Huraj, L., Reiser, H. (2009):

VO Intersection Trust in Ad hoc Grid Environments

A secure environment is a top-priority for all the forms of grid computing. To e stablish trust, traditional grids use various methods, mostly centrally oriented ones, such as certification authorities, VO management servers or credential po ols. An ad hoc grid environment is characterized by the absence of a central tru sted authority; therefore collaborating entities must establish and maintain a t rust relationship among themselves.

The paper presents an overview of ad hoc grids, the definitions as well as authorization mechanisms. A proposal for an authorization mechanism to support formation of VOs in ad hoc grids based on intersection of VOs is set out. The mechanism can facilitate the establishment of a trust relationship in cases when standard solutions have fai led.

Last Change: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 07:33:22 +0100 - Viewed on: Wed, 01 Jan 2025 17:28:56 +0100
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