Figure shows
an example for a modified adaptor for the customized version.
The class IMemory_Adaptor holds references to objects of all
implementation classes,
which implement the functionality interface IMemory.
The method getPhysicalMemory
is delegated to the right implementation class.
The selection of the implementation class
is hard coded in conditional branches.
This scheme is applied to the other adaptors of the example,
i.e. IHarddisk_Adaptor, IDefaultWebClient_Adaptor
and IConfiguration_Adaptor.
This modification of the prototype
is used as the reference application
for static customization,
which is equivalent to the prototype as implemented according
to the proposed methodology.
This design of the reference customized application is chosen, because it allows to reuse most parts of the adaptable version and keeps the effort for implementing a reference application low. A customized version developed from scratch would have a lower runtime, but it is considered to be sufficient in order to approximate the ratio between the runtime of an adaptable application and a customized version.