Task Description:
During the compilation of a quantum program, there are different levels in which a quantum circuit can be optimized.
However, it is not clear what kind of impact an optimization A in one level has on an optimization B at a later level.
It might be that A boosts B, but it can also be that A makes B worse, or maybe it has no impact at all.
The idea of this thesis is to try to find out what impact optimizations at different levels have on each other.
- Prior knowledge on quantum computing
- Prior knowledge on how (quantum) compilers work is helpful but not mandatory
Overview of the Tasks:
- Familiarize with one or more quantum compilers and how to apply optimizations
- Investigate different optimization sequences
- Analyze the impact of those optimization sequences on each other regarding multiple optimization criteria
Get in touch:
In case you are interested, please send a
short e-mail (German or English) with your motivation and which prerequisites you fulfill to
michelle.to@nm.ifi.lmu.de. Please do
not send long e-mails generated by a large language model.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Prof. Dr. D. Kranzlmüller
Dauer der Arbeit:
Anzahl Bearbeiter: