Up: Dynamically Adaptable Mobile Agents
Previous: Acknowledgment
- ADOB98
Gregory D. Abowd, Anind Dey, Robert Orr, and Jason Brotherton.
Context-awareness in wearable and ubiquitous computing.
Virtual Reality, 3:200-211, 1998.
- Bla98
Black, S.
An Architecture for Differentiated Services.
Technical report, Internet Engineering Task Force, December 1998.
RFC 2477.
- BPW98
Andrzej Bieszczad, Bernard Pagurek, and Tony White.
Mobile agents for network management.
IEEE Communications Surveys, 1(1), 1998.
- Bra01
Raimund Brandt.
Dynamic Adaptation of Mobile Code
Master's thesis, Technical University of Munich, February 2001.
- CPV97
A. Carzaniga, Gian Pietro Picco, and Giovanni Vigna.
Designing distributed application with mobile code paradigms.
In Proceedings of the 19th Internation Conference in Software
Engineering (ICSE97), pages 22-32. ACM, 1997.
- DH99
Andrew Duncan and Urs Hölzle.
Load-time adaptation: Efficient and non-intrusive language extension
for virtual machines.
Technical Report TRCS99-09, University of California, Santa Barbara,
April 1999.
- FK01
Metin Feridun and Jens Krause.
A Framework for Distributed Management with Mobile Components.
Computer Networks, Special Issue on Management, 35, January
- FPV98
Alfonso Fugetta, Gian Pietro Picco, and Giovanni Vigna.
Understanding code mobility.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 24(5):352-361, May
- GHJV95
Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides.
Design Patters: Elements of reusable object-oriented
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusets, 1995.
- GK97
Michael Golm and Jürgen Kleinöder.
Metajava - a platform for adaptable operating-system mechanisms.
In 11th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
(ECOOP '97) - Workshop on Object-Orientation and Operating Systems,
Jyväksylä, Finland, June 10 1997.
- HAN99
H.-G. Hegering, S. Abeck, and B. Neumair.
Integrated Management of Networked Systems - Concepts,
Architectures and their Operational Application.
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, ISBN 1-55860-571-1, 1999.
- Hei99
George T. Heineman.
An evaluation of component adaptation techniques.
In International Workshop on Component-Based Software
Engineering, May 17-18 1999.
- J2ME
Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME Platform)
- KH98
Ralph Keller and Urs Hölzle.
Binary code adaptation.
In 12th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
(ECOOP '98), Brussels, Belgium, July 20-24 1998.
- LO98
David Lange and M. Oshima.
Programing and Deploying Mobile Agents with Java.
Addison-Wesley, 1998.
- MS00
Vlada Matena and Beth Stearns.
Applying Enterprise JavaBeans: Component-Based Development for
the J2EE Platform.
Addison Wesley, 2000.
- Nob00
Brian Noble.
System support for mobile, adaptive applications.
IEEE Personal Communications, pages 44-49, February 2000.
- Obj00
Voyager ORB 3.3 Developer Guide, 2000.
- STW92
Bill N. Schilit, Marvin Theimer, and Brent B. Welch.
Customizing mobile applications.
In Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Mobile and
Location-independent Computing, pages 129-138, August 1992.
- Tho98
Anne Thomas.
Enterprise JavaBeans Technology -- Server Component Model for the
Java Platform.
Technical report, Patrica Seybold Group, 1998.
- WC01
Matt Welsh and David Culler.
Virtualization considered harmful: Os design for well-conditioned
In 2001 Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS),
May 2001.
Copyright Munich Network Management Team