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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002                           LOW_devDS2406.h  -  description
00003                              -------------------
00004     begin                : Fri Aug 23 2002
00005     copyright            : (C) 2002 by Harald Roelle
00006     email                :
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00012  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00013  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00014  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00015  *                                                                         *
00016  ***************************************************************************/
00018 #ifndef LOW_DEVDS2406_H
00019 #define LOW_DEVDS2406_H
00023 #include "LOW_device.h"
00027 /** Device class for DS2406 Dual Addressable Switch Plus 1 kbit Memory.
00029     DS2406 features:
00031     - Open drain PIO pins are controlled and their logic level can be determined
00032       over 1-Wire bus for closed-loop control
00033     - Replaces and is fully compatible with DS2407 but no user-programmable
00034       power-on settings and no Hidden Mode
00035     - PIO channel A sink capability of 50mA at 0.4V with soft turn-on; channel B 8mA at 0.4V
00036     - Maximum operating voltage of 13V at PIO-A, 6.5V at PIO-B
00037     - 1024 bits user-programmable OTP EPROM
00038     - User-programmable status memory to control the device
00039     - Multiple DS2406 can be identified on a common 1-Wire bus and be turned on or off
00040       independently of other devices on the bus
00041     - Unique, factory-lasered and tested 64-bit registration number (8-bit family code + 48-bit
00042       serial number + 8-bit CRC tester) assures error-free selection and absolute identity
00043       because no two parts are alike
00044     - On-chip CRC16 generator allows detection of data transfer errors
00045     - Built-in multidrop controller ensures compatibility with other 1-Wire net products
00046     - Reduces control, address, data, programming and power to a single data pin
00047     - Directly connects to a single port pin of a microprocessor and communicates
00048       at up to 16.3 kbits/s
00049     - Supports Conditional Search with userselectable condition
00050     - Vcc bondout for optional external supply to the device (TSOC package only)
00051     - 1-Wire communication operates over a wide voltage range of 2.8V to 6.0V from -40°C to +85°C
00052     - Low cost TO-92 or 6-pin TSOC surface mount package
00054     This class is thread-safe.
00056     @author Harald Roelle
00057     @author  Parts of the documentation by Dallas Semiconductors / Maxim Integrated Products
00058  */
00059 class LOW_devDS2406 : public LOW_device  {
00061 //=======================================================================================
00062 public: 
00064   //=====================================================================================
00065   //
00066   // exceptions
00067   //
00069   /** Exception base class for all exceptions thrown by LOW_devDS2406. */
00070   class_DERIVE_FROM_EXCEPTION( devDS2406_error ,LOW_exception);
00074   //=====================================================================================
00075   //
00076   // constants
00077   //
00079   /** Family code of this specific device. */
00080   static const LOW_deviceIDRaw::devFamCode_t  familyCode = 0x12;
00082   /** Family name of this specific device. */
00083   static const std::string familyName;
00085   static const owCommand_t  ReadMemory_COMMAND         = 0xf0; /**< 1-Wire command byte constant */
00086   static const owCommand_t  ExtendedReadMemory_COMMAND = 0xa5; /**< 1-Wire command byte constant */
00087   static const owCommand_t  WriteMemory_COMMAND        = 0x0f; /**< 1-Wire command byte constant */
00088   static const owCommand_t  WriteStatus_COMMAND        = 0x55; /**< 1-Wire command byte constant */
00089   static const owCommand_t  ReadStatus_COMMAND         = 0xaa; /**< 1-Wire command byte constant */
00090   static const owCommand_t  ChannelAccess_COMMAND      = 0xf5; /**< 1-Wire command byte constant */
00094   //=====================================================================================
00095   //
00096   // type definitions
00097   //
00099   typedef std::vector<LOW_devDS2406*> devDS2406PtrVec_t;    /**< Vector type of class device pointers. */
00101   /** Type for PIO channel selection. */
00102   typedef enum { noneSelect=0, chanASelect=1, chanBSelect=2, chanBothSelect=3}  chanSelect_t;
00104   /** Type for search source selection. */
00105   typedef enum { latchSelect=1, flipFlopSelect=2, curStatusSelect=3}            sourceSelect_t;
00107   /** Type for PIO transistor states. */
00108   typedef enum { pioTransistorOn=0, pioTransistorOff=1}                         pioTransistor_t;
00110   /** Type for activity polarity selection. */
00111   typedef enum { activeLow=0, activeHigh=1}                                     activePolarity_t;
00113   /** DS2406 internal status register as defined by Dallas. */
00114   typedef struct statusRegister_t {
00115     activePolarity_t   activePolarity;
00116     sourceSelect_t     sourceSelect;
00117     chanSelect_t       channelSelect;
00118     pioTransistor_t    channelFFQ_pioA;
00119     pioTransistor_t    channelFFQ_pioB;
00120     bool               isExternalPowered;   // bit 7
00121   } statusRegister_t;
00124   //=====================================================================================
00125   //
00126   // classes
00127   //
00130   /** Class for accessing the PIO channels.
