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Prolog API for Technology Adapters

The Prolog API for technology adapters is a library of Prolog predicates and modules built into the Gate Server that constitutes the Gate framework. The INMS designers provided this API with the purpose of making it simpler for the developer to implement complex control flows and help him/her focus on the essential relationships between the agent's MIB and the INMS information model.

It is of course difficult to agree with or contest the previous claim based only on the experience acquired developing the Technology Adapter described here. If this experience is to be used as a measure of the amount of work required for the task of technology integration, it is certainly true that defining Prolog rules is a much less complex task than implementing the same functionality in a procedural language like C. However, a customizer without any background on logic programming but seasoned in, say, object oriented software development might have disagreeed on this point.

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