Next: Programming Overhead: R1-R4
Up: State-of-the-Art in Adaptation
Previous: Continuous Adaptation
From the goal of this thesis
(s. section )
a generic and abstract architecture
with main elements as shown in figure
can be derived.
The term adaptable parts
(grey areas in fig. )
is a general expression and stands for
components, modules, objects, methods, byte code, etc.
depending on the granularity of the adaptation mechanism and the
software technology of the mobile code (e.g. component model, object oriented).
These adaptable parts docked into the core
together form the whole mobile code.
The core consists of non-adaptable parts and
provides the interface for the adaptable parts.
It is used to bootstrap the adaptation mechanism
for a particular piece of adaptation software.
In the following adaptable methods are used
to describe methods which build adaptable parts themselves
or are contained in adaptable parts, e.g. classes.
From this architecture and the objective target to support
application programmers to develop adaptable mobile code
following classes of requirements can be derived:
- 1.
- requirements concerning the overhead effort
necessary for programming adaptable mobile code
that fits into a generic adaptation framework
- 2.
- requirements concerning the interaction between core and
adaptation framework
- 3.
- requirements concerning the costs of running
adaptable mobile code (bandwidth, CPU usage, runtime, etc.)
These classes of requirements are explained in more detail in the
following subsections. Each requirement is labeled with an acronym
R<requirement number> for further reference in the survey.
A summary of all requirements can be found in table .
Next: Programming Overhead: R1-R4
Up: State-of-the-Art in Adaptation
Previous: Continuous Adaptation
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