00132       The Channel Access command is used to access the PIO channels to sense the logical status
00133       of the output node and the output transistor and to change the status of the output transistor.
00135       As there are many combinations of reading/writing the command is implemented as a class.
00136       The programmer himself is responsible to match read/write cycles according to prior selected
00137       options on instance creation.
00139       For details see the original Dallas documentation.
00141       <B>Note:</B> As any other command creating an instance of this class locks the device.
00142                    Remember to destroy the object to release the device.
00143    */
00144   class cmd_ChannelAccess : public linkLock {
00146   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00147   public:
00149     //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00150     // type definitions
00151     //
00153     /** Type for CRC cycle selection. */
00154     typedef enum { CRC_disable=0, CRC_after1Byte=1, CRC_after8Byte=2, CRC_after32Byte=3} CRCtype_t;
00156     /** Type for interleave mode selection. */
00157     typedef enum { asyncInterleaveMode=0, syncInterleaveMode=1 }                         interleaveMode_t;
00159     /** Type for toggle mode selection. */
00160     typedef enum { noToggleMode=0, toggleMode=1}                                         toggleMode_t;
00162     /** Type for inition I/O mode selection. */
00163     typedef enum { writeMode=0, readMode=1}                                              initialMode_t;
00165     /** Type for latch reset selection. */
00166     typedef enum { noResetLatches=0, resetLatches=1}                                     activityLatchReset_t;
00168     /** DS2406 channel info as defined by Dallas. */
00169     typedef struct channelInfo_t {
00170       bool channelFFQ_pioA;     // bit 0
00171       bool channelFFQ_pioB;
00172       bool sensedLevel_pioA;
00173       bool sensedLevel_pioB;
00174       bool activityLatch_pioA;
00175       bool activityLatch_pioB;
00176       bool hasPioB;
00177       bool isExternalPowered;   // bit 7
00178     } channelInfo_t;
00180     //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00181     // constructors
00182     //
00184     /** Constructor with specification of command options.
00185         Obtains a lock on the device.
00187         @param  inDevice           Reference to the device the command operates on.
00188         @param  inCRCtype          CRC cycle selection.
00189         @param  inChanSelect       PIO channel selection.
00190         @param  inInterleaveMode   Interleave mode selection.
00191         @param  inToggleMode       Toggle mode selection.
00192         @param  inInitialMode      Initial I/O mode selection.
00193         @param  inALR              Latch reset selection.
00195         @throw devDS2406_error  Thrown when illegal combination of modes is selected.
00196      */
00197     cmd_ChannelAccess( const LOW_devDS2406 &inDevice,
00198                        const CRCtype_t inCRCtype, const chanSelect_t inChanSelect, 
00199                        const interleaveMode_t inInterleaveMode, const toggleMode_t inToggleMode, 
00200                        const initialMode_t inInitialMode, const activityLatchReset_t inALR);
00202     /** Destructor.
00203         Releases the lock on the device.
00204      */
00205     virtual ~cmd_ChannelAccess();
00207     //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00208     // methods
00209     //
00211     /** Get the channel info read after sending command.
00212      */
00213     virtual channelInfo_t& getChannelInfo();
00215     /** Receive 1 bit from the device.
00216         @return  Bit that was reveived.
00217      */
00218     virtual bool readDataBit() const;
00220     /** Receive 1 byte from the device.
00221         @return  Byte that was reveived.
00222      */
00223     virtual uint8_t readDataByte() const;
00225     /** Receive a block of bytes from the device.
00226         @param  outBytes   Values that were reveived. Read length is determined
00227                            by the preset length of the vector.
00228      */
00229     virtual void readData( byteVec_t &outBytes) const;
00231     /** Send 1 bit to the device.
00232         @param   inSendBit   Bit to send.
00233      */
00234     virtual void writeData( const bool inSendBit) const;
00236     /** Send 1 byte to the device.
00237         @param   inSendByte  Byte to send.
00238      */
00239     virtual void writeData( const uint8_t inSendByte) const;
00241     /** Send block of bytes to the device.
00242         @param  inSendBytes  Block of bytes to send.
