# JMAPI Management Server Properties File # # Copyright 1997 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # All rights reserved # # # NOTE: All paths should use forward (/) slashes. # If a backward slash is desired, use (\\). # # NOTE: The java.util.Properties class does NOT strip off # trailing spaces. # # NOTE: Some properties also specify the value of environment # variables. Properties of the form... # # jmapi.setenv.<var>=<value> # # will instruct the JMAPI startup process to first set # an environment variable named <var> to the indicated # <value>. # jmapi.setenv.CLASSPATH=/proj/java/JMAPI/jdbcDriver/FastForward/jdk113:\ /users/stud/schiller/classes:/opt/JMAPI/classes:/opt/JMAPI/examples # # JMAPI services to initialize # jmapi.services=sunw.admin.arm.agents.AgentObjFactoryImpl\ sunw.admin.arm.rmi.ManagedObjFactoryImpl #sunw.admin.arm.agents.NetClassServerImpl # # JMAPI Registry port numbers # jmapi.port.sunw.admin.arm.agents.AgentObjFactoryImpl=7400 jmapi.port.sunw.admin.arm.rmi.ManagedObjFactoryImpl=7401 jmapi.port.sunw.admin.arm.agents.NetClassServerImpl=7402 jmapi.port.sunw.admin.arm.event.EventDispatcher=7403 # # JMAPI Administration files. Please set to a temporary file JMAPI # can use. # jmapi.services.status.file=/tmp/jmapi.services.status # # JMAPI factory output redirection. These are optional. # jmapi.server.stdout=/tmp/jmapi.server.out jmapi.server.stderr=/tmp/jmapi.server.err jmapi.agent.stdout=/tmp/jmapi.agent.out jmapi.agent.stderr=/tmp/jmapi.agent.err jmapi.classserver.stdout=/tmp/jmapi.classserver.out jmapi.classserver.stderr=/tmp/jmapi.classserver.err # # JMAPI server hostname # jmapi.server.hostname=sunhegering2.nm.informatik.uni-muenchen.de # # Where to find downloadable classes on the JMAPI Management server # jmapi.server.classpath=/tmp # # Where to find downloadable native libraries on the JMAPI Management # server # # jmapi.server.lib.path=/tmp/lib # jmapi.server.shared.lib.path=/tmp/dlib # # Where to download native libraries on the JMAPI Agent host # # jmapi.agent.lib.path=/usr/lib # # Java home. # # Please include the correct library in the CLASSPATH # depending on whether you are using the full JDK, or # just the JRE... # # JDK: ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/classes.zip # JRE: ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/rt.jar # jmapi.setenv.JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/dist/DIR/jdk1.1 #jmapi.setenv.JAVA_HOME=/usr/java # # JMAPI Persistence properties. (Sybase) # jmapi.database.JDBCURL=jdbc:ff-sybase://sunhegering11:63324/jmapi jmapi.database.JDBCDRIVER=connect.sybase.SybaseDriver jmapi.database.DBSERVERTYPE=JDBC jmapi.database.DBSERVER=STP_SERVER_11 jmapi.database.DBNAME=jmapi jmapi.database.DBOWNER=sa jmapi.database.DBPASSWD=welcome jmapi.database.DBHOST=sunhegering11 jmapi.database.DBDISK=jmapi jmapi.database.DBLOG=jmapi jmapi.database.DBSYSADMIN=sa jmapi.database.DBSYSADMINPASSWD=welcome jmapi.database.DBSIZE=15