The moduleTable (moduleGroup 1), indexed by moduleBoard and moduleNumber, contains the necessary information:
[[moduleAttachState, Board, Mod] = IntOp,
[moduleState, Board, Mod] = IntAdm],
[nodeAlarm(N, physModule(N, M), Severity, Reason,
physModule(N, M), '', OpStatus)]
) :-
concat_atom(['Board', Board, '/', Mod], M),
physBoard(N, Board, _BType), %if asx1000 -> only this agent's board
% some enumerated states not defined in INMS:
% s2enum(moduleState, AdmStat, IntAdm),
(IntOp == 1 ->
(IntAdm == 2 -> Status = up
Status = testing)
Status = down), !,
(Status == down ->
(IntAdm == 3 -> % AdmStat == down
OpStatus = disabled,
Reason = moduleOutOfServiceByManager,
Severity = 'Normal'
OpStatus = Status, % i.e. 'down'
Reason = moduleOutOfService,
Severity = 'Major')
OpStatus = Status,
Reason = agentPolled,
Severity = 'Normal'