00243      */
00244     virtual void writeData( const byteVec_t &inSendBytes) const;
00246   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00247   private:
00248     const LOW_devDS2406  &device;      /**< Device the command is operating on */
00249     channelInfo_t        channelInfo;  /**< Channel info received after issuing the command */
00251   };
00254   //=====================================================================================
00255   //
00256   // constructors
00257   //
00259   /** Real constructor corresponding to static pseudo constructor new_Instance().
00260       @param  inSegment  Reference to network segment the device is on.
00261       @param  inDevID    Reference to device's ID.
00262    */
00263   LOW_devDS2406( LOW_netSegment &inSegment, const LOW_deviceID &inDevID);
00265   /** Destructor.
00266    */
00267   virtual ~LOW_devDS2406();
00270   //=====================================================================================
00271   //
00272   // methods
00273   //
00275   /** Get the device's family code.
00276       <B>Note:</B> Subclasses must implement this method to return their specific family code.
00277       @return Family name of the device.
00278    */
00279   virtual const LOW_deviceIDRaw::devFamCode_t getFamilyCode() const { return familyCode; };
00281   /** Get the device's family name.
00282       <B>Note:</B> Subclasses must implement this method to return a clear text
00283                    name of their family.
00284       @return Family name of the device.
00285    */
00286   virtual const std::string getFamilyName() const { return familyName; };
00288   /** Get wether the device is externally powered.
00289       @return  Boolean indicates external power.
00290    */
00291   virtual bool getIsExternalPowered() const;
00294   /** Get wether the second PIO channel is present.
00295       @return  Boolean indicates presence of channel B.
00296    */
00297   virtual bool getHasPioB() const;
00300   /** Get the current search condition.
00301       See also setSearchCondition().
00303       @param  outStatusRegister  Pointer to status register struture. Results
00304                                  are filled in there.
00305    */
00306   virtual void getSearchCondition( LOW_devDS2406::statusRegister_t *outStatusRegister) const;
00309   /** Set the search condition and status of the PIO transistors.
00311       The condition is specified by the bit functions CSS0 to CSS4 in Status Memory location 7.
00312       At power-on all these bits are 1s. As long as the device remains powered up, the
00313       modified search conditions are available for use at any time.
00314       For the conditional search, one can specify
00315         - the polarity (HIGH or LOW; CSS0)
00316         - the source (PIO-pin, channel flip flop or activity latch; CSS1, CSS2)
00317         - the channel of interest (A, B or the logical OR of A, B; CSS3, CSS4)
00319       The table shows all qualifying conditions and the required settings for CSS0 to CSS4:
00320       <pre>
00322       -----------------+---------+--------------+-------------+---------
00323                        |         |CHANNEL SELECT|SOURCE SELECT|POLARITY
00324                        |         +------+-------+------+------+---------
00325        CONDITION       | CHANNEL | CSS4 | CSS3  | CSS2 | CSS1 | CSS0
00326       =================+=========+======+=======+======+======+=========
00327       RESERVED         |         |  Don't care  | 0    | 0    | 0/1
00328       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00329       Unconditional    |neither  | 0    | 0     | At least one| 0
00330                        |         |      |       | must be 1   |
00331       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00332       Activity Latch=0 | A       | 0    | 1     | 0    | 1    | 0
00333       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00334       Activity Latch=1 | A       | 0    | 1     | 0    | 1    | 1
00335       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00336       Channel FF = 0   | A       | 0    | 1     | 1    | 0    | 0
00337       (transistor on)  |         |      |       |      |      |
00338       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00339       Channel FF = 1   | A       | 0    | 1     | 1    | 0    | 1
00340       (transistor off) |         |      |       |      |      |
00341       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00342       PIO Low          | A       | 0    | 1     | 1    | 1    | 0
00343       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00344       PIO High         | A       | 0    | 1     | 1    | 1    | 1
00345       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00346       Activity Latch=0 | B       | 1    | 0     | 0    | 1    | 0
00347       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00348       Activity Latch=1 | B       | 1    | 0     | 0    | 1    | 1
00349       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00350       Channel FF = 0   | B       | 1    | 0     | 1    | 0    | 0
00351       (transistor on)  |         |      |       |      |      |
00352       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00353       Channel FF = 1   | B       | 1    | 0     | 1    | 0    | 1
00354       (transistor off) |         |      |       |      |      |
00355       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00356       PIO Low          | B       | 1    | 0     | 1    | 1    | 0
00357       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00358       PIO High         | B       | 1    | 0     | 1    | 1    | 1
00359       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00360       Activity Latch=0 | A or B  | 1    | 1     | 0    | 1    | 0
00361       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00362       Activity Latch=1 | A or B  | 1    | 1     | 0    | 1    | 1
00363       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00364       Channel FF = 0   | A or B  | 1    | 1     | 1    | 0    | 0
00365       (transistor on)  |         |      |       |      |      |
00366       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00367       Channel FF = 1   | A or B  | 1    | 1     | 1    | 0    | 1
00368       (transistor off) |         |      |       |      |      |
00369       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00370       PIO Low          | A or B  | 1    | 1     | 1    | 1    | 0
00371       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00372       PIO High         | A or B  | 1    | 1     | 1    | 1    | 1
00373       -----------------+---------+------+-------+------+------+---------
00374       </pre>
00376       @param inChanSelect      Select channel search condition.
