of the content manager (see below).
         * For some reason it doesn't seem to work as it should, though.
        try {
            observerProxy = new ObserverProxy(sc, this);
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * Access the database and get the ethernet addresses and
     * domain names. Insert the data into a vector, which is then used to
     * construct the table data.
    private void getTableRows() {
        RemoteEnumeration moEnum = null;
        NomadicSystemMO mo = null;
        Vector moVector = null;
        try {
            if (sc == null) {
                System.err.println("Initializing MOFactory ...");
                MOFactory.initialize(moServerHost, moServerPort);
                sc = new SecurityContext("nobody", null);
                session = MOFactory.newSession(sc);
                System.err.println("New session created.");
            // enumerate MOs
            moEnum = MOFactory.enumerateMOClass(className);
            if (moEnum == null) {
                System.err.println("No instances found in database.");
            System.err.println("Adding MOs to table data ...");
            while (moEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                mo = (NomadicSystemMO) moEnum.nextElement();
                moVector = new Vector();
                System.err.println("MO added");
            System.err.println("Done adding MOs to table data.");
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * Construct the query space for the filter pipe.
    private QuerySpace makeQuerySpace() {
        QuerySpace qs = new QuerySpace();
        QueryRelation relation[] = {QueryRelation.MATCHES};
        Vector values;

        // Ethernet Address
        values = new Vector();
        qs.add("Nomadic System", "Ethernet Address", QueryType.STRING,
               relation, values);

        // Domain Name
        values = new Vector();
        qs.add("Nomadic System", "Domain Name", QueryType.STRING, relation,

        return qs;

     * Get the commands which are available when an MO is selected and
     * the "Selected" menu is pulled down.
    public Command[] getCommands(String commandType) {
        if (commandType.equals(Selectable.SELECTED_COMMANDS)) {
            Object[] a = getSelectedObjects();
            return (a.length > 0) ? selCmds : null;
        return super.getCommands(commandType);

     * This is needed for the JMAPIObserver interface. It should be
     * called by the observer proxy, but for some reason it's never called.
    public void update(Observation o) {
        System.err.println("update() method invoked");

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