Welcome to the Bachelor's Seminar on "Emerging Topics in Machine Learning and AI" in the winter term 2021/22. Here you will be able to find all the details concerning the seminar.
Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are transformational technologies that will have a significant impact on science and business. The aim of this seminar is to give the student an overview of the topics of data & compute infrastructures, machine learning and AI. The aim is to develop a technical understanding of large-scale systems and infrastructures for data infrastructures and advanced analytics. The students deepen their computer science knowledge in a practice-oriented way and with methods, techniques, procedures, tools and infrastructures for the processing and analysis of large data:
The seminar will be based on the metaphor of a conference. Students will prepare a conference paper (technical report) on a chosen topic and will submit it to the seminar organizer (the fictitious program committee), receive an assessment of their submission from a supervisor and present (possibly corrected) paper at the fictitious conference at the end of the semester. After the first version of the paper has been submitted, each participant will be assigned two papers to review (according to a review given template, so that each paper will receive two reviews. This should increase the quality of the elaborations and familiarize the participants with the process of a scientific publication process. After the review, the authors have another 2 weeks to address the obtained comments/suggestions. Both the quality of the reviews and the implementation of the comments will be considered in the grading process.
The conference itself, in which all presentations are held, is designed as 1 to 2 day event at the end of the term. The exact date and the agenda will be announced on this website.
The introduction event for all seminar participants will take place in the first or second lecture week. Only in this event the topics are assigned. Participation in the introduction event is obligatory for all participants.
Important: Everyone who does not participate in the introduction event will lose his seminar seat due to the great demand!
In the course of the semester, mandatory lectures on scientific work, presentation techniques are planned. The Latex lecture is voluntary.
Please review the guidelines for the creation of scientific papers: Guidelines for seminar and scientific papers.
The final grade of the seminar is determined by the quality of the scientific paper, presentation, the contributed reviews, and participation in the seminars.
The paper must meet the following criteria:
Participation in the review process is obligatory for the successful completion of the seminar! The quality of the review will be considered in the final grade.
Participation in the review process is obligatory for the successful existence of the seminar!
The final presentation during the block seminar should not be longer than 20 minutes. It is planned to have a 5 minute Q&A session after each talk. Please use one of the suggested templates when prepairing your slide decks.
Participation in the complete block event is obligatory for all participants of the seminar!
The use of the wrong template will negatively impact the final grade.
NOTE: Once participation has been confirmed (i.e. a topic has been chosen and agreed to be presented with the supervisor) there will be no possibility to leave the event without the corresponding participation being considered as unsuccessful (i.e. student gets 5.0). No-show for the final presentation will also be considered as an unsuccessful participation.
Questions, criticism and suggestions are always welcome. Please use the seminar-specific e-mail address seminar-betreuer@nm.ifi.lmu.de.