In [LuSl 97d], [LuSl 97a], and [LuSl 97b] metapolicies are used
as a way to specify logical predicates over different policies, which
were described in section .
They are introduced because conflicts may arise between policies applied to the same object processing different management functionalities, or policies are applied to objects which are members of several domains.
The metapolicies are policies about permitted policies and
their only purpose is to specify application specific consistency
constraints pertaining the contents of policies in one domain. They
can be expressed as logical predicates applying to sets of policy
objects within a domain. Table shows the
predicate specifying a conflict as an example where a conflict of
duties exists: The same manager cannot both authorise payment
and sign the payment cheque.
At the Imperial College the predicates are translated into Prolog statements in order to find conflicts in a developed policy-based system.