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4.2.1 Supporting Processes and Active Policies

In this thesis, the term process is equivalent in meaning as a functional unit executing something in a certain area. In the context of workflow management systems, it is called task. This functional unit may or may not be realised in the form of an executable computer program or algorithm. In most cases it is a mixture of both, a computer program combined with human interaction, as, for instance, in the case of complex decision making.

Each process will be looked at as a set of actions belonging to a functional area. These functional areas are extracted by the investigation of the policy approaches described in chapter [*] and examined additional organisational and practical concerns.

Table [*] shows a comparison of characteristics of supporting processes and active policies. These will be discussed item by item beginning with the first one.

Table 4.1: Comparison of supporting processes and active policies
$$ supporting processes $$ active policies
$$  complex tasks performing a certain area $$  only management activities
$$  often require human interaction $$  may require human interaction in case of an enforcement problem
$$  description in various formats $$  single representation format
$$  use multiple sources of information $$  use well known notification channels
$$  process various kinds of information $$  triggered by notifications
$$  move policies $$  cause the invocation of actions
$$  multiple (ambiguous) roles responsible $$  single subject responsible for enforcement
$$  consider organisational aspects $$  organisational aspects already considered
$$  complex execution structure $$  strictly specified enforcement
$$  review of process and produced data $$  postcondition to check its enforcement
$$  unknown side effects $$  explicit consideration of side effects

For all this reasons, active policies and processes are not considered as equivalent concepts. This will be used in subsection [*].

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