Adami, D., Barceló, Ã. D. G., Coz, I. C., Davoli, F., Gamba, P., Keller, R., Kranzlmüller, D., Labotis, I., Meyer, N., Monteoliva, A., Plóciennik, M., Prica, M., Pugliese, R., Salon, S., Schiffers, M., Watzl, J., Zafeiropoulos, A., de Lucas, J. M. (2009):

DORII -- Deployment of Remote Instrumentation Infrastructure

In the paper we present the EU funded DORII project. It intends to deploy e-Infrastructure for new scientific communities specifically for experimental equipment and instrumentation that are today not or only partially integrated with the European e-Infrastructure. DORII is focusing on communities concerning earthquake, environmental science and experimental science community. Working closely with end-users, solutions will be put in place that build upon the success of past and ongoing projects in such areas as remote instrumentation, virtual laboratories, interactivity, software frameworks for application developers, and advanced networking technologies with EGEE-based middleware. Remote control of scientific facilities with usage of virtual laboratories and solution proposed by DORII has the potential of revolutionizing the mode of operation and the degree of exploitation of scientific instruments.

Last Change: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 07:33:20 +0100 - Viewed on: Wed, 01 Jan 2025 17:17:32 +0100
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