Next: 2.4 Application of GAMOCs
Up: 2 Management model of
Previous: 2.2 Management requirements: A
As mentioned before, the requirements-based top-down approach of the
previous section has to be complemented by an accompanying bottom-up
approach based on an analysis of the modeled resources. For each
GAMOC, we have to answer the question ``What can reasonably be assumed
in general about resources of that class?'' or, in other words, ``What
can be directly obtained from these resources?''. If the answer here
is negative for information that is required according to the previous
step, we should probably not add it to the GAMOC in order to ensure an
efficient implementation. In this case we have to find other GAMOCs or
other mechanisms to meet this specific requirement. In terms
of interoperability of management, this step is the crucial part of
the approach. On the one hand, specifying too little information for
the GAMOCs will make integrated management inefficient or even
impossible. On the other hand, assuming too much about the
characteristics of resources will obstruct interoperability and
implementation. If the information specified is not implementable or
valid for a vast number of resources, management applications will
frequently have to cope with responses like ``not implemented'' or
``not available''.
The major problem in contrast to other management
disciplines is that only little experience with management of
distributed applications exists. Hence, answering the question ``What can be
assumed about resources of a class?'' is by far not trivial.
In our approach, we answer the question again in a way aligned with
the RM-ODP. For each of our GAMOCs, we analyse the respective
structuring rules (ISO 10746, Part 3: Architecture) of the
viewpoint languages resulting in detailed hints on what information an
application should easily be able to provide to management. An example
might illustrate this: The rules related to interfaces or interface
templates, respectively, show that information on other software
including its version and other management information can be
introduced without difficulties.
Another important source of information are the consistency rules that
relate different viewpoints. For example, rules related to the
consistency of engineering and computational specifications justify
the definition of information that gives an answer to the following
question: ''We installed software package XY -- what are the names of
the processes that have to run properly in order to have the
application in an usable state?''
Next: 2.4 Application of GAMOCs
Up: 2 Management model of
Previous: 2.2 Management requirements: A
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