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Previous: Fore Technology Adapter
Upon release of the Technology Adapter described in this paper, the INMS will support in its version 3.0 the distributed monitoring of Fore networks via its Gate component. The INMS will offer, through the use of the Fore TA, the following functionality for the management of Fore backbone and workgroup switches:
- Autodiscovery of network modules for all types of Fore backbone switches
- Autodiscovery of their physical ports and configured ATM PVCs
- Autodiscovery of power supply, fan (for ventilation), and switch control processor (SCP) physical modules for all types of Fore backbone switches
- Monitoring of the alarm state of Fore nodes and of their physical modules (network modules and other types) as well as their physical ports
- Monitoring of the operational state of Fore nodes and of their physical modules (network modules and other types) as well as their ports and configured PVCs
- Alarm display of fault management relevant alarms in the HP OpenView browser with a Fore specific alarm category
- Display of alarm state and operational state for nodes, modules, physical ports, logical ports and PVCs in the Network and Service Browser
Next: Hardware and software requirements
Up: Fore Technology Adapter
Previous: Fore Technology Adapter
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