For this reason the provider needs a service implementation which realizes the usage functionality of the service. To allow the user to access this functionality the service implementation also implements the service access point. The service implementation is the combination of all knowledge, staff, software and hardware needed to realize the service's usage functionality and the SAP.
The provider is also responsible for the service management. That means he directs it in a way which is suitable to keep the service above the agreed quality level but also to optimize the service operation according to other goals like high efficiency and low risk.
The main purpose of the service management is to ensure proper service fulfillment according to the service agreement. This means to care for keeping the QoS parameters in the agreed ranges by managing the service implementation. Additionally, it implements the management interface for the customer side allowing access to the service's management functionality that is also realized by the service management.
service implementation consists of a host with access to the Internet hosting a web-server, the product database and other supporting applications. The implementation also includes other needed equipment like air conditioning, fall back servers and so on.The service management monitors and controls the implementation to keep the service in the agreed QoS bounds, generates reports and realizes the management functionality for the customer.