Nguyen, D. M. (2019):Deployment of MEADcast in Stub Software-Defined NetworksMulticasting is a transmission method for delivering data to a group of destination devices simultaneously. It makes bandwidth usage more efficient by sending the data to every interested participant in the multicast group in a single transmission. This is especially beneficial in big networks involving a 1:n or n:m communication pattern like video streaming or videoconferencing where one or many senders can send data to all the participants. While it works great once set up, it still requires a lot of network management to get to that point. It might for example demand setting up multicast routers or require the configuration of multicast applications by the end user. This might add more complexity and work to the network operators and users, which they might not deem worthy of the effort. The Privacy-Preserving Multicast to Explicit Agnostic Destinations protocol (MEADcast) offers a sender-centered multicast solution. It achieves that by having the sender be the one to have all the necessary information about the network topology, the available MEADcast support of routers in that topology and all intended receivers. The sender decides based on that information if the data will be transmitted through the MEADcast protocol or through unicast. The objective of this thesis is to implement and deploy MEADcast in combination with Software-Defined Networking (SDN). The MEADcast protocol is implemented with Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and OpenFLow protocol as an enabler of SDN. Additionally raw sockets were chosen instead of datagram sockets or stream sockets to allow access to every section of the data packet to be sent and received. This is required to implement MEADcast. The implementation is then deployed on a network and tested. Instead of simulating the deployment on a network simulator like ns-2, which doesn’t provide a projection of a realistic environment, the implementation is deployed on a more realistic testbed. The implementation is evaluated through various experiments comparing traditional unicast and MEADcast in a SDN.