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Up: Monitoring of operational states
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Information about the operational state of an ATM PVC is contained in the same tables used for autodiscovery purposes. For SPVPCs, their status is retrieved from the pnniSpvpcSrcTable (q2931Group 9), indexed by pnniSpvpcSrcIndex:
- pnniSpvpcSrcStatus (INTEGER up(1), down(2) ), indicating the operational state, and
- pnniSpvpcSrcRowStatus (INTEGER active(1), notInService(2), notReady(3), createAndGo(4), createAndWait(5), destroy(6) ), indicating the status of the entry, i.e. the status assigned to this SPVPC by administrative action.
Only three of these values will be returned in response to a management protocol retrieval operation: 'notReady', notInService' or 'active'. That is, when queried, an existing row can have only one of three states:
- it is either available for use by the device (active),
- it is not available for use by the device, though the agent has sufficient information to make it so (notInService), or
- it is not available for use, and an attempt to make it so would fail because the agent has insuficient information (notReady).
The Fore TA applies the following mapping scheme for the operational state:
- up and active -> up
- up and notReady -> testing
- down and notInService -> administratively down
- down and notReady -> testing
- down and active -> down
Next: Implementation
Up: Monitoring of operational states
Previous: Logical port level
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