The scalability addresses the applicability of the concept when the number of implementation classes increases. For a higher number of classes the rule based approach still offers an acceptable solution, perhaps supported by an editor with syntax high-lightning or a graphical editor. The info component model has an unacceptable level of scalability. The number of classes doubles and results in higher programming effort, but also in a more complex maintenance. The integrated profiles are not influenced by the number of implementation classes because no further classes or files are needed apart from the implementation classes which are necessary anyway.
The flexibility addresses the way to describe environments. The more flexible the description mechanism is, the more environments and more precisely can be specified. The rule base context awareness relies strongly on the power of the language and is therefore ranked on a middle level of flexibility. High flexibility have both the info components and the integrated profiles. They can both use Java language constructs for the association of profile values and define own matching functions.
Figure shows a graphical summary of
the evaluation of the various context awareness concepts.
There are three levels for every category: e.g. no scalability,
acceptable scalability, good scalability.
From this evaluation the conclusion can be drawn
that integrated profiles represent
the most suitable approach for context awareness and will be used
for the implementation of the prototype.
A very subtle point of this concept is the design of the repository, which is responsible for loading implementation classes and delevering the implementation profiles to the adaptation mechanism.