00377       @param inSourceSelect    Select source search condition.
00378       @param inPolaritySelect  Select polarity search condition.
00379       @param inPioATrans       Status of PIO transistor A.
00380       @param inPioBTrans       Status of PIO transistor B.
00382       @throw devDS2406_error  Thrown when channel B is selected without being present.
00383    */
00384   virtual void setSearchCondition( const chanSelect_t inChanSelect, const sourceSelect_t inSourceSelect,
00385                                    const activePolarity_t inPolaritySelect,
00386                                    const pioTransistor_t inPioATrans, const pioTransistor_t inPioBTrans) const;
00389   /** Read from EPROM memory.
00391       The Read Memory command is used to read data from the 1024-bit EPROM data memory field.
00392       The bus master follows the command byte with a two-byte address (TA1=(T7:T0), TA2=(T15:T8))
00393       that indicates a starting byte location within the data field. With every subsequent read
00394       data time slot the bus master receives data from the DS2406 starting at the initial address
00395       and continuing until the end of the 1024-bits data field is reached or until a Reset Pulse
00396       is issued.
00398       If reading occurs through the end of memory space, the bus master issues sixteen additional
00399       read time slots and the DS2406 will respond with a 16-bit CRC of the command, address bytes
00400       and all data bytes read from the initial starting byte through the last byte of memory.
00401       This CRC is the result of clearing the CRC generator and then shifting in the command byte
00402       followed by the two address bytes and the data bytes beginning at the first addressed memory
00403       location and continuing through to the last byte of the EPROM data
00404       memory. Any reads ended by a Reset Pulse prior to reaching the end of memory will not have
00405       the 16-bit CRC available.
00407       Typically the software controlling the device should store a 16-bit CRC with each page
00408       of data to insure rapid, error-free data transfers that eliminate having to read a page
00409       multiple times to determine if the received data is correct or not. (See Book of DS19xx
00410       iButton Standards, Chapter 7 for the recommended file structure to be used with the 1-Wire
00411       environment). If CRC values are imbedded within the data it is unnecessary to read the
00412       end-of-memory CRC. The Read Memory command can be ended at any point by issuing a Reset Pulse.
00414       @param  inStartAddr  Start address for reading.
00415       @param  outBytes     Values that were reveived. Read length is determined
00416                            by the preset length of the vector.
00417    */
00418   virtual void cmd_ReadMemory( const uint8_t inStartAddr, byteVec_t &outBytes) const;
00421   //cmd_ExtendedReadMemory();  // Not implemented yet
00424   //cmd_WriteMemory();         // Not implemented yet
00427   /** Read from status memory.
00429       The Read Status command is used to read data from the Status Memory field. The functional flow
00430       of this command is identical to the Read Memory command. Since the Status Memory is only 8 bytes,
00431       the DS2406 will send the 16-bit CRC after the last byte of status information has been transmitted.
