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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002                           LOW_helper_crc.cpp  -  description
00003                              -------------------
00004     begin                : Sat Jul 6 2002
00005     copyright            : (C) 2002 by Harald Roelle
00006     email                :
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00012  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00013  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00014  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00015  *                                                                         *
00016  ***************************************************************************/
00019 #include "LOW_helper_crc.h"
00022 //=====================================================================================
00023 //
00024 // constants
00025 //
00027 const uint8_t LOW_helper_CRC::crc8Table[256] = {
00028      0, 94,188,226, 97, 63,221,131,194,156,126, 32,163,253, 31, 65,
00029    157,195, 33,127,252,162, 64, 30, 95,  1,227,189, 62, 96,130,220,
00030     35,125,159,193, 66, 28,254,160,225,191, 93,  3,128,222, 60, 98,
00031    190,224,  2, 92,223,129, 99, 61,124, 34,192,158, 29, 67,161,255,
00032     70, 24,250,164, 39,121,155,197,132,218, 56,102,229,187, 89,  7,
00033    219,133,103, 57,186,228,  6, 88, 25, 71,165,251,120, 38,196,154,
00034    101, 59,217,135,  4, 90,184,230,167,249, 27, 69,198,152,122, 36,
00035    248,166, 68, 26,153,199, 37,123, 58,100,134,216, 91,  5,231,185,
00036    140,210, 48,110,237,179, 81, 15, 78, 16,242,172, 47,113,147,205,
00037     17, 79,173,243,112, 46,204,146,211,141,111, 49,178,236, 14, 80,
00038    175,241, 19, 77,206,144,114, 44,109, 51,209,143, 12, 82,176,238,
00039     50,108,142,208, 83, 13,239,177,240,174, 76, 18,145,207, 45,115,
00040    202,148,118, 40,171,245, 23, 73,  8, 86,180,234,105, 55,213,139,
00041     87,  9,235,181, 54,104,138,212,149,203, 41,119,244,170, 72, 22,
00042    233,183, 85, 11,136,214, 52,106, 43,117,151,201, 74, 20,246,168,
00043    116, 42,200,150, 21, 75,169,247,182,232, 10, 84,215,137,107, 53,
00044 };
00046 const uint16_t LOW_helper_CRC::crc16Table[256] = {
00047     0x0000,  0xc0c1,  0xc181,  0x0140,  0xc301,  0x03c0,  0x0280,  0xc241,
00048     0xc601,  0x06c0,  0x0780,  0xc741,  0x0500,  0xc5c1,  0xc481,  0x0440,
00049     0xcc01,  0x0cc0,  0x0d80,  0xcd41,  0x0f00,  0xcfc1,  0xce81,  0x0e40,
00050     0x0a00,  0xcac1,  0xcb81,  0x0b40,  0xc901,  0x09c0,  0x0880,  0xc841,
00051     0xd801,  0x18c0,  0x1980,  0xd941,  0x1b00,  0xdbc1,  0xda81,  0x1a40,
00052     0x1e00,  0xdec1,  0xdf81,  0x1f40,  0xdd01,  0x1dc0,  0x1c80,  0xdc41,
00053     0x1400,  0xd4c1,  0xd581,  0x1540,  0xd701,  0x17c0,  0x1680,  0xd641,
00054     0xd201,  0x12c0,  0x1380,  0xd341,  0x1100,  0xd1c1,  0xd081,  0x1040,
00055     0xf001,  0x30c0,  0x3180,  0xf141,  0x3300,  0xf3c1,  0xf281,  0x3240,
00056     0x3600,  0xf6c1,  0xf781,  0x3740,  0xf501,  0x35c0,  0x3480,  0xf441,
00057     0x3c00,  0xfcc1,  0xfd81,  0x3d40,  0xff01,  0x3fc0,  0x3e80,  0xfe41,
00058     0xfa01,  0x3ac0,  0x3b80,  0xfb41,  0x3900,  0xf9c1,  0xf881,  0x3840,
