An example for the implementation info for Harddisk_WINNT_X86
might look like in figure .
The context awareness loads all info classes and executes their matches() method. The context awareness loads the info classes from the repository specifying the functionality interface. The matches() method of the info classes implements the matching function and also contains the generating function.
In the example (s. figure )
the generating functions are realized by Environment.os()
and Environment.arch(). For the matching function
simple equality is sufficient in this case.
The improvement of this concept against the rules is the higher flexibility of describing and proving the environment. E.g. if the right implementation class from the implementation group IHarddisk can be resolved, all implementation infos must be loaded from the repository: Harddisk_AIX_PPCInfo, Harddisk_WINNT_X86Info and Harddisk_LINUX_X86Info.
The name of the implementation class can be resolved out of the class name of the implementation info. The application programmer creates for every implementation class an info class. The name of the info class has as root the implementation class name and the suffix Info. E.g. the info class for Harddisk_WINNT_X86 is Harddisk_WINNT_X86Info. This convention must be followed by the programmer, to guarantee that the repository finds the suitable info classes and that the context awareness can resolve the name of the implementation class out of the implementation info class name.
In the info class the environment
for the implementation class is defined in the matching function.
As shown in figure ,
the implementation class Harddisk_WINNT_X86 works only
on a x86 host running Windows NT.
In this concept the matching function also contains
the generating function, which describes
how these profiles values, i.e. x86 and Windows NT,
are retrieved from the system.
In the example shown in figure
predefined functions from a class Environment are used.
For the implementation classes implementing
IConfiguration a function would be specified
that describes how the
default browser can be determined.
The disadvantage of this proposal is the loose coupling between the implementation class and the info class. This extension also roughly doubles the number of classes, which must be implemented by the programmer. The handicap of the big number of classes and the loose coupling between implementation classes and their info classes may be minimized by using a graphical programming editor. The graphical programming editor can supervise the coupling between the implementation classes and the info classes. It can enforce the naming convention and support the programmer by a clear presentation of existing implementation classes and info classes.
Nevertheless this workaround can not match the strength of potential structural linking between implementation classes and profile values. A promising approach is presented in the following section, which represents a refinement of the proposed above component model.