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In the middle of 1999 the draft version of the new Java
Management Extensions (JMX) specification [#!jmx-v1.0!#] has been
released for public review. JMX integrates the former developments
within the scope of the Java Management API (JMAPI) and JDMK into a
Java-based management framework. The specification does not only focus
on the agent part of the management system (as it was the case with
JDMK) but will also specify the manager part. However, in the current
version of the specification the JMX manager is left blank.
As JDMK can be considered an integral part of JMX, we will provide a
short overview over the most recent developments and address the
question whether the critical issues of JDMK also apply to JMX. However, please note that the
JMX specification is not yet in a final state.
JMX architecture is very similar to JDMK as depicted in figure
. JMX distinguishes between manager,
agent and instrumentation levels: Within an
agent, M-Beans responsible for making a resource manageable
reside at the
instrumentation level. A manageable resource in JMX can be an
application, a service implementation or a device. The instrumentation
is made accessible to JMX managers (forming the manager level) through
the agent level which provides a communications interface, a set of
standard services and a run-time environment. The Core Management
Framework of JDMK has been renamed to MBean Server.
JMX MBeans
have been categorized
into four distinct classes: standard MBean,
dynamic MBeans, open MBean and
model MBean. The adaptor concept of JDMK is now divided up into
protocol adaptors and connectors. Protocol
adaptors are used to link an JMX agent with non-JMX compliant
management applications (i.e., SNMP, Common Information Model (CIM)
or proprietary). The connector - in contrast - is used
by a remote JMX-enabled management application (i.e., developed using
JMX manager services) to connect to a JMX agent.
For integration with existing management solutions JMX offers
additional management protocol APIs and includes an open
interface that any vendor can use. Currently, an SNMP API
[#!jmx-snmp!#] and CIM/WBEM APIs [#!jmx-cim!#] are
defined and implemented. The final JMX specification will provide both a reference
implementation and a compatibility test suite. However, only an early access version of the reference implementation
is available yet.
Based on the current draft of the JMX specification, we have to state
that shortcomings of JDMK identified in section
also apply to JMX. To which degree the
review process of the specification will eliminate the weaknesses of
the current JMX version has to remain an open question. This particularly
applies to the manager side of JMX, which is yet unspecified.
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