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WHITE, MATT: An Overview of the AgentX Protocol. The Simple Times, 6(1):1-6, March 1998.

BL 94
BERNERS-LEE, T.: RFC 1630: Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW: A Unifying Syntax for the Expression of Names and Addresses of Objects on the Network as used in the World-Wide Web. RFC, IETF, 1994.

BLCo 95
BERNERS-LEE, T. D. CONNOLLY: RFC 1866: Hypertext Markup Language -- 2.0. RFC, IETF, 1995.

BERNERS-LEE, T., R. FIELDING H. FRYSTYK: RFC 1945: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0. RFC, IETF, 1996.

BERNERS-LEE, T., L. MASINTER M. MCCAHILL: RFC 1738: Uniform Resource Locators (URL). RFC, IETF, 1994.

SCHWARZ, MARTIN: COM, SOM und CORBA - oder die Suche nach dem Software-Esperanto. c´t, 3:256, März 1997.

OSTERMANN, KLAUS: Programmieren mit Swing - GUI Entwicklung mit Java. c´t, 18:168, 1998.

PIEMONT, CLAUDIA: Geistreiche Verbindungen - Intelligente Geräte in dezentralen Netzen. c´t, 20:198, 1998.

FLANAGAN, DAVID: JAVA in a Nutshell. O´Reilly, 2 , 1998.

HeAb 94
HEGERING, H.-G. S. ABECK: Integrated Network and System Management. Addison-Wesley, 1994.

MICROSYSTEMS, SUN: Java Dynamic Management Kit 2.0 - Programming Guide. Sun Microsystems Inc., Februar 1998.

MICROSYSTEMS, SUN: Java Dynamic Management Kit 3.0 Beta - Programming Guide. Sun Microsystems Inc., August 1998.

JAVASOFT: JDMK-Onlinehilfe. , Sun Microsystems, May 1997.

MICROSYSTEMS, SUN: Java IDL. Sun Microsystems Inc., 1996/97.

JAVASOFT: Java Native Interface Specification. JavaSoft, May 1997. 1.1.

KCK 97
KLENSIN, J., R. CATOE P. KRUMVIEDE: RFC 2195: IMAPPOP AUTHorize Extension for Simple Challenge Response. RFC, IETF, 1997.

KPS 95
KAUFMAN, C., R. PERLMAN M. SPENCER: Network Security. Prentice Hall, Inc., 1995.

Moun 97
MOUNTZIA, M.-A.: Flexible Agents in Integrated Network and Systems Management. Dissertation, Technische Universität München, 1997.

MURRAY, JAMES D.: Windows NT, SNMP. O'Reilly, January 1998.

Myer 94
MYERS, J.: RFC 1734: POP3 AUTHentication command. RFC, IETF, 1994.

MyRo 96
MYERS, J. M. ROSE: RFC 1939: Post Office Protocol -- Version 3. RFC, IETF, 1996.

NeMa 95
NEBEL, E. L. MASINTER: RFC 1867: Form-based File Upload in HTML. RFC, IETF, 1995.

PECK, PATRICK NIEMEYER & Joshua: JAVA - Expedition ins Programmierreich. O´Reilly, 1 , 1997.

GROUP, OBJECT MANAGEMENT: The Common Object Request Broker, Architecture and Specification, OMG und X/Open 1991/2. OMG-Dokument 91.12.1, 1991/92.

06-20, OMG DOCUMENT NUMERORB/96: Common Secure Interoperability. OMG, 1996.

Ragg 96
RAGGETT, D.: RFC 1942: HTML Tables. RFC, IETF, 1996.

RDK+ 97
REKHTER, Y., B. DAVIE, D. KATZ, E. ROSEN \ G. SWALLOW: RFC 2105: Cisco Systems' Tag Switching Architecture Overview. RFC, IETF, 1997.

ReKa 96
REKHTER, Y. D. KANDLUR: RFC 1937: ``LocalRemote'' Forwarding Decision in Switched Data Link Subnetworks. RFC, IETF, 1996.

Sieg 96
SIEGEL, JON: CORBA Fundamentals and Programming. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996.

SIEMENS: Telephony Internet Server FDB 4, January 1998.

SIEMENS: Telephony Internet Server FDB 5, March 1998.

Sole 95
SOLEY, RICHARD MARK (): Object Management Architecture Guide. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Dritte , 1995.

SoMa 94
SOLLINS, K. L. MASINTER: RFC 1737: Functional Requirements for Uniform Resource Names. RFC, IETF, 1994.

ALAN O. FREIER, PHILIP KARLTON, PAUL C. KOCHER: The SSL Protocol. Netscape Communications Corporation, 3. , March 1996. Expires 9/96.

Stal 93
STALLINGS, WILLIAM: SNMP, SNMPv2, and CMIP: The Practical Guide to Network Management Standards. Addison-Wesley, 1993.

Tane 97
TANENBAUM, ANDREW S.: Computernetzwerke. Prentice Hall, Inc., 1997.

RAGGETT, DAVE: HTML 3.2 Reference Specification, January 1997.

WALDO, JIM: JINI Architecture Overview. Sun Microsystems Inc., 1998.

YERGEAU, F., G. NICOL, G. ADAMS M. DUERST: RFC 2070: Internationalization of the Hypertext Markup Language. RFC, IETF, 1997.

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