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OneWireLibrary++ Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
LOW_componentAbstract base class for 1-Wire components
LOW_component::component_errorException base class for all exceptions thrown by LOW_component
LOW_devDS1820Device class for DS18S20 High-Precision 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
LOW_devDS1820::scratchpadDS1820_tDS1820 internal scratchpad as defined by Dallas
LOW_devDS2401Device class for DS2401 Silicon Serial Number
LOW_devDS2405Device class for DS2405 Addressable Switch
LOW_devDS2406Device class for DS2406 Dual Addressable Switch Plus 1 kbit Memory
LOW_devDS2406::cmd_ChannelAccessClass for accessing the PIO channels
LOW_devDS2406::cmd_ChannelAccess::channelInfo_tDS2406 channel info as defined by Dallas
LOW_devDS2406::statusRegister_tDS2406 internal status register as defined by Dallas
LOW_devDS2890Device class for DS2890 1-Wire Digital Potentiometer
LOW_devDS2890::controlRegister_tDS2890 internal control register as defined by Dallas
LOW_deviceAbstract base class for all 1-Wire devices
LOW_device::device_errorException base class for all exceptions thrown by LOW_device
LOW_device::familyMismatch_errorException class indicating a mismatch of expected/required family code
LOW_device::illegalCast_errorException class indicating that an illegal dynamic type cast on a device occured
LOW_device::linkLockLocking class to ensure exclusive access to a device
LOW_device::noDevice_errorException class indicating that the requested or any device could not be found
LOW_deviceFactoryFactory class for creating instances of classes derived from LOW_device
LOW_deviceIDClass for immutable 1-Wire ROM IDs
LOW_deviceIDRawBase class for 1-Wire ROM IDs
LOW_deviceIDRaw::deviceIDRaw_errorException base class for all exceptions thrown by LOW_deviceIDRaw
LOW_deviceIDRaw::range_errorException class indicating an illegal or out of range parameter
LOW_deviceIDRaw::sizeMismatch_errorException class indicating a mismatch of expected/required size in dynamic sized data types
LOW_devUnknownDevice class for (yet) unknown 1-Wire devices
LOW_exceptionBase class for all exception of this library
LOW_helper_CRCStatic functions for CRC calculation
LOW_helper_CRC::crc_errorException base class to indicate CRC errors
LOW_helper_msglogStatic class for message logging
LOW_helper_msglog::msgLockLocking class to ensure exclusive access to output streams
LOW_linkAbstract base class for 1-Wire link adapters
LOW_link::commLockLocking class to ensure exclusive access to a link
LOW_linkDS2480BLink class for DS2480B Serial 1-Wire Line Driver with Load Sensor
LOW_linkDS2480B::resetAnswer_tReset command reply
LOW_linkDS2490Link class for DS2490 USB to 1-Wire Bridge Chip
LOW_linkDS2490::deviceFeedback_tStatus information, decoded format
LOW_linkDS2490::deviceFeedbackRaw_tStatus information, raw format from device
LOW_linkDS2490::resultCode_tStatus information, decoded format
LOW_linkFlexibleSpeedMix-in class for 1-Wire link adapters capable of flexible speed
LOW_linkPassiveSerialLink class for simple passive serial 1-Wire adapters
LOW_netSegmentSingle segment of the 1-Wire net
LOW_netSegment::netSegment_errorException base class for all exceptions thrown by LOW_netSegment
LOW_netSegment::noDevice_errorException to indicate that one or more expeced devices were not found
LOW_networkClass to represent a whole 1-Wire network
LOW_network::network_errorException base class for all exceptions thrown by LOW_netSegment
LOW_objectIDFactoryFactory class for individual object IDs
LOW_objectSynchronizerMix-in class to synchronize access to methods on object basis
LOW_objectSynchronizer::__synchronizeMethodReadRead locking class to ensure exclusive access
LOW_objectSynchronizer::__synchronizeMethodReadWeakWeak read locking class to ensure exclusive access
LOW_objectSynchronizer::__synchronizeMethodWriteWrite locking class to ensure exclusive access
LOW_objectSynchronizer::__synchronizeMethodWriteWeakWeak write locking class to ensure exclusive access
LOW_objectSynchronizer::__synchronizeStaticReadRead locking class to ensure exclusive access
LOW_objectSynchronizer::__synchronizeStaticReadWeakWeak read locking class to ensure exclusive access
LOW_objectSynchronizer::__synchronizeStaticWriteWrite locking class to ensure exclusive access
LOW_objectSynchronizer::__synchronizeStaticWriteWeakWeak write locking class to ensure exclusive access
LOW_platformMiscAbstract base class for simple opering system dependent functions
LOW_platformMisc::timestamp_tData structure for timestamps
LOW_platformMisc_LinuxPlatform specific miscelanious for Linux platforms
LOW_platformMiscFactoryFactory class for platform specific objects of LOW_platformMisc
LOW_portSerialAbstract base class for serial ports
LOW_portSerial_LinuxPlatform specific portSerial for Linux platforms
LOW_portSerialFactoryFactory class for platform specific objects of LOW_portSerial
LOW_portUsb_FactoryFactory class for platform specific objects related to USB devices
LOW_portUsbDeviceAbstract base class for a device on a USB port
LOW_portUsbDevice_LinuxLinux specific implementation of LOW_portUsbDevice
LOW_thread_FactoryFactory class for platform specific objects related to threads
LOW_thread_mutexAbstract base class for thread mutex
LOW_thread_mutex::mutexLockLocking class for a mutex
LOW_thread_mutex_POSIXPlatform specific LOW_thread_mutex for POSIX platforms
LOW_thread_runableInterface class for objects implementing the "body" of a thread
LOW_thread_rwlockAbstract base class for read-write locks
LOW_thread_rwlock::rwLockReadRead locking class for a rwlock
LOW_thread_rwlock::rwLockWriteWrite locking class for a rwlock
LOW_thread_rwlock_POSIXPlatform specific LOW_thread_rwlock for POSIX platforms
LOW_thread_threadAbstract base class for threads
LOW_thread_thread_POSIXPlatform specific thread_thread for POSIX platforms

Generated on Tue Feb 3 11:30:46 2004 for OneWireLibrary++ by doxygen 1.3.2