The management tasks of Gate can be subdivided in tasks concerning configuration management (the retrieval of configuration data for INMS autodiscovery), agent monitoring (retrieval of monitoring data and trap handling), and those tasks concerning performance management (standard MIB access to service data).
The Emanate Master Agent forwards incoming get requests via an internal dispatcher table to the subagent responsible for the respective MIB objects. Since get requests on different subagents do not mutually affect each other, two individual subagents have been realized: A monitoring subagent for the retrieval of monitoring and configuration data, and a service subagent for the retrieval of service data.
This procedure is necessary because get and set requests on monitoring, configuration and service data will be performed synchronously between a subagent and the Gate Server. Thus, processing a set or get operation would block the processing of any other management task when realized with just one subagent. Using two different subagents guarantees that a get request on service data won't block agent monitoring tasks and viceversa. Both subagents act as clients of the Gate Server.