00433       DS2406 status memory map:
00434       <pre>
00435       ADDRESS   | BIT 7             | BIT 6         | BIT 5         | BIT 4        | BIT 3        | BIT 2       | BIT 1       | BIT 0
00436       ==========+===================+===============+===============+==============+==============+=============+=============+==========
00437       0 (EPROM) | BM3               | BM2           | BM1           | BM0          | WP3          | WP2         | WP1         | WP0
00438       ----------+-------------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+----------
00439       1 (EPROM) | 1                 | 1             | 1             | 1            | 1            | 1           | Redir. 0    | Redir. 0
00440       ----------+-------------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+----------
00441       2 (EPROM) | 1                 | 1             | 1             | 1            | 1            | 1           | Redir. 1    | Redir. 1
00442       ----------+-------------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+----------
00443       3 (EPROM) | 1                 | 1             | 1             | 1            | 1            | 1           | Redir. 2    | Redir. 2
00444       ----------+-------------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+----------
00445       4 (EPROM) | 1                 | 1             | 1             | 1            | 1            | 1           | Redir. 3    | Redir. 3
00446       ----------+-------------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+----------
00447       5 (EPROM) |                                                   EPROM Factory Test byte
00448       ----------+-------------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+----------
00449       6 (EPROM) |                                                 Don t care, always reads 00
00450       ----------+-------------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+----------
00451       7 (SRAM)  | Supply Indication | PIO-B Channel | PIO-A Channel | CSS4 Channel | CSS3 Channel | CSS2 Source | CSS1 Source | CSS0
00452                 | (read only)       | Flip-flop     | Flip-flop     |      Select  |      Select  |      Select |      Select | Polarity
00453       ----------+-------------------+---------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+----------
00454       </pre>
00456       @param  inStartAddr  Start address for reading.
00457       @param  outBytes     Values that were reveived. Read length is determined
00458                            by the preset length of the vector.
00460       @throw devDS2406_error  Thrown when illegal address is selected.
00461    */  
00462   virtual void cmd_ReadStatus( const uint8_t inStartAddr, byteVec_t &outBytes) const;
00465   /** Write to status memory.
00467       The Write Status command is used to program the Status Memory, which includes the
00468       specification of the Conditional Search Settings.
00470       The Status Memory address range is
00471       0000h to 0007h. The general programming algorithm is valid for the EPROM section of
00472       the Status Memory (addresses 0 to 4) only. The Status memory locations 5 and 6 are
00473       already pre-programmed to 00h and therefore cannot be altered. Status memory
00474       location 7 consists of static RAM, which can be reprogrammed without limitation.
00475       The supply indication (bit 7) is read-only; attempts to write to it are ignored. The
00476       function flow for writing to status memory location 7 is basically the same as for
00477       the other EPROM Status Memory Bytes. However, instead of a programming pulse the bus
00478       master sends a FFh byte (equivalent to 8 Write-One Time Slots) to transfer the new
00479       value from the scratchpad to the status memory.
00481       See also cmd_ReadStatus().
00483       @param  inStartAddr    Start address for reading.
00484       @param  inWriteBytes   Values to write.
00486       @throw devDS2406_error  Thrown when illegal address is selected.
00487    */
00488   virtual void cmd_WriteStatus( const uint8_t inStartAddr, const byteVec_t &inWriteBytes) const;
00492 //=======================================================================================
00493 protected:
00495   //=====================================================================================
00496   //
00497   // friends
00498   //
00500   friend class cmd_ChannelAccess;  /**< required for accessing the device's lock */
00503   //=====================================================================================
00504   //
00505   // attributes
00506   //
00508   bool  isExternalPowered;   /**< External supply indicator */
00509   bool  hasPioB;             /**< Wether the second PIO channel is present */
00512   //=====================================================================================
00513   //
00514   // static methods
00515   //
00517   /** Static pseudo constructor for registering with LOW_deviceFactory.
00518       @param  inSegment  Reference to network segment the device is on.
00519       @param  inDevID    Reference to device's ID.
00520       @return  New dynamic instance of specific device class.
00521    */
00522   static LOW_device* new_Instance( LOW_netSegment &inNetSegment, const LOW_deviceID &inDevID);
00525   //=====================================================================================
00526   //
00527   // methods
00528   //
00530   /** Universal, internal data reading.
00531       Implements common parts of memory reading.
00533       @param  inStartAddr  Start address for reading.
00534       @param  outBytes     Values that were reveived. Read length is determined
00535                            by the preset length of the vector.
00536       @param  inMaxLen     Maximum readable memory size.
00537       @param  inCommand    1-Wire command to start the read cycle.
00539       @throw devDS2406_error  Thrown when illegal address is selected.
00540    */
00541   virtual void readMemUniversal( const uint16_t inStartAddr, byteVec_t &outBytes, 
00542                                  const uint16_t inMaxLen, const owCommand_t inCommand) const;
00546 //=======================================================================================
00547 private:
00549   //=====================================================================================
00550   //
00551   // static initializer
00552   //
00554   /** Needed for dirty little C++ hack to force static initialization on application start.
00555       @see initialize()
00556   */
00557   static int initHelper;
00559   /** Static inizializer to register the class with LOW_deviceFactory.
00560       @see initHelper
00561   */
00562   static int initialize();
00564 };
00566 #endif

Generated on Tue Feb 3 11:30:25 2004 for OneWireLibrary++ by doxygen 1.3.2