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Integration of Technologies

The sample application relies mostly on Java technology, on dynamic adaptation and on code mobility. The adaptation is realized by the presented concept, the code mobility is implemented by Voyager.

Figure: Stack of technologies  

Figure [*] shows how the three technologies are integrated. The Java technology serves as the basis for dynamic adaptation and for Voyager. The Java JDK classes must be installed on every host where an application deploying dynamic adaptation or Voyager is executed.

Since the sample application relies on code mobility based on the Voyger technology the Voyager packages must be installed on every destination host.

The classes needed for adaptation can be divided into classes belonging to the adaptation framework and application specific classes. The framework classes must be installed on every host. The application specific classes are further divided into non-adaptable classes and adaptable classes, i.e. implementation classes.

For the sample application the non-adaptable and environment independent classes must be available on every host. This may be improved by the agent system, in the case of the sample application by Voyager, which allows a distribution of class files by the Voyager agent platform without installation of necessary class files on every destination host.

The installation of the implementation classes is done by the adaptation framework. The classes are loaded if needed from the repository.

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