Considering the large base of installed systems based on the Internet
and OSI/TMN architectures, using OMG technology does not imply a replacement
of well-known standards; in fact, it is likely that some managed
resources remain
either based on the traditional management frameworks or even use
proprietary protocols. It is therefore necessary to provide smooth
transitions that enable not only the coexistence, but also the
cooperation between different management architectures. This can be
achieved by management gateways that translate not only the
communication models by mapping protocol data units to
ORB-requests/-replies and vice-versa but also the structure of
management information i.e. the information models. Bearing in mind
the efforts of the OMNIPoint initiative ([3]) conducted by
the Network Management Forum, it is obvious that specifying management
gateways between the OSI/TMN, Internet and OMG architectures is a
challenging task.
As this paper focuses mainly on a CORBA-based environment, this topic
is out of scope.