00059     0x2800,  0xe8c1,  0xe981,  0x2940,  0xeb01,  0x2bc0,  0x2a80,  0xea41,
00060     0xee01,  0x2ec0,  0x2f80,  0xef41,  0x2d00,  0xedc1,  0xec81,  0x2c40,
00061     0xe401,  0x24c0,  0x2580,  0xe541,  0x2700,  0xe7c1,  0xe681,  0x2640,
00062     0x2200,  0xe2c1,  0xe381,  0x2340,  0xe101,  0x21c0,  0x2080,  0xe041,
00063     0xa001,  0x60c0,  0x6180,  0xa141,  0x6300,  0xa3c1,  0xa281,  0x6240,
00064     0x6600,  0xa6c1,  0xa781,  0x6740,  0xa501,  0x65c0,  0x6480,  0xa441,
00065     0x6c00,  0xacc1,  0xad81,  0x6d40,  0xaf01,  0x6fc0,  0x6e80,  0xae41,
00066     0xaa01,  0x6ac0,  0x6b80,  0xab41,  0x6900,  0xa9c1,  0xa881,  0x6840,
00067     0x7800,  0xb8c1,  0xb981,  0x7940,  0xbb01,  0x7bc0,  0x7a80,  0xba41,
00068     0xbe01,  0x7ec0,  0x7f80,  0xbf41,  0x7d00,  0xbdc1,  0xbc81,  0x7c40,
00069     0xb401,  0x74c0,  0x7580,  0xb541,  0x7700,  0xb7c1,  0xb681,  0x7640,
00070     0x7200,  0xb2c1,  0xb381,  0x7340,  0xb101,  0x71c0,  0x7080,  0xb041,
00071     0x5000,  0x90c1,  0x9181,  0x5140,  0x9301,  0x53c0,  0x5280,  0x9241,
00072     0x9601,  0x56c0,  0x5780,  0x9741,  0x5500,  0x95c1,  0x9481,  0x5440,
00073     0x9c01,  0x5cc0,  0x5d80,  0x9d41,  0x5f00,  0x9fc1,  0x9e81,  0x5e40,
00074     0x5a00,  0x9ac1,  0x9b81,  0x5b40,  0x9901,  0x59c0,  0x5880,  0x9841,
00075     0x8801,  0x48c0,  0x4980,  0x8941,  0x4b00,  0x8bc1,  0x8a81,  0x4a40,
00076     0x4e00,  0x8ec1,  0x8f81,  0x4f40,  0x8d01,  0x4dc0,  0x4c80,  0x8c41,
00077     0x4400,  0x84c1,  0x8581,  0x4540,  0x8701,  0x47c0,  0x4680,  0x8641,
00078     0x8201,  0x42c0,  0x4380,  0x8341,  0x4100,  0x81c1,  0x8081,  0x4040
00079 };
00083 //=====================================================================================
00084 //
00085 // constructors
00086 //
00088 LOW_helper_CRC::LOW_helper_CRC()
00089 {
00090 };
00093 LOW_helper_CRC::~LOW_helper_CRC()
00094 {
00095 };
00099 //=====================================================================================
00100 //
00101 // static methods
00102 //
00104 const uint8_t LOW_helper_CRC::calcCRC8( const uint8_t *inBuf, const unsigned int inLen, const uint8_t inPreloadCRC)
00105 { 
00106   uint8_t crc = inPreloadCRC;
00108   for( unsigned int a=0; a<inLen; a++)
00109     crc = crc8Table[ crc ^ *inBuf++ ];  
00111   return crc;
00112 }
00115 const uint8_t LOW_helper_CRC::calcCRC8( const byteVec_t &inVec, const uint8_t inPreloadCRC)
00116 {
00117   uint8_t crc = inPreloadCRC;
00119   for( unsigned int a=0; a<inVec.size(); a++)
00120     crc = crc8Table[ crc ^ inVec[a] ];
00122   return crc;
00123 }
00126 const uint16_t LOW_helper_CRC::calcCRC16( const uint8_t *inBuf, const unsigned int inLen, const uint16_t inPreloadCRC)
00127 {
00128   uint16_t crc = inPreloadCRC;
00130   for( unsigned int a=0; a<inLen; a++)
00131     crc = crc16Table[ (crc ^ *inBuf++) & 0xff ] ^ (crc>>8);
00133   return crc;
00134 }
00137 const uint16_t LOW_helper_CRC::calcCRC16( const byteVec_t &inVec, const uint16_t inPreloadCRC)
00138 {
00139   uint16_t crc = inPreloadCRC;
00141   for( unsigned int a=0; a<inVec.size(); a++)
00142     crc = crc16Table[ (crc ^ inVec[a]) & 0xff ] ^ (crc>>8);
00144   return crc;
00145 }

Generated on Tue Feb 3 11:30:25 2004 for OneWireLibrary++ by doxygen 1.3.2