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Reviewing Quantum Advantage

In 2019, Google researchers claimed to have achieved quantum supremacy. A few days later, IBM researchers refuted this claim. This has been repeated several times since then. Some researchers claimed a quantum advantage; other researchers showed that they could simulate the claimed quantum advantage in a reasonable amount of time.

The goal of this work is to do a literature review of the back and forth of the claim of a quantum advantage and the disproof of this claim.


  1. Find Claims of Quantum Supremacy/Advantage.
  2. Classify Claims. What problem was solved? What hardware was used?
  3. Check how long the claim has been held or if it still holds.


  • Quantum computing knowledge is helpful, but not absolutely necessary.
  • You need to bring the willingness to learn about quantum computing.
  • Good understanding of linear algebra.
  • You need to bring the willingness to search for and read scientific papers independently.

Prof. Dr. D. Kranzlmüller


  • Bachelorarbeit 3 month


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