Next: 6.3.6 Scalability and Possible
Up: The Metapolicy Service
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- insert_passiveMetaPolicy and
write_passiveMetaPolicy load passive metapolicies form a
file into the Metapolicy Database or write them back.
add_passiveMetaPolicy adds a single metapolicy.
getMetaPolicy retrieves a passive metapolicy for a
triggering event as described in subsection
- insert_object_state inserts its state in the Object State
Database for a given object. This method must be idempotent, i.e. repeated inserting of the same state of an object must not change the
object's state entry. delete_object_state removes a state
entry of an object and removes the object from the database when it
is the last entry. The get_object_state method retrieves
the state of an object from the database.
- MetapolicyServiceMobileAgent is the constructor method of
the agent and is initialised with an object identifier and a path
to a file containing valid metapolicies.
- The methods run and cleanUp must be implemented to
follow the structure and constraints described in [Radi 98].
Next: 6.3.6 Scalability and Possible
Up: The Metapolicy Service
Previous: Attributes
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