Next: Requirements
Up: Adaptation in Literature
Previous: Static Adaptation
For some applications it is important to be able to react
to changes of the resources in order to provide
a reasonable service even with low resources.
For instance, multimedia applications which use
unreliable connections,
e.g. wireless communication, Internet,
must modify the representation of data
according to the conditions of the network
in order to deliver usable results.
Changes of the resource conditions
may occur without following a certain pattern
or any other regularity.
The modification of the application is
done by tuning of parameters.
Such modifications are here denoted as
continuous adaptation .
The triggers for the continuous adaptation
are not discrete events as for dynamic adaptation,
but continuously changing conditions of resources.
Continuous adaptation
For continuous adaptation the resources are
monitored and the adaptation process initiated as
the resource conditions change.
The result of the continuous adaptation is the modification
of parameters (s. figure
Though static adaptation and continuous adaptation
differ concerning the objective and in the realization
they share some problems with dynamic adaptation
and will therefore be evaluated in this chapter.
For the evaluation a list of requirements is specified
in the following section.
Next: Requirements
Up: Adaptation in Literature
Previous: Static Adaptation
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