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A straightforward method to determine the dependencies is to look
for configuration data at the dependents (i.e., the objects playing
the client role in a client-server relationship) directly expressing
on what services they depend.
E.g., WS' dependencies (in the introductions' example) cannot be
queried directly, but are hidden in its configuration file that
mentions the database server by name instead of by IP address,
plus the fact that this host name is not listed in local
name resolving files like ``/etc/hosts'' on typical Unix systems.
One can already imagine how hard an automated detection of
dependencies by looking at configuration files would be.
The case would become even more complicated if host name and IP
address indeed are listed in ``/etc/hosts'', because it
would then be up to a third file to determine whether local
resolving is carried out at all. Similar problems exist for the
